vladimir @vladimir


Owner de Virtual Dream GRID ,grille francophone

Liked posts

Friends of Virtualdream Discovery Tour at Novale's Xmas Market
Hier taking a brief pause to warm their hands
Ready to grill marshmallows with their ski poles

Together with my old friend Joe

Full moon night in winter at Novale
I created this EEP fixed sky setting this morning
To enjoy it at your visit : World>Environment>Use shared environment

The greenhouse near landing is one of the 4 teleport hubs in Novale
It is an easy way to see many worthy destinations in Novale

Believe it or not, here the landing place in Novale's winter
In a snow globe located in SW corner of the region

VirtualDream Tour visiting Novale
When: 3 years ago [14 Dec 2021 12:00 SLT]

The VirtualDream Tour will be visiting Novale's winter 21-22 this coming week. To participate, join the tour team at VirtualDream grid welcome at 21hrs Paris time !

Autumn is such a lovely time of year on the farm.

Merci à tout le monde
Many thank alles
1 decembre 2021

Christmas time
Kingman Furniture Design

Kingman City

my new residents

new bakery

Free talented bony duo interpreting their best dramatic
and obsessive duet for Conga and Trombone
You'll find them at the Alchemy Island, near the hot air pumpkin ride

Caressed Solitaire is created exclusively for the Monentes GCG store. Please look on the table in the foyer at our GCG store. Free / Full Perms

Travellers from the VirtualDream Tour visiting Novale
Group photo at the Black Castle Library
Chilling just before the Sim Crash :)

Another classic character to put under your dead tree
A pumpkin seeds cracker
Free at Novale's Halloween Curiosity shoppe

Ali'S Build Agency

Construire chaque jour autour de votre idée

Mime Animations Needed
I always wanted to do a flash mob of mimes at dance clubs in SL. Unfortunately, there were no mime animations to be found. But I've never given up on the idea. There must be some mime animations around in OS, or someone who can make the standards - blowing up a balloon, being trapped in a box, and walking on a very windy day. As a plus, mime animations would come in handy when communicating in OS without a translation HUD.

Mime animation makers, if you can help, speak up...
Oh wait....
Anniversaire Minord Loup 1er Septembre
Where: NoPass
When: 3 years ago [1 Sep 2021 12:00 SLT]

Steph Loup est heureuse de vous inviter à l’anniversaire des 50 ans de Minord Loup le 1er Septembre 2021 .
Un demi-siècle de conneries et fou rire, a partager avec vous tous.

Vladimir Djannovic aux Platines !!

L’anniversaire aura lieu au No Pass Club ce qui sera l’occasion d’inaugurer ce nouveau club sur VD .


Finding that !
Oups so many visitors > 1000
Remenber Falene :
I'm the best 300 visitors
Falene is just a little LOOSER !
Look here
The real winner :

virtualdream-grid.com:8002:QUATRE SAISONS

Super sim, super decoration, whisjy museum and Nessie is present yes
Go Visite
Falene looser :)

And from now, a new space station ! Use our teleports to go there.

Et maintenant, une nouvelle station spatiale ! Utilisez nos téléporteurs pour vous y rendre.

Bonjour , hello gutten tag
Merci à tous
Thank all
Danke alles

accident under sea
plouf à l 'eau

Opening of a "No Pass" area.
Meeting and dialogue place open 24 hours a day.


The Coast Guard's Lighthouse in La Mer du Nord
A landmark for sailors
It is where the World ends :)

Sailing at the Mer du Nord, Novale
at sunset

After a day-long effort, trying to improve her surfing skills
Dabici loves chilling a little at the Dancing Pier

View of Novale's surfing site at dawn
5 surfing boards are set to 'free to use by anyone '
Nice opportunity to enjoy these boards created by Kayaker Magic

If you like wandering, Novale has a network of trails
Rez a horse and do not hesitate to explore beyond trails
and go where no one has gone before

Novale's many boat tours opportunities
Ideal to discover and get immersed in its diversity of landscapes
Look for docks with big ship bell - click on a bell to call a boat

Novale's network of ''Smart Buoys''
Click any of them to access a teleport menu
This is the fastest way to reach more than 20 key destinations

Cap'N Kelso underwater Tour
Just to get a sense of it, come to Novale to get beyond it
and truly enjoy this underwater experience

Cap'N' Kelso Underwater tour
Where your most fantastic diving experience begins!
Easy to reach: a dedicated Teleporter is at landing

Everyone is welcome at Novale in Summer
but please do not feed the raccoons

Nos amis de Virtualdream grid venus découvrir les activités estivales.
Our frends from VD grid at campfire, just before exploring Novale's coastal area

Hanging at the beach !

Novale's summer 2021 is now accessible to all hypergrid visitors.
Weather today is ideal for windsurfing - Enjoy!

Novale's summer 2021 is now open, happy solstice everyone!