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All about transgender people. :)
Transgender - From Wikipedia, "A transgender person (often shortened to trans person) is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth."

Transexual - A transgender person who desires medical assistance to transistion from one sex to another.

Transgender - includes transmen, transwomen, non-binary, genderqueer,gender 3 people, drag queens, drag kings, cross-dressers.

Gender 3 - A person who is neither a man or a woman.

Being transgender is distinct from sexual orientation, and transgender people may identify as heterosexual (straight), homosexual (gay or lesbian), bisexual, asexual, pansexual, or non-label.

cisgender - gender identity matches assigned sex at birth.

Transfeminine - any person, binary or non-binary, who was assigned male at birth and has a predominantly feminine gender identity or presentation.

Transmasculine - a person, binary or non-binary, who was assigned female at birth who has a predominantly masculine gender identity or presentation.

androphylic transexual - a transexual attracted to men.

gynephilic transexual - a transexual attracted to women.

bisexual transexual - a transexual attracted to both men and women.

asexual transexual - a transexual attracted to neither men or women.

pansexual transexual - a transexual attracted to men and women, but also the entire transexual spectrum.

non binary transexual - agender, androgynous, androgynes, bigender, pangender, or genderfluid, and exist outside of cisnormativity.

agender non-binary transexual - genderless transexual.

androgynous non-binary transexual - identifies as being both male & female simultaneously.

androgynes non-binary transexual - identifies as being beyond both male & female simultaneously.

intergender androgynes non-binary transexual - identifies as being between male & female genders.

bigender non-binary transexual - switches to male or female gender.

genderfluid non-binary transexual - moves between male & female roles.

transvestite - synonym for cross-dresser. a person who dresses in opposite cis gender style.

Faux Queen - woman who does female drag.

Pagane: Some of what I say in this post and others these days makes me angry and sad at the same time. People who aren't affected don't know what it's like to encounter rejection and hatred everywhere just be... 26 days ago
Dopo una lunga convalescenza in ospedale, sono tornata a casa. Una brutta caduta mi ha provocato molti danni alla caviglia sx ho subito 2 interventi mi hanno da prima sistemalo le ossa con estensore esterno, poi oprerata hai tendini e infine ingessata. :) questa è la vita

Essensual: I hope you get well soon. I know what that feels like 3 months ago

We now have speech to text on Wolf Territories Grid. This is mainly for meetings and for our hard of hearing / deaf members. < demo video

Arielle: Is this Grid speech to text ability exclusively for Wolf Grid or do you intend to either share it freely or sell the capability for others? 2 months ago

The wildest animal drummer in history!! New created NPC out of Froggies costumes

CyberGlo CyberStar: hhahaha! i love it. so funny! :D I laughed my butt off...! hehehee There it is ---> (__.__) 12 days ago

Decided to work on a mermaid look on a whim. An old outfit that I retextured parts of. Photo taken at Luxor.

Ankhsenaton: I love your Luxor! As you can imagin with my name ;-) Did you made this mermaid outfit available ? thanks 10 days ago
Hey everyone, in just a few days I will be on vacation. May 17-26th, I am going where there are sunny skies and palm trees.

During that time i wont be in world much if at all, but if there are any problems with the grid send me a message. You can message me here or via email on my website. I will respond when i am able.

To all hg users and members, if you hop to virtual beach region and teleport board is all white, just click up top where it says touch to update and you should be good to go.

im still here for a few more days but after that, ill see you when i get back.

Kylie Brimmer: Enjoy your vacation and travel safe too! 1 month ago

Star Ravenhurst: Congratulations Mr. Wolf on all that you have accomplished and the well-deserved recognition. Three years isn't very long to achieve what you have done. Bravo! I suspect you have surrounded yourself w... 1 month ago

Lillysparks: I bet it is very pretty 2 months ago

Welcome to Harvest Church your sate of the art church experience :))

CyberGlo CyberStar: 1st Corinthians ch 14 v 34: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 35And if the... 5 days ago

With all the haters, negative comments and drama, I think Opensim needs to add an "unlike" or "not cool" button. What's your thoughts?

KrisTina: Down votes are for the weak. 27 days ago
ARACNO AIRWAYS office at SPACEPORT (*) in EUROPA. Humans NOT ALLOWED... If you enter, well... take a look for yourself and never complain about the sentence "The curiosity killed the cat" lolol

(*) At welcome area or at MAGABAGA Mall, there is a big tp board to that destination.

Jimmy Olsen: My apologies. Aracno Airways was not offering properly its "service". had to redo script little bit, guess people they came today havent seen all of it. its working now. 17 days ago

Having fun with a new project at the Emporium

Mistressdalgato: im now going to come and visit 1 month ago

Bobby can now generate Photos, Terrains and much more
Youtube Video

Passion Jumanji: OH BOBBY! You are getting smarter & smarter as each day goes by! OH BOBBY! You melt my heart! ;) Keep up the good work, Bobby & Lone TOOOOOO! ;) 1 month ago
Wir laden Euch herzlichst ein, mit uns im Schaum zu feiern. Zieht Eure Badesachen an oder holt Euch vor Ort das passende zum Anziehen. Am 13.05.2024 ab 19 Uhr legt DJane Sylvia für uns auf.
Nimm dir Zeit für Dinge die dich Glücklich machen.


We warmly invite you to celebrate with us in the foam. Put on your swimwear or get something suitable to wear on site. On May 13th, 2024 from 7 p.m. DJane Sylvia will be playing for us.
Take time for things that make you happy.

Sylvia-Koeln: Smaili ♥ 1 month ago

We've revamped our welcome area.

Ginger Snaps (Snips): Beautiful 2 months ago
New Eborn Rebody shoes, available full-perm in 12 colours (their tint-able), feel free to copy and re-distribute. Not available in SecondLife. Made by me. Please don't ever sell these, anywhere, ever. Only to be given away, free of charge. of Merci

snik snoodle: @Suzan_vonOtter Nice One! :) 2 months ago
Hey Everyone :)
I'm Performing at Wolf Fest at 12:00pm
Come join in the celebrations, request a song or two, and have some fun with us!
Ride: hop://

IndigoQueen King: My first time hearing you sing Rogue!! I loved it!!! Thank you so very much for helping make our Wolf Fest amazing! Appreciate you. What an awesome performance. Huggies 22 hours ago
*EUROPA MINES* Now open for public (at least the ones with no faint hearts). Explore among the Magabagalium crystals and beware of creepy creatures that sneak around.....
at EUROPA SIM, look for the big glassy teleport board and pick up as destination EUROPA MINES.
Enjoy ::)

Aurora Starchild: Gooorgeous! 3 days ago

If you don't get hungry... that's Thaddius Taco... looks good in every dance club and annoys every vegetarian!!

LeonitasLionheart: He looks like he's fixin' to make a run for the border... 12 days ago
Complete Rental System : new release 2.00
Now with :
. Multiple tenants
. Multiple admins
. for local users only(or not)

If you upgrade from 1.xx to 2.00, you'll have to do a "Reset Data" on the Server.

Valerie NatureInSim: If you upgrade from 1.xx to 2.00, you'll have to do a "Reset Data" on the Server. 1 month ago

News! hop://

Morgan Chaplin: Beautiful clothes thank you for sharing. 1 month ago
Leather has long been associated with luxury and sophistication. Its rich texture, distinct smell, and timeless appeal evoke a sense of opulence and prestige. Throughout history, leather has been used to craft items for the elite, symbolizing wealth, status, and refinement.

"leather textures" by bm.iphone is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Come see the Leather collection of textures that are waiting for your next project!

Textures Trees & Scripts

Lizzy: Oh....mmmmm......Leather....whips, corsets, floggers, gags, bindings.......the list is endless, but sooooooooooooo erotic ;-) 2 months ago


Jerralyn Franzic: Whoo... just like SL... Legacy seems to be gaining ground in the fantasy depth. Anyway, this outfit is... *jaw drops* 2 months ago
A stunning render of Fantasy Land, a quaint and whimsical village of mushroom houses. The scene features adorable, colorful houses with mushroom caps, each with unique architectural details. An inviting pathway winds through the village, leading to a cozy-looking central gathering spot. The soft, glowing sunlight creates a warm atmosphere, and the surrounding forest is filled with vibrant flora and fauna.

SilviaFrey: Donde se puede visitar? 3 months ago

Happy Wolf Fest day check our website for events. FREE festival, education, tech talks and much more.

Xenon Darrow: So we are doing this quarterly now, RIGHT? RIGHT? ;p 2 days ago

Summer will be hot and it's always good to have your own fire hydrant. This is the last NPC novelty for now. If you are further interested, please let me know.

Kylie Brimmer: i cannot get this one as it said "This item doesn't appear to be for sale" 10 days ago
🌿🌌 Welcome to Iknimaya: A Pandoran Paradise! 🌌🌿
Step into a world inspired by the awe-inspiring landscapes of the movie Avatar. Welcome to Iknimaya, where the wonders of Pandora come to life before your very eyes. At the landing, you'll find a box of beautiful Pandoran flowers created in the early days before mesh, we called it torturing prims (a favorite pastime). The region is lush, and enjoyable to explore, “I see you.” Thank you @JoeBuilder and @FerdFrederix for adding to the lovely plant collection here.

Marianna: @JoeBuilder thank you for jogging my memory!! Last year Joe gave me beautiful Pandoran plants AND a direhorse, I got busy with RL working and forgot to put him out! Thank you for reminding me Joe, ... 1 month ago

Main Railroad Station at Wolf Territories Region ( a short walk from Wolf Mountain, okay maybe a long walk)

Aurora Starchild: Love it, great work on the material layers - love the light reflections! 2 months ago
A new season of Safari began on Wednesday - thanks to all friends, old and new, who joined us to visit CyberGlo on Wizardry and then Jimmy Olsen on Europa, with Xenon Darrow guiding us around Jimmy's build - both spectacular and informative places.
Here's the Safari blog posts, telling our story - plus, a few pics of the really lovely build by Lampithaler that premiered yesterday.

Luna Lunaria: This was a fun tour :-) 2 months ago

We now have text-to-speech as well as speech-to-text in world.

Star Ravenhurst: That is awesome Mr. Wolf! After my gallery opening, I will be spending some time on your grid. I am looking forward to it! Good work! I need to go shopping for my avi! :) 2 months ago

Embrace nature's elegance with this exquisite sunflower ring. This is just one of the many jewelry pieces you will find at Monentes Jewelry. Jewelry

JaniceHubbenfluff: These are truly wonderful! 2 months ago

Opening Soon!

FayeD: Im so excited for The Underground Club to Open on Saturday. Its gonna be so much fum 2 months ago
As the rickshaw, its wooden frame creaking with every turn of the wheels, carried a woman adorned in the intricate garments of her dynasty, a delicate sight unfolded before her. A little chicken, its feathers glistening under the sun, innocently pecked at grains scattered across the dusty path. With a sudden jolt, the rickshaw lurched forward, its operator perhaps distracted by the grandeur of his passenger. In a split second, the fragile creature found itself caught beneath the wheels, a tragic casualty of haste and carelessness. The woman's heart sank as she witnessed the scene unfold, a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and mindfulness in navigating the Rickshaws at Zensational's Sakuragawa. In the aftermath, amidst the clucking of nearby hens, a lesson resonated deeply—a plea for caution to all who tread the paths of life, urging them to watch carefully, lest they trample the innocent underfoot.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: Very romantic sim! The boat rides and horse riding is just gorgeous. 2 months ago

news! hop://

Bebe: really cute Marpil ty so much 2 months ago


Jerralyn Franzic: Yay, for LaraX! Can't wait to try it :) 5 months ago
*EUROPA COLONY SIM* SIMs where all dwellings will be from now on. To tap into this place, go to EUROPA and at welcome are you will see a big glassy teleport board. Enjoy.
PS. there are other destinations as EUROPA FARM and EUROPA MINES, feel free to explore but at these places, still a lot to be done.

Xenon Darrow: I love my and Ginger's little house and our HUGE garden! :) 5 days ago

Yes folks, £5 regions are back at Wolf Territories Grid for a Limited Time. With Free terrain generator. Available in 1024x1024 to well whatever you like ( we have a 64x64)

Xenon Darrow: Best decision you could ever make, HG peeps. DO EEEET! 27 days ago

Our wonderful new theatre designed by Luna Lunaria

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh thsoe are some fancy chairs! 2 months ago

I put a Mer level in .... I finally found a good tail (merman) and a seperate ao thats better than the old ones, I found them here ..

Safinemahoe2: Thank you for the mention; I am so glad we could help you with your merman tail. Great looking build! 2 months ago
We have opened a store for you with various tattoo equipment and furniture as well as decorative elements. All furniture does not have menus. You can equip it yourself. The small tattoo store can be found above the Welcome Tower in the old town of Yin Yang Town.