If some one have something to hide and he/she shame about it, do you think he will give you the right answer?!
No, So your statistics will be wrong, because your sample is wrong, only honest people will answer, or other will lie.
If you want to collect to understand why they have multiple accounts or alts in different name, you can't understand,
as I noticed, and met many that have alts, some want to spy others, some for privacy from being spied, or to protect him real life, some wants to cheat his partner, etc, some just like for trying to join another type of hordes and test, I remember that from MMORPG games when there is guilds and teams, they make new account to join enemies and test if they are better to stay with them, or spy, or just went bored in his old team, or for racist reasons, etc.
So some reason are good, some reasons are bad.
Me in metaverse I am very new, but I have alts one for RL name I do not use it, just I like to register my real name, one for developing, one for playing games, one for backup.