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Jerralyn Franzic: Whoo... just like SL... Legacy seems to be gaining ground in the fantasy depth. Anyway, this outfit is... *jaw drops* 2 months ago

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Tidal beach at Madrigal

Lillysparks: Looks amazing. Let me know if you would like some surfable waves and a surfboard rezzer. xoxo 3 months ago

LE TERRACE- THE only Alien places where one can play greedy, sip an alien coffee and have a view from Jupiter.

----- NEW RELEASE -----

As the rickshaw, its wooden frame creaking with every turn of the wheels, carried a woman adorned in the intricate garments of her dynasty, a delicate sight unfolded before her. A little chicken, its feathers glistening under the sun, innocently pecked at grains scattered across the dusty path. With a sudden jolt, the rickshaw lurched forward, its operator perhaps distracted by the grandeur of his passenger. In a split second, the fragile creature found itself caught beneath the wheels, a tragic casualty of haste and carelessness. The woman's heart sank as she witnessed the scene unfold, a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and mindfulness in navigating the Rickshaws at Zensational's Sakuragawa. In the aftermath, amidst the clucking of nearby hens, a lesson resonated deeply—a plea for caution to all who tread the paths of life, urging them to watch carefully, lest they trample the innocent underfoot.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: Very romantic sim! The boat rides and horse riding is just gorgeous. 2 months ago

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EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter // The only SIM where chihuahuas have the latest barkware update – now equipped with a firewall against mail carriers and a tail-wagging encryption algorithm!

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SN Nova Sport DRESS
incl. Single Sneakers
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

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its officially ready, come down to three rivers and check out our small shops on diff street corners, they are scattered round town.. enjoy exploring and finding our lil treasures


Check out Lone Wolf's Wolf Territories Grid for the best Modern Virtual Land!
Yes folks! Come on down to Lone Wolf's today for some amazing offers, tools and fun!


Lets begin with

The Italian GRID "VIRTUALIFE GRID" Have been taken a lot of my outfits from Bella Donna & Black Shades store they have made other pictures and put up my outfits on there mall called PORT AURORA
hop:// Aurora/129/46/28
They have even take my friend Belindas outfits to from MI AMORE city area REBORN OUTFITS.
The Owners of this GRID were in Jungle and were kicked of the GRID beacuse they steal a lot from here and put up at other areas and at there GRID. They have put out outfits
with there name as creator and made pics. They have taken one of the Black Shades Logo that I have made.
This is not the first time they take from other GRIDS.
I hope people will not support the GRID and let me know if you see more at the area. This people are Italian and they used Jungle GRID to get stuff. They have taken from Arkham GRID and many more GRIDS at there area REBORN outfits.
I wanna thank you all who is supporting me , Belinda & Angelina Santorini.
I will never give my permission to add my stuff or outfits on other GRIDS or shops. Always ask.

Arthur Owner
"Bella Donna"
"Mi Amore"


Cominciamo con

Il GRID italiano "VIRTUALIFE GRID" Sono stati presi molti dei miei abiti dal negozio Bella Donna e Black Shades, hanno fatto altre foto e hanno messo i miei abiti nel centro commerciale chiamato AURORA hop:// /Porto Aurora/129/46/28
Hanno persino portato gli abiti della mia amica Belindas dall'area della città di MI AMORE REBORN OUTFITS.
I proprietari di questo GRID erano nella giungla e sono stati espulsi dal GRID perché rubano molto da qui e si insediano in altre aree e lì GRID. Hanno messo fuori degli abiti
con il nome come creatore e foto realizzate. Hanno preso uno dei loghi Black Shades che ho realizzato.
Non è la prima volta che prelevano da altre GRIGLIE.
Spero che le persone non supportino il GRID e fatemi sapere se ne vedete altri in zona. Queste persone sono italiane e hanno usato Jungle GRID per procurarsi le cose. Hanno preso da Arkham GRID e molti altri GRID nella zona abiti REBORN.
Voglio ringraziare tutti coloro che mi supportano, Belinda e Angelina Santorini.
Non darò mai il mio permesso ad aggiungere le mie cose o i miei outfit su altre GRIGLIE o negozi. Chiedi sempre.

Arthur Proprietario
"Bella Donna"
"Mi Amore"


Comencemos con

El GRID italiano "VIRTUALIFE GRID" tomó muchos de mis conjuntos de la tienda Bella Donna & Black Shades, hicieron otras fotos y colocaron mis conjuntos en el centro comercial llamado AURORA hop:// /Puerto Aurora/129/46/28
Incluso han llevado los trajes de mi amiga Belinda a los REBORN OUTFITS del área de la ciudad de MI AMORE.
Los propietarios de este GRID estaban en Jungle y fueron expulsados del GRID porque roban mucho de aquí y se alojan en otras áreas y en GRID. Han sacado trajes
con su nombre como creador y fotos hechas. Han cogido uno de los Black Shades Logo que he hecho.
No es la primera vez que toman de otras GRIDS.
Espero que la gente no apoye GRID y avíseme si ve más en el área. Esta gente es italiana y usaron Jungle GRID para conseguir cosas. Han tomado de Arkham GRID y muchos más GRIDS en la zona de trajes REBORN.
Quiero agradecerles a todos los que me apoyan, Belinda y Angelina Santorini.
Nunca daré permiso para agregar mis cosas o conjuntos en otras GRIDS o tiendas. Pregunta siempre.

Arturo propietario
"Bella Donna"
"Mi amor"

Now we are opening up a new fascinating club in Bella Terra "Nautilus" Come and take a look bring your loved one or come alone!

hop:// Terra/227/49/25

Ellen: Wow so beautiful! Reminds me of a hotel in Dubai!!! 4 months ago
All about transgender people. :)
Transgender - From Wikipedia, "A transgender person (often shortened to trans person) is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth."

Transexual - A transgender person who desires medical assistance to transistion from one sex to another.

Transgender - includes transmen, transwomen, non-binary, genderqueer,gender 3 people, drag queens, drag kings, cross-dressers.

Gender 3 - A person who is neither a man or a woman.

Being transgender is distinct from sexual orientation, and transgender people may identify as heterosexual (straight), homosexual (gay or lesbian), bisexual, asexual, pansexual, or non-label.

cisgender - gender identity matches assigned sex at birth.

Transfeminine - any person, binary or non-binary, who was assigned male at birth and has a predominantly feminine gender identity or presentation.

Transmasculine - a person, binary or non-binary, who was assigned female at birth who has a predominantly masculine gender identity or presentation.

androphylic transexual - a transexual attracted to men.

gynephilic transexual - a transexual attracted to women.

bisexual transexual - a transexual attracted to both men and women.

asexual transexual - a transexual attracted to neither men or women.

pansexual transexual - a transexual attracted to men and women, but also the entire transexual spectrum.

non binary transexual - agender, androgynous, androgynes, bigender, pangender, or genderfluid, and exist outside of cisnormativity.

agender non-binary transexual - genderless transexual.

androgynous non-binary transexual - identifies as being both male & female simultaneously.

androgynes non-binary transexual - identifies as being beyond both male & female simultaneously.

intergender androgynes non-binary transexual - identifies as being between male & female genders.

bigender non-binary transexual - switches to male or female gender.

genderfluid non-binary transexual - moves between male & female roles.

transvestite - synonym for cross-dresser. a person who dresses in opposite cis gender style.

Faux Queen - woman who does female drag.

Pagane: Some of what I say in this post and others these days makes me angry and sad at the same time. People who aren't affected don't know what it's like to encounter rejection and hatred everywhere just be... 9 days ago

2 New avatars you can found them at LFG11 Littlefield Anniversary Expo hop:// Till Abril 30 (after at Mexico Lindo ) -

Caribougrid is open for 18+ Avatars from all Grids. Yes, All Grids. Always.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others - LGBTIQA+ - All welcome, all equal

The best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

No groups just 18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne.

Safe Hot Amazing. Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid

Avatars. Other Grid Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.

Feel free to talk with Jeanne or any other Caribou management member.

Caribougrid AV:

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Cameos have a rich history dating back to ancient times, where they were often used to depict romantic scenes or symbols of love. Add your favorite image to the cameo, and click to open. I also have heart lockets and an endless supply of heart-themed jewelry perfect for Valentine's Day. Jewelry

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Lillysparks: I bet it is very pretty 1 month ago

new shop rugs n stuff, coming soon


we have created an airports database for Wolf Territories Grid, thought are at the moment some kind of navigation hud thingamabob, maybe auto flying planes between regions....

On the rocks .... looks down to the seabed

three rivers statue of liberty is finally accessible, u can teleport to the top of the base, you can also catch the almost island new monorail train here .

I have new requests for new charm bracelets. Themes are fun, especially for events. If you would like a special bracelet designed for your grid just IM with the details Thank you for all the IM and support! It is always such an inspiration reading your notes, thank you I love you too 𖨆♡𖨆

Marianna: A recent IM asked "What is a good resource for mesh clothing. I will post here so that you can refer back to this post for the links-----> To the dudes out there saying we need more clothes for the g... 3 months ago
New Local Region Teleporters, you can set them up in our web based control panel and just have them locally or share them with the grid on our destination guide/stargate system

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Enjoying some classic Love Songs today. Still a lot of time and room for YOU!!

Oldietime im Roadhouse
am: Mittwoch den 17.04.2024
Ab: 19Uhr --- 10 am Bikers Heaven

Opening Soon!

FayeD: Im so excited for The Underground Club to Open on Saturday. Its gonna be so much fum 2 months ago

three rivers is still here and soon will have a ferry to the new almost islands train

HG Safari came to visit us at Paragon Park on Jan, 31 2024 here is a link to the HG Safari page of their visit Than you Thirza Ember for bringing the tour to Barefoot-Dreamers !
Did you know Eternity Night Club Has Games at the coffee shop? Greedy Every Sunday Morning at 7am, We Have Greedy, Chess, Checkers, Parcheesj, Uno, Zyngo, Poker, we also have Free Fishing with Prizes on The Dock by The Beach and sooo much more. op://