shawnkmaloney @shawnkmaloneyOSWRS Online


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Teleport failed.
Unable to verify identity
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You are inspiration enough for me to type "Roland, I just looked on my region and found an object showing Falene as creator and delivered a copy of it to Falenes address... Pirate ... :)
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Yes it's still going and broadcasting across the region
I know, I just now jumped out of world from there, and heard it just fine, thank you. Now hopefully others will take that URL and paste it into their parcel/region (world>parcel details>sound) and let that stream kill the silence that so many Opensim regions are infected with. At least until they find the ever so elusive (sarcasm) OSWRS radios, and choose a radio that best suits their regions theme, if one is had. Because as much as I like Radio Caroline, I know for a fact that there are many other genres I like hearing while I travel the grids, commercial-free of course. :)
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You just got me singing "I'm in the army now. tah da da da da tee da" (radio check was my forte in the army along with driving a tank). I'll check it when there's not such a crowd there. I looked earlier on the Novale OSW page and saw 3 avs there before your invite, I sure hope those aren't NPC's and Satyr boots the region. :)
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Steampunk Siouxsin , your OSW beacon has been borked for a month, and the music stream? no telling how long that has been offline. here's 2 alternatve steampunk streams to be considered....
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@Dabici132 Check yer beacon please, and when yer done with that, unban me will ya? so I can keep nagging you to update all yer radios. I know I'm not banned so please dont type the sad "Sorry". Please please PLEASE dont type that. Oh, and know that I jumped to Novale tonight to make sure your region was up before I typed a mess of characters about it in public.
Hi Shawn, I will update the beacon as soon as Novale Winter is ready to receive visitors. We are in the process of upgrading to 9.2 and in enlarging the SIM. As soon as it is open, I will let you know :)
Ohhhh, well that's a lil bit understandable Dab's. it would be more understandable If I got YOUR explanation of why a visitor is banned instead of the banning notice that I saw. Just to be clear, the grid is still up, just not set for hypergrid right? Or is just that the region is set to "Allow only residents and groups listed below" and not the usual "Anyone can visit"? I'm just wanting to know what causes that unwanted banning notice that appears to everyone when it is not an intentional dramatic notice. I look forward to seeing and hearing Christmas Season in Novale. :)
Hello Shawn, we are currently dealing with two grids, the old one and the new one. The new is not yet visible in hypergrid. The old is detectable but closed with access only to the group of two members (Kelso and I). The damm banned message is generated by the system, automatically when a grid is closed to all visitors except us both. I cannot edit that message and I hate it very much so. Let's hope that this will change with the upgrade. We are working intensively and needs to close access to the two grids to uptimize the resources used. And, be reassured, you are not banned from Novale.
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2 years, TWO YEARS and today I finally had a succesful jump. Now, where iz WIZ eh? where's the scripting community involved with this place? I don't mean the "group", I mean the folks that are actually testing, and TALKING to each other about which OPENSIM scripts are good, and any other scripts that are not as good. Here's another great scripting project that is not part of OSW but should be... .... an oar of this place should be in OS grid as well as the already provided OAR called "Script Library" and all OpenSim "scripters" should start thinking (preferably not thinking and just doing) about becoming more proactive in places like these. Rant over, thank you. :)
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I know what a drag it is when just 1 OSW beacon shows the world when one region is down, but you have you a real drag,drag,drag,drag,drag situation on your hands beings as how 4 out of your 5 reigions went kablooey on ya 5 days ago, and 1 region beacon that went down 5 months ago ... cruise Ship ... wellllll, I really wasn't expecting THAT one to still be online. So thank you for letting all know you have a prob with all yer beacons, because if you had not posted this I might not have ever gotten to see your impressive cruise ship. Now lemme know where I put the key to get into my state room will ya? Or is it really just a keyless doorless stateroom? :) and thanks for the music stream to hear while I roamed the decks.
it actually wasn't a beacon issue, non of my regions have beacons. we have smart start and it is something with in something else that has my beacon keys. were still working n the issue
I intentionally stay a dummy with that "smart" stuff, and this is just one of the many reasons I do. BUT, I am not so dumb in knowing that that is a most logical reason as to why 4 of the 5 show probs, but what about the one that's not shown for the past 5 months, what's diff about that region? is that one not also set on "smart" start? I'm guessing it is not since I got to that region pretty fast. Ok, thanks for typing at me inworld just now, Hope ya get that gun to poppin at least. :)
its all on smart start
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I've been gathering all the full permed stuff from around opensim pertaining to music that I can find and copy, so feel free to check it at... .... and if you know of music stuff that you don't see there lemme know. The building that looks like a radio station in one of the corners of region has some mixing boards as well as the warehouse looking building on the edge of region. I would use "area search" to find stuff like "record", "mixer", "board" and so on to find it quicker. :)
thanks shawn will go look now
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Heres the scuttlebutt refering to warp3d a few years back...... ... now someone remind me to hit one of those saturday meetings, cuz I have been meaning to observe at least one in my lifetime. :)
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No clue why you feel you would be banned. You gave me some good info I appreciate, even though I am aware of that particular situation you were bringing to my attention (having the landing point intentionally sandboxed). and the fact that you provide an image of what exactly you see, makes you a caring saint. I just now went back to my OSWRS region and quadruple checked all 33 parcels and guess what? Today I am declaring @Pagane a true saint for letting me know that the parcels were NOT set to what I KNOW were previously set to. All is well at OSWRS as far as region permissions go, the rest? who knows until someone visits again and takes the time to type or speak the truth of their performance experience. Thank you very much Pagne for all you do for OpenSim.
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Selea Core creations update . Much thanks goes to Michael timeless for helping me find yet another holy grail of Selea's stuff all out for display at Life Eloquent Estates
I suggest you bookmark this or whatever and put it where you know you'll find it when someone else ask, Because a search for selea core here in opensimworld will only show two online regions that has/had the stuff. 1 out of the two has...... ....
So that's where Victor keeps his Selea stash.

Need to go there and complete my own collection.
I was shown the "secret secret stash" by another grid owner. Make sure, that after you are sure you got all, you realize that you should also check under the terrain. Under one of SC's houses there are multiple levels. Happy hunting. Oh, and check up high for me will ya? I forgot that on my last trip.
I'd be surprised if there were boxes hidden away that I still don't have after the Nostalgia Neighborhood raid.

But then again, what do I know? I've just picked up a good half-dozen boxes from Trizzy...
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Go back to Bernicia Jasmine... ... I am an area search kinda guy by nature, meaning I use the area search viewer function religiously and type in the name of whatever object I'm looking for, and the word "Selea" found the stuff for me, I know that "off sim" will get you right to the box you are looking for by using "zoom" or "teleport to" after right clicking the object in search result. Just be aware that there are about 6 or 7 displays in the box, and when you set each outyou will most likely see nothing since the rezzer box is invisible and the off sim object will be somewhere out of your view along the edge of the region. This was a challenging and fun 3 trips I took to Uzuri, in spite of not hearing any music. Luckily I had my sound on and heard a variety of the usual nature sounds. Enjoy. EDITED: I hope you get the message and the Selea Core Off Sim box I gave you inworld.
yes thanks got them and now im just setting things up alone with our landscaper/builder/maintenance man
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Single 1600X900 here and pretty much "meh, whatever" ...I haven't noticed anything............either. Thanks Han. :)
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Ok, I just spent a few hours in search of a Selea Core Collection from the two grids I knew of that had them, Infiniti Grid, which is no more, and FreeLife Grid, whose Selea Core Tribute store is now a Lengerie store even though the sign object name is still Selea Core in the edit box. She was a great one for creating off sim displays. Hopefully someone will see this and let loose what they have hidden somewhere, since Selea was totally a free to copy gal. I could not find sim surround lanscapes, but they are out there, and usually locked down to no copy.
One very extensive, but not quite complete Selea Core collection can be found at Uzuri:

Aurora Georgetown has another big one which I think has some boxes that the one at Uzuri doesn't have:

I do wonder just how many endeavours are currently ongoing to try and collect all of Selea's boxes to offer them in one place.

I think I've seen off-sim decorations made by someone else, but I'm not sure who. I'll look that up.
Short of Seleas welcome area teleporters and such, Uzuri looked to me to be pretty complete. As far as Aurora Georgetown goes, I found nothing of Seleas, but on the Opensimworld page I see the teleport board picture of it's landing point of Selia's teleport,which now looks different than the current landing point. I found Fred/Ferd's outworldz site has an Uzuri OAR file, it would be good to know if Seleas stuff is in that, and since I'm not a grid owner or do the the "one click" grid stuff, I'll have to just move on without knowing. :) Pic of Uzuri OAR download....
Aurora Georgetown is a bit spacious and currently a WIP, so if you want to find the Selea Core building, you can't necessarily rely on teleporters, and you have to walk around. That is, unless it was removed at some point in the last two weeks or so.
someday someone will let us know, cuz I sure as heck am not going back anytime soon, (unless someone post a pic of proof it's all there) much less walk the joint. My time is precious, So I'll stick to my speedy camming with periodic flying where allowed. No flying allowed makes me flee home to my music filled home region of no restrictions, other than terrain editing by visitors, which is a grid owners choice, not mine.
If you're still interested, the store is at 325/426/23.

You may also want to check out Core's Department Store at Free Life Nostalgia Neighborhood (, 359/812/29 (flying allowed and recommended due to the size of the sim).
I'll check both today, Thanks alot Jupiter.
thank you yes i have two huge regions in Aviworlds and would like to have the sim surrounds so it would be good will check out the two you put up ty
Thanks alot Jupiter, that really helps. :) I just today recieved in my lost and found a long forgotten endevour of Arcadia asylem monument with tons of her stuff inside, but am sure it's not the whole collection. And I know I'm not gonna unbox all the boxes and then set all the boxes, and then unbox each item. But anyone that loves boxes and Arcadias stuff is more than welcome to have at it.
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Your pumpkin virus is a refreshing change from that nerfball with spikes looking thing we have to look at daily, so refreshing, I damn near spit out my coffee when I saw it. Thank you, I needed a good snort after the mind numbing updaiting of the OSWRS Radios.
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This may be the reason this has been showing as offline for the past 3 years, even though it's been online....
Oh, and use this address to get to Greyville....
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#'s 4 & 5 are not available at the moment for ME, so I will focus on them for a few days or weeks before removing. They may be doing a server reset, scheduled maintenance, or skipped town, or whatever.
4 & 5 are back.
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These are all showing as online at the moment in OSW. in the "find regions" search box, type "surfing" and that will show all the regions publicizing as having surfing that are registered to OSW (