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Walter Balazic @wbalazic

Littlefield Grid Offline

Owner/Operator of Littlefield Grid.

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Rigged 3D models for use as avatars or animesh. Open to commissions, send me a notecard inworld with your request.

Antonia Ling: Wonderful stuff! Love it... 3 years ago
Happy New Year to all Opensim grid owners and users alike. I just want to add my thoughts as a few others have on the past year. We have all seen growth or maybe a decline in our grids and even so far as to have our grids banned by other grid owners. Isn't it bad enough real life has tossed us a pandemic to deal with. Losing Family & Friends we have cherished for years to a sickness we can't get control of. We all come online to escape real life even if just for a few hours, to forget our troubles and just have that bit of time to relax, have fun ... and maybe meet a new friend or two.

I recently had one of my users come to me and say why am I banned from such and such grid? My answer of course is "I have no idea no one has contacted me about any issues." I can tell you this ....if I have an issue with a user visiting my grid I am going to ban the offending user/users not the grid they came from. Banning the whole grid for the unfortunate actions of 1 or 2 users in my opinion is childish and very unfair to all the good users from that grid that have the same lets have fun and meet new people and share what each of us have to offer mind set. After all isn't Opensim supposed to be about offering a place to enjoy the free time you wish to spend online when you access a grid?

I and my partner have and will always try to offer a peaceful and enjoyable experience for users of our grid. If you have had an issue with one of our users please don't ban the grid ban the offending user/users and please feel free to contact me regarding any user from the grid. I am one of those No Tolerance for crap people that will not stand for a user tarnishing our grid by doing something they shouldn't. They want to do that crap it's time for them to move on find someplace else where it's acceptable or get their own grid. We have already banned and deleted one user for unacceptable activity and I am not afraid to do it again if needed.

I like to think and I'm sure I have shown to many visitors I am a very reasonable person to deal with. And I try to act on issues ASAP so the grid is enjoyable for users and visitors alike. See something you don't agree with message me and lets talk. Have a user issue message me and let me know so we can get any issues resolved quickly so we can get back to enjoying our grids and members.

Lets make 2022 a year of change for each of us in Opensim. Lets enjoy our online time helping each other, providing fun places and content for members and visitors to our grids, and working together to resolve any issues that arise in an adult manner.


Trizaria Hunter
Owner/ My Virtual Beach
Rayvn's Roost Designs

Blow Torch: I will say this i Have Never Banned anyone, unless it was really bad, i know some of you :) i use to run Eros island and it took a lot for me to ban anyone since i came to opensim i try to be same way... 3 years ago
Behold, The Mermaid! Every Sideshow of yesteryear had the Fiji Mermaid as part of their show. Yours will too! I always loved Mermaids, but really never thought of them as being beautiful maids with long flowing hair. In my mind, well, they're a little fishy. They have the famous tail of course, but they also have gills, fisheyes, sharp teeth, dark hair with glistening skin of blue or green. A smaller, toned upper body. She's really quite lovely though and will be given a second look for sure. The set comes with The Mermaid Animesh, her vintage water tank and makeshift banner. It also comes with a bubbling water sound either looped or on collision, your choice.

Happiest holidays Open Sim from your friends on Wyldwood Bayou!!

Alle Bewohner vom Soul Grid wünschen euch ein frohes Weihnachstfest .
Viele schöne Momente im Kreise Eurer Lieben.
Und vor Allem viel Gesundheit!

All the People from, Soul Grid wish you all a merry christmas
Enjoy the peaceful time with your loved ones and please all stay healthy

toutes les personnes de la Grid de Soul vous souhaitent un Joyeux Noël
Beaucoup de beaux moments dans le cercle de vos proches
Et s’il vous plaît, gardez tout le monde en bonne santé !

Big THANK to every one who visited Novale throughout the year
*** Merry Xmas, Joyeux Noël and Frohe Weihnachten ***

Toute l'équipe de Virtual Dream , vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année.
All the Virtual Dream team, wish you happy end of year holidays

★ ════ ☆BEST IN SANTA OR ELF!! 1500Ds
★ ════ ☆with Rogue Galaxy LIVE
★ ════ ☆2:pm
★ ════ ☆login.digiworldz.com:8002:East Coast 80s
HOP: hop://login.digiworldz.com:8002/East%20Coast%2080s/890/392...

We Wish You All A Veryyyy Merry Christmas And The Most Blessed New Year

Bonjour, hello, guten tag
J'ai beaucoup de problémes, I have many problems
avec mon ordinateur, win-shit, viewer, adsl connection et autre, and other
I make a break, une pause
à bientôt
see you soon
kisses kuss bisoux

