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Hate to say it Hicks, but my assets and data will be just fine, as I'm no longer in OSG :)
OSGrid is not the first Grid to kill the asset ... and just by the way dude ... not the first time that the parliament in the UK wanted to decide to ban platforms like OpenSimulator and SecondLife
What utter rubbish, the UK Parliament hasn't banned OpenSimulator or Second Life, and has no plans to do so. I doubt that many of our politicians are even aware of the existence of OpenSimulator and only barely aware of Second Life. Active Worlds is now 30 years old and is still going, so the prospects for OpenSimulator at just over half that age are good.
I have written, they have wanted it several times, you can write as far as I can see, now learn to read.
Present your supporting evidence or fuck off!
XD i notice your bla bla Baby Girl ..... GOD save the XXXXXXXXXX
some are lucky some other less .
but it s a bad for a good .
thing ll be better for everyone
One day OSG will fall and so will OpenSimulator. This platform is too outdated for our time. Most people in OS are 40+ and they will leave one day... some sooner, some later. Then the walls of OpenSimulator will fall and we will have to survive without the Matrix.
Not if we have anything to do with it.
everyone has their dreams, I won't take yours away.
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Hi Marianna - I wonder if this blender add on may prove useful for you:
also a bit more info on it here:
Keep up the good work Marianna!
I have that thank you, that is what I used when I first started, then I wanted to 3d print my jewelry and the RhinoGold/MatrixGold was suggested to me. I wanted to go commercial printing with the jewelry was a bit too expensive at the time and had this expensive software too so thought well I will just offer my jewelry online at my grid. Boy did I get the complaints that my jewelry was heavy LOD so I spent time decimating etc until it lost the design almost and still some is very high for that I do apologize. I love JewelCraft it works really cool then with blender modfiers there is so much you can do. I still have so much to yet learn in Blender when I got RhinoGold I put down blender for a bit and soley used RhinoGold so I got rusty in Blender. I use RhinoGold quickly and it has features Blender doesn't have so I use both.
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I dumped a copy of my Robert the Robot dancing animesh avatar (you can wear him as an avatar too) there, earlier :)
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Hi Star, that's a good point you make, I really should make those for classic/standard avatars too :)
If you do, I will be first in line! I finally have a decent collection of shoes, but they were hard to find. I keep thinking I should get a new avatar to join the crowd, be cute like everyone else, and wear all the awesome options they have. I can't make myself do it though. I end up dumping stuff from my inventory I pick up without even trying it on and stick with the same old me. :) At least I travel pretty light grid hopping! :)
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I gather cat and bunny avatars, aren't really real life cats and bunnies (shock-horror!), oh my!. Me throws my hands in the air and wrings my wrists, what are we do to, what are we to do? Maybe their all having sex with each other, maybe their underage!

You may have detected a little sarcasm in the above, if so good for you :) I know, absolutely no-one asked for my opinion, but I'll give it anyway. The barrier to entry is so high in virtual, in opensim (or slightly lesser so, if you're in secondlife, goodness-help-you), its highly unlikely any child avatar you happen to see in-world, are actually real life children. In my virtual life of roughly 18 years, my spider sense, tells me this happened once, back in secondlife, maybe in 2007.

Virtual is turning into a horrible, devise, exclusive, finger pointing society, which to be frank, sickens me. There's far more we have in common, than divides us, all you child hating, sim banning, finger pointing Karen's should be ashamed of yourselves, unfortunately, I believe, by thinking you should separate avatars based upon their appearance, you think you're doing something laudable, useful and good.

You're not.

Maybe actually venture out into those places you fear & talk to people with an open mind and heart, you may find it cathartic.
Let's boil this down:

You responded to a post where a person explains that due to the the threat of laws in countries where that person doesn't live, and therefore had no say on the passage of said laws, that person feels that they can't permit child avatars on their grid.

You then insulted the poster on a number of levels. Just to remind you I thought I'd quote some of the more salient points of the original post which you clearly didn't comprehend:

"It is not my place to try and push my morals and values upon others"

"Personally I would love to see kids riding ponies at my farm....and having fun being mermaids. If everyone in child avi were to abide by Jerralyn's statement, there would not be an issue."

If you are an adult, which your tantrum brings into question, I suggest an apology to @Safinemahoe2 is in order.
Hello Snik, Might want to take the time to read my post again. I did not mention morals.......I did not mention my opinion. I mentioned LAW. You also might want to read the law....because it does not matter if the person behind the child avi is adult or child in many countries. Reading is Fundamental!
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Guess what folks, you're all ignoring the very simple truth, that, we're all in this opensim/virtual life thing, together. Regardless of your viewpoint on the SecondLife ongoing investigations, or peoples viewpoints on child sexual exploitation and/or pedophilia.

It's pretty apparent, that opensim and virtual life is a rapidly diminishing resource.

I'm not in SecondLife, so can't really comment with any authority on that. I am in OpenSim, and have been for a while. My experiences and perceptions may differ from yours. I've found, historically, those pillars of virtual society, you feel you should trust, you may think twice about. Whereas someone you meet, at random, almost and spends a few hours of their time to help you, that some brand as a pedophile, their most likely not (disclaimer - I work, daily in rl with over 12 hundred children and am specifically trained to be aware of dangers, such as that).

Wise up, folks, be the change, that you want to see in virtual, don't encourage exclusivity, encourage inclusivity. It's not about equality its about equity. You may want to Google some of those terms :)

There's more here that unites us, than divides us. As, united we stand, but divided, we fall.
Very true Snik. Wise words. These worlds should be growing, and not a diminishing resource. Wishing for the destruction of something is the wrong way to go. And it is always good to be a bit skeptical about those "pillars" and just use your own two eyes and the common sense that hopefully exists between our two ears.
Very good words and wishes, however this is what it WAS like before 2016. The days of civilized debate, for the purpose of progress and good common cause, is long gone. SecondLife is a poster child example of the digression of society, common sense and decency and above all, progress. Banning and cancel culturing people who you didn't agree with, caused them to lose the many minds and money that initially helped propel them. Left behind was a bunch of uneducated sniveling whiners calling everything racist, phobic, etc. and without any revenue. But they sure had a fun time patting themselves on the back for laughs.

All of the friends I made there, I stay in touch with mostly. We still wish Merry Christmas etc. and pass along info through other friends. All that is different is, we do not meet on SL anymore. One stayed behind for a while because she wasn't American. She recently told me how boring it got, and rarely logs in there now. So there ya go as far as the Libtards succeeding in their politically driven mission of banning someone that liked mean tweets but had a better life.

As for Google, I Google NOTHING. Recent developments have finally proven what we said for years, but were told to wear a tin foil hat for and labeled a conspiracy theorist, that Google was BIASED. Yes their AI now thinks, George Washington was black like George Jefferson, and that Thomas Jefferson was a Black chick in Independence Hall in 1776! Seriously WTF? I was glad to see that last week, Google is being sued AGAIN for biasness and I do hope that Alphabet Inc. burns to the ground with it's brain damaged employees as well as other woketard companies like GoDaddy, Facebook Meta, Tyson Foods, Quaker Oats, etc. Gog woke, go broke good riddance.

Where do I do searches? or why is GGD second? They donated money to that idiot organization BLM which stands for Buy Large Mansions.

Lincoln the Republican said, a House divided cannot stand. This country is headed for a Civil War in November. We are beyond mutual respect and civility and the weaponized alphabet agencies are just inciting it more and more. What may alleviate this possibility? Companies like Libtard Labs being thrown into the Garbage can where it belongs and a new era evolving. That is what it will take to reach the Utopia dreams you seek.

I have to assume you are a teacher based on RL work. Well, your Union is massively to blame for this current situation in this country by masking kids over a fake Kung Flu hoax designed specifically to enhance mail-in ballots. Your union sacrificed a whole generation because they didn't like mean tweets. Your union subjected the world to a whole generation that is indoctrinated with immaturity, incorrectness, self loathing, false guilt, self righteousness and 100% mentally challenged and emotionally disturbed. The end result, is what you see in forums like this. Prime targets for Pedos. When people start looking at the end results of things down the road, and not just TODAY, will we ever achieve a reasonable society for positive results. This includes digital and online platforms like OpenSim and SecondLife.
I use yandex for searching ... it's pretty good. I'll have to try swisscows :)
I agree, Yandex at least isn't woketarded.
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It's been quite cathartic to wear what I want and go where I want to, excluding OSGrid, without worrying if I'm correctly dressed, or if I'll be reported by some, spineless, silent individual in LBSA reporting "people of interest", for being unlike them. Well, guess what OSG, that's not how communities are made, or grow, it's how you create division, hatred and intolerance.

Ring any bells, if you need a clue, think of the Nazi's and the second world war, just saying.
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Unfortunately, OSGrid does whatever the hell OSGrid wants to do. That's not necessarily a good thing. I was told once by a senior OSG admin that having "users" was just an unexpected consequence of running a testing grid. Well, OSGrid, my message to you is, the test is over, it failed successfully, and so are you. God Bless, good luck and good riddance. :)
And yet, when you log into OSGrid, what is usually the first message that greets you? Something along the lines, "OSGrid is supported by it's residents, please donate."

I know we live in the age of neoliberal economics where we give money to people who've found a way to even exploit the capitalists, but even with Jeff Bezos, we usually get something delivered that has a warranty so we can send something back and get a refund if the service or item isn't suitable or fit for purpose.
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Hi Kelly4U, Jupiter, you're correct, however it's my belief OSGrid manipulates its own rules, to produce the outcome it desires. In the past, it banned a ton of good folks, sometimes because they were furries, or child avvies, or free thinkers, who voiced their opinions about OSGrid being non-democratic.

I was foolish enough, once to suggest if OSGrid is a testing grid for the OpenSimulator project (which it is), then maybe it should be managed and guided by notable people from the opensim community. I bet you can guess how well that idea was recieved.
OSGrid survives simply because is has so much support. It's quite amazing it has the support that it does really, given the contemptuous attitude that has been shown towards residents on occasion. When the asset server went down in 2014 taking the grid offline for six months many were incensed that not only were there no proper backups for those servers, but that the grid was hiding behind its status as a test grid. That's fair enough when they allow people to connect for free, or to use the grid fro free, but the fact remains that the grid is constantly soliciting donations to keep going. Nothing wrong with this at all, but surely with this comes a quid pro quo to do the utmost to secure people's inventories? Since that 2014 disaster, I am unsure that the grid has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure the safety and security of resident's inventories.

Many left the grid at that time, and many very talented people did not return, and many of us who still use OSGrid no longer contribute financially as it's felt that this just rewards the entitled behaviour of those who run the grid with a seemingly cavalier attitude towards residents.

Then there are the seemingly arbitrary application of the rules. I get that often we only hear one side of a story, but the fact that so many have very similar complaints warrants that some note is taken of them. I know of some residents landing in hot water with a senior admin as the result of completely hearsay accusations where if that admin hadn't been so gullible and actually read the screed, (that had been widely distributed beforehand) it would have been immediately obvious that the complainant couldn't string together a logical thread, and that some of the claims were ludicrous. I also know of someone who was banned simply because an admin suspected that they were an alt of someone - merely suspected that is, not proven. Okay, according to the rules, the grid can do that, but I do feel that when a grid runs on resident's donations then residents themselves should have some say on how the grid is run.

If OSGrid were to face a defunding campaign there would soon be changes. It wouldn't take much, and whilst I doubt a democracy would be established, I do think that something like that could result in clearer terms of service, actually written down and hopefully also implemented fairly and equally without fear or favour.
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My interest isn't in OSGrid, anymore, I tired of it, a while ago. I like inclusion, acceptance and encouragement, I like people who donate hours of their time, trying to resolve your, really edge case grid setup, who you only jest met, rather than those folks you've known for years, but are only to happy to stab you in the back.
I am with you here. Wolf Territories Grid it's like a foundation!
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"You are and remain one of the best mesh designers in any grid", now, I know, you're deffo of your meds, cyber, but thank you, for that small win :) xox
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I did think about creating a group, called "banned by OSGrid", but, I've better things to do :)
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Cyber, you off your meds again dude :(
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Apparently, a tiny bit of my g-string was visible in a public plaza. Although, we all know it's not really about "that", its more about if the grid admin decides, for whatever reason, your are a persona-non-grata, then off you scoot. :(

So, just to be clear, so long OSGrid and thanks for all the fish :)
In that case I'd want to know who they were and why they were upskirting?
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OK, OK, I'll let the cat out of the bag....

The avatar who banned me, has the last name of Banner....wait, that's kinda appropriate, in a disproportionate way....

...doesn't make it any-the-more valid though, just saying :)
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In answer to SilverVon, My understanding is, if you know the UUID's of both individuals who wish to partner, you can insert those UUID's into the profilePartner field of each of their records in the userprofile table. So user A's UUID goes into user B's profilePartner field and vice versa. Should work for any OpenSim grid, as long as their using profiles. Hope that helps :)
I didn't find this profile Partner field, could you be more specific please?
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Hey Shea, you're very welcome :)