Valerie NatureInSim @valerieluv0

hop:// Offline

Liked posts

and... one new ride for the fun.... for speed try the orange snake car .... ;-)

LeonitasLionheart: YESSSSSSSSSSSS....SSSSSSSSSS....i soooo need thisssssss in my life! 1 month ago
Own your DreamGrid, own your creativity. Build captivating virtual worlds, foster a community, and be the architect of extraordinary experiences. It's not just software, it's a boundless canvas for your imagination to take flight. @FerdFrederix thank you!
As usual, I had lots of windows up and didn't see a message from Captain Shadow until I closed my windows. Some mornings the kindness people extend just overwhelms me, Captain sent me this lovely Tea House for Sakuragawa, thank you Captain this is such an adorable house. I have it already placed and it looks incredible! Thank you!

SN Outfit Karin
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Genesis Roleplay Grid will be off line for a couple of hours barring any issues to allow for an upgrade to a newer version and some other maintenance responsibilities. We'll be back as quickly as we can.

LaviaLavine: Our Masala Al Kohav region is back on line for all who wish to do a little shopping. I will be sure to let you know when the other regions are available. :) Thank you all for your wonderful suppor... 3 months ago
Ask and ye shall receive. The church I made was loved but, far too big for my friend's needs, so when I suggested something smaller, it was agreed I'd make a chapel and this is it. A really beautiful little stone chapel that has a wonderful warmth to it and it comes fully decorated and furnished. It's free, full perm, and waiting for you at the Star Jinn Palisade in our Masala Al Kohav region. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Dear friends,
What a wonderful party it was on Tuesday night! Our DJ Anamari transported us to an extraordinary Sevillian Fiesta, giving us a one-of-a-kind experience! And what a wonder it was to explore the inspiring beauty of the city of Seville, a true jewel of Andalusia.
The details of the decorations enveloped us in a spell, recreating the atmosphere of Seville's fascinating plazas. Each element was a tribute to the artistic and cultural richness of this thousand-year-old city. The vibrant colors, soft lighting and intricate details transported us directly into the picturesque streets of this magical city.
And what about our incredible Anamari? With her artistry, she paid homage to Seville's rich musical tradition, making us dance to the enthralling rhythms of Spanish and Sevillian music. She led us on an aural journey through melodies that evoke the passions and emotions of this wonderful city.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Anamari, for giving us a taste of a little piece of your fascinating land, Spain! Your performance was a true celebration of the culture and joie de vivre that characterize Seville.
I can only thank each of you for once again making that evening so special.
I look forward to meeting again soon for more similar adventures, immersing ourselves once again in the beauty and energy of other beautiful evenings like this one.
See you again soon!

2 New avatars you can found them at LFG11 Littlefield Anniversary Expo hop:// Till Abril 30 (after at Mexico Lindo ) -

We start a new Easter Egg Hunt at 28th march!
Moonrose Grid - Mare Grid
Everyone is welcome to search for all the Easter Eggs!
You will find a Teleport @Moonrose Welcome and Moonrose Shopping Have Fun !!!

SN Outfit Bakerly
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

From darkness to dawn, Easter celebrates the triumph of hope. A gift for you at Monentes Jewelry. I added this cross to Veri's back chain, much love 💕

Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina: 6 until 8pm
Djing Classic Rock
Taxi: hop://

KrisTina: I would like to thank everyone that came out, was an amazing time. 3 months ago

we fixed the hypergrid problem with the nipples on both Xara and Simona. And the nails on Xara. Come pickup your upgraded body.

party still going

Party changed last minute to may 3rd same time and info. if all goes well. My appologies.


.....some of our textures are Toxic!

Biohazard" by Sky Noir is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Textures Trees & Scripts

Guy's it seems I have HG address wrong and not sure how to fix this. I will ask for someone to help me tomorrow but here is the link: hop:// Forest/55/55/24

Here at Genesis Roleplay Grid, we have regions available in the sizes shown. Larger than 8 x 8 may be negotiated. All regions come with more than sufficient prims with choice of Bullet or ubODE physics. Once settled in it is your region your rules and we're a grid that is friendly, helpful and has a good reputation and we intend to keep it that way. Drama will absolutely NOT be tolerated. Genesis means "Fresh Beginning", why not make yours with us on your very own region. Contact me in world and we'll talk. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Dear Friends,
please come to the opening of the Immersive Experience at
interstellART OS Grid in connection with the VWBPE Conference 2024
"Back To The Future - Extraterrestrial Myths Of Origin".
Seven artists tried their best to offer you an interactive experience on
eight sim-wide installations with a specific mythic story behind.
Enjoy the art-event on 25th of March at 8 am SLT and go to the profile of
Asmita Duranjaya => recommendations => VWBPE24 - then you should
reach the central spot with acess to each installation.
Participating artists are:
Azi Az, Barret Darkfold, Caro Fayray, Shenn Tao, the Sri Lankan
artists Sanjeewa Kumara and Sujeewa Kumari and Asmita Duranjaya
We hope to see you on 25th or after.

Alba Sex Club

A killer vampire roaming the beach.

Loveparade im Haligali am Freitag den 03.05.2024 mit DJ Scarlett im CandorsRPWorld Grid. Wir starten um 20 Uhr mit cooler Musik - Dance, Rave und Trance.
Alle sind herzlich eingeladen.
Taxi hier:

CandorsRPWorld: ❤️ Loveparade heute ❤️ 1 month ago

Carlos avatar

Carlos avatar

Come Party with us tonight at Savage Desire

Lucrezia Angel in concerto live al Red Carpet 26 marzo alle ore 14:00 pm Jungle Friends opensim. Non mancate vi aspettiamo!!

Lucrezia Angel in live concert at the Red Carpet March 26th at 2.00 pm Jungle Friends opensim. Don't miss it, we are waiting for you!!

singer live Lucrezia Angel

John Rocky is rocking the house!

Justin Meyers: Beautiful Venue 3 months ago
Immersive playing vs "it's just pixels"
There are two general ways of acting in virtual worlds like Second Life or those running on OpenSim. One is the "it's just pixels" way of seeing OpenSim as a chat platform, barely caring for the virtual world around them and putting convenience above everything else.

The other one is immersive playing. It means seeing these virtual worlds as such, as wide-open role-playing sandboxes, and their avatars as characters in these worlds, and putting realism and immersion above everything else. It is not, however, as extreme as hard roleplay that involves character sheets with character stats (strength, stamina, dexterity etc.) on them, going on pre-scripted quests or throwing dice much like in Dungeons & Dragons.

I'd like to explain these two concepts here.

"It's just pixels":

Your avatar is nothing but a profile picture that more or less represents your real-life self in a 3-D chat app. Same goes for all other avatars: You assume they only represent their real-life users.

Your avatar never interacts with other avatars. It's always you interacting with the real-life people behind other avatars. Always.

Never act in-character because your avatar isn't a character. It's just a profile picture that represents real-life you. So there is no in-character or out-of-character.

Put real-life info about yourself on the "2nd life" page of your profile. Don't use a picture of your avatar as your profile pic because your avatar IS your profile pic. Disregard the "1st life" page, it's useless, and navigating to it is more inconvenient than simply throwing everything on the "2nd life" page.

Keep your viewer always set to midday. You couldn't see anything otherwise. (Side-effect: You'll never notice that you've got lots of glow-in-the-dark things on your own sims that shouldn't glow in the dark like plants or entire buildings. You'll never see your own sims in the dark.)

Wear the brightest facelight you can find because the sun throws ugly shadows on your face when it's constantly standing vertically above your head. Or switch your body and all your clothes and attachments to full-bright.

Never walk. Never use vehicles either, they're too slow. Prefer teleports directly to your destination because that's maximum convenience. If you can't teleport, but you can fly, then fly. Fuck realism. Or land on a sim, keep standing at the landing point (even if you're standing on someone's head with someone else on yours) and cam around. Hate teleporters that only work by walking into them with a passion. Demand all teleporters be clickable.

If you go to a party, prefer teleporting or being teleported next to the dance floor and automatically oriented so that you face the dance floor. Or right onto the dance floor.

Leave parties by teleporting away or logging out while still dancing. It's the most convenient way because it requires the fewest mouse-clicks and the fewest steps to take.

Take landmarks of sims either right where the action is or, if there's no action, right at the landing-point.

The only in-world objects that matter are sales boxes/vendors, whatever you can copy that's interesting for you, scripted dance floors, dance pads, dance machines, teleporters and maybe sex furniture. Disregard everything else.

Beaches are only there for beach parties, as a justification to be naked or for public sex. Own beachwear only to flaunt your body while staying within the G-rating.

Wear what you always wear, regardless of where you go. If your avatar is male, wear a black leather jacket, long jeans and black leather shoes (or even black biker leather from neck to toe) on a tropical beach. If your avatar is female, wear a thin, sleeveless micro-minidress, ultra-high-heeled platform sandals and no hosiery whatsoever on snow-covered Christmas-themed sims. Pixels never get hot or cold. And it's your right to look as badass or sexy as you want wherever and whenever you want. If someone kicks you out of a formal event with a mandatory dress code for breaking the latter or even bans you for doing that repeatedly, rate the sim where it happened zero stars on OSW and insult the sim owner.

Finally, insult immersive players for being idiots who do dumb and weird shit and try to explain to them how to use OpenSim the "correct" way.

Immersive playing:

Your avatar is a character in a virtual world, one that interacts with that virtual world. Other avatars are characters, too.

Your avatar interacts with other avatars like video game characters would interact with other video game characters, or like role-play characters would interact with other role-play characters.

Always act in-character because your avatar is one, even if it represents you. If you have to act out-of-character, put it in ((double brackets)). Bonus points for making your differently-named alts characters of their own with no connection to your real self whatsoever and their own fictional background. More bonus points for even giving your main avatar some in-world lore, thereby confusing the "just pixels" faction that takes it for your own real-life background.

Use the "2nd life" page of your profile only for in-world/in-character info. If you absolutely have to give real-life info away, use the "1st life" page for that.

Keep your viewer on "shared environment" unless you need different lighting for photography or for immersive purposes. Or even build your own more realistic EEP day cycles. It's just a pity that only you can see them.

Don't wear facelights or bodylights. Are there facelights or bodylights in real life? No. See?

Walk or use moving/steerable vehicles whenever possible. Only teleport as a last result, and even then, try not to be seen. Hate buildings that substitute stairs with teleport pads (maybe unless the teleporters are disguised as a lift). Don't fly unless absolutely necessary due to how badly the sim is designed where you are (e.g. no other way to get out of the water). Don't cam. You can't teleport or fly or cam in real life either, right?

If you go to a party, prefer teleporting or being teleported to somewhere that can't be seen from the party venue and then walking to the party. Ignore any and all teleport offers because they'll land you right in the middle of the crowd which is exactly what you try to avoid.

Leave parties by walking outside to where nobody can see you teleport away. If you have to teleport, that is. If you don't, then walk or use a vehicle. If you can't go outside because the venue doesn't have doors, try hiding somewhere.

Take landmarks of sims in places where you'd realistically arrive, e.g. harbour quays, marina piers, bus stops, railway stations, airports or the like. Go back to there to teleport back out. If nothing like that is available, take it where it's unlikely that you're being seen teleporting in.

Everything in-world matters, everything in-world can be interesting. Complain about furniture that looks like you could sit on it, but that you can't sit on. Play with your surroundings. For example, if you come by a supermarket, pretend you've yet to get some groceries.

When you're on a beach, take a sunbath. Or go swimming. If you can't go swimming because the beach isn't designed for that, the beach sucks; find a better one.

Dress appropriately for the location and the occasion. Wear summer clothes in summer. Wear beachwear on beaches (or nothing at all on nudist beaches that ban clothes). Pack yourself up well in winter. (Yes, even female avatars can do that. Yes, that'll take some searching around and/or asking others. If it's possible and has been done with a Ruth2 v4, why should it be impossible for Athenas?) Wear something in-between in spring or autumn. Generally, wear something comfy in your spare time instead of always dressing up like you're on your way to a club party. Wear a tuxedo or a gown to formal events; take that opportunity to dress up to the nines. Wear sturdy shoes when wandering.

Finally, complain about the "just pixels" side for breaking any resemblance to immersion all the time.

It's fair to mention, though, that there aren't only these two extremes, and you can always be somewhere in-between.


Littlefield Grid's monthly State of the Grid meeting. All Residents and HG Visitors are welcome!

This month's topics:

TP issues with new Firestorm release, New Voice Module progress, New Mexico Lindo dance area.

Friday 5/03/2024 1:30PM Pacific



Hello... The region is back.... with more fun rides, and more to shop...
I didn't change all the LM in all the boxes yet so just delete the old LM....

three rivers soho has shops and row homes available for free come show off your stuff or move in here, we have other homes as well



Sissi_Bella: hop:// Beautiful dance floor on the beach!! Everyone welcome!! Tonight 1 PM grid time!! 2 months ago

SN Jeans Harper
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach