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try to come from somewhere else
tried various grids as a starting point, even an avatar who is registered in another grid and had no problems the last month to travel to the grid you are located, well all without any success
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hello right at the entrance there is a sign to go up where all the avatars are
Thank you! I did end up finding it when I went back again to explore. I guess I didn't think of these guys as "furry" avs. :)

Great collection! The black leopard wasn't available for sale/copy though I noticed. Maybe that's been fixed since?
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I was a bit cold hahahaha
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hello I need if someone can get me those avatars complete because I lost them all. contact me privately please
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o terreno está aberto a todos
não mesmo, para o Brasil e fechado as portas, não sei por que , meu igrid e aberto a todos, aqui voc~e pega tudo de graça sem frescuras de regiões, pelo que fiquei sabendo a sacrariun não gosta dos Brasileiros, uma pena já que opesim e uma cadeia livre para ser aberta a todos