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Sashacohen @sashacohen

Argentina Offline

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6 new Xara/LaraX outfits.
tops pants Skirts and Gown
come check it out.

If you havent already picked up your Xara Body, why not? its the fastest growing size body in Opensim. Our body has a great hud that has many perks, such as Auto Alpha, BOM, Working neck Fix so it will fit any head you put on it with little work. We designed a flat nipple so your nipples will not stick through your clothes., and much more.
Hurry Down !!
We have created a new sidewalk and made the textures for it, as fall claims us. 6 different textures and leaves as well, and a board to make your signs in your path. We have added some streetlights our not our
creations. They are 3 pieces sidewalk/90 degree/bridge

OpenSimUser: You might want to actually add the grid address so people can visit. 5 months ago
OUT NOW: Stone House
It's been a while since I don't bring some landscaping/building items.
Here's a modern stone house (tailored mainly as skybox). Comes in 2 tones (day & night).
Door and ceiling lights scripted.
If you want to reduce the LOD considerably - it's mainly generated by the door inside!

This item can be found in the landscaping store (inside the tower!).

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Boutiques%20SE/64/5...

Mona725: Seems like a great sim, but the region is lagging so bad crashed me 3 times so far. 5 months ago
Priscilla.Kleenex again out for hunting. Cerfull for this italian monkey him come again to GBG WORLD but i ma so fast to banned this monkey from italy and ejeck so i send him to the hell but stay cerfull all grid .
2022-07-09 02:27:27,382 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for Priscilla.Kleenex @bubblesz.nl:8002 @ http://bubblesz.nl:8002/ () at using viewer Firestorm-Releasex64, channel Firestorm-Releasex64, , Mac , Id0 , Teleport Flags: ViaLogin. From region FreeLand 01 - French Connection () @ http://french-connection.tk:8002/
2022-07-09 02:27:27,386 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Checking users Mac against list of denied macs ...


Hostname: mob-.net.vodafone.it

ASN: 30722

ISP: Vodafone Italia S.p.A.

Services: None detected

Assignment: Likely Static IP

Country: Italy

State/Region: Piemonte

City: Ivrea

OpenSimUser: Just delete all the information on here, and ban their Mac address and be done with it, rather than possiblity of breaking laws by posting information that shouldnt be posted in public forums. 3 years ago
New female BOM body
Baked on mesh body with HUD and support. Release date July 2022.
Mesh BOM body with less LOD and script load. Complete new scripts. Fetch your copy in Virtual Life or in Moonrose Grid. We share the body only in this grids.
