vladimir @vladimir


Owner de Virtual Dream GRID ,grille francophone

Liked posts


Your grid and users are not welcome here anymore. Your users have been harassing and messaging racist slurs at opensimworld users for years. You have harassed me personally and my family *in real life*. You keep doing it despite warnings and temporary bans

From now on you are permanently banned from listing and advertising anything from your grid in Opensimworld. Your regions are inactive anyway, they will be removed.

Your abusive accounts will be frozen. Do not attempt to create new ones , they will be removed.

Please advertise your grid etc on: Facebook, Twitter, Mewe, Discord, wherever, anywhere but NOT HERE . Enough is enough, you are not welcome here.

Congratulations Arkham, the second year, Happy Anniversary

Upgraded sky with EEP, new clouds,rainbow,planets,milkyway

sharanncousine: greetings peter 2 years ago


Jerralyn Franzic: Another sim I must visit soon... :) 2 years ago
I don't usually support mesh bodies that have got nothing to do with Ruth2 or Roth2. But I've come across an improvement trick for Athena 6 with BoM that nobody seems to know.

The major problem is that the skin on Athena 6's limbs may look weird under certain viewer settings, much like a lighting bug. Some skin areas look brighter or darker than they should.

A minor problem is that alpha masks don't work on Athena 6 although they technically should with BoM.

The reason is because Athena 6 has a chaotic hodge-podge of alpha settings all over it. Parts are set to alpha masking, more parts are set to alpha blending (it's them which may look weird to you or to others), most have alpha off (this is why alpha masks don't work on Athena 6 out of the box).

The solution:

Step 1: Edit your Athena 6 body. All of it, not just any piece. Select it in your inventory while wearing it.

Step 2: Go to the Texture tab.

Step 3: Set the alpha mode to alpha masking.

Now the different shades of skin colour are gone, but your hands and feet may turn partially white. Don't panic, this is supposed to happen and will be fixed in the next steps.

Step 4: Set the mask cutoff to 128. If it is already 128, set it to 127 and back to 128.

The white should disappear, and your body should look normal again. Or better than what you saw previously.

Step 5: Take the body off and put it back on to save the new settings.

Also, you can now wear alpha masks like you can on the system body which might save you from the hassles that come with the alpha cuts on the HUD, and which you can save with outfits. The only limitation is that the alpha masks still don't work on fingernails and toenails.

Should alpha masks stop wearing, just edit the body and set the mask cutoff to 127 and back to 128.

The same method should work on Adonis 4 if you want to use alpha masks with BoM.

Oh, and before anyone tries this on Ruth2 v4 or Roth2 v2: You don't have to, at least not with the "BoM" bodies and Ruth2 v4 "Business". They've got alpha mode controls on the HUD. The "" versions, on the other hand, are de-scripted and have no HUD, so they require this trick, too, if alpha masks don't work.

bonjour hello
gardes numéros un
guardes number one

Stupid santa
idiot de père noel
Christmas market
from Virtualdreamgrid

Second-year, I will soon celebrate my Arkham's birthday, I added 8 regions this year, I have many projects to implement, thanks to all my friends and many fans. 2022? Innovation, news...
we discover by gaming

la nouvelle grotte des pirates
new pirate caverne
search chest
et vite

Kingman City

Bonjour, hello, guten tag
J'ai beaucoup de problémes, I have many problems
avec mon ordinateur, win-shit, viewer, adsl connection et autre, and other
I make a break, une pause
à bientôt
see you soon
kisses kuss bisoux

Big THANK to every one who visited Novale throughout the year
*** Merry Xmas, Joyeux Noël and Frohe Weihnachten ***

bonjour hello guten tag
derniére semaine last week
LM dans l'image, Lm on the picture
yep bonne chance, good luck

Christmas time
Kingman Furniture Design

Merci à tout le monde
Many thank alles
1 decembre 2021

bonjour hello guten tag
le retour du vote
new vote

accident under sea
plouf à l 'eau

le retour du vaisseau bananne
yep an older space ship

Bonjour , hello gutten tag
Merci à tous
Thank all
Danke alles

In response to Bink's special request :
Rudolf with a very sensitive nose :)

Finding that !
Oups so many visitors > 1000
Remenber Falene :
I'm the best 300 visitors
Falene is just a little LOOSER !
Look here
The real winner :

virtualdream-grid.com:8002:QUATRE SAISONS

Super sim, super decoration, whisjy museum and Nessie is present yes
Go Visite
Falene looser :)

Hello, bonjour guten tag
Falene est en travaux,,,,, underconstruction, kaput
Merci d'attendre, wait

Novale winter region is back online

Because of a hardware failure, the grid Creanovale has been offline since January 8th.
We came back online on January 19th. The region Novale is currently in its winter state, featuring several winter activities: alpine and cross-county skiing, skating and sleigh rides.
It is a large 4x4 region with lots of scenic viewing points, ideal for landscape photography.

Thirza Ember has published a nice review of Novale on her blog recently: [**Frost Burn**](https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2021/12/frost-burn.html)

Aaack: I'm glad you're back! 2 years ago

Novale's Grand Tour
A 7 km cross-country ski tour system

Novale's WINTER 2021 2022 is finally ready and open to hypergrid visitors!
Come and enjoy its new Christmas Market!

Travellers from the VirtualDream Tour visiting Novale
Group photo at the Black Castle Library
Chilling just before the Sim Crash :)

Novale's many boat tours opportunities
Ideal to discover and get immersed in its diversity of landscapes
Look for docks with big ship bell - click on a bell to call a boat

Kayak en eau calme au coucher de soleil

Happy New Year for 2022!

Come and try the new binoculars at the summit of the Frozen Mountain
It really works and without having to insert a quarter in it
Nice way to look closely at many sites in Novale
It is located at (655,610,101)

Hey Winter Lovers !
the ''Winter Worlds Travel Agency''at Novale's Christmas Market Place
is showcasing 12 other winter metaverse destinations
Enjoy !

At Santa's packaging shoppe

Free talented bony duo interpreting their best dramatic
and obsessive duet for Conga and Trombone
You'll find them at the Alchemy Island, near the hot air pumpkin ride

If you like wandering, Novale has a network of trails
Rez a horse and do not hesitate to explore beyond trails
and go where no one has gone before

Everyone is welcome at Novale in Summer
but please do not feed the raccoons

We are back online, sorry for the unplanned downtime!
It is still time to get immersed in Novale's winter
Do not forget to try our 7 km cross-country ski tour !

vladimir: YAY !!!! 2 years ago

At the ''Let's snow but stay warm' boutique, at the Xmas market place,
we have assembled a few winter clothing items
for your optimal experience of Novale's deep winter

After Ski moment at the Novale Country Club

Together with my old friend Joe