Safinemahoe2 @safinemahoe2

United States Offline

I love my friends and spend my online time Satyr farming, building and bulldozing.....and most importantly with Serina!


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Our thoughts are with you!
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Serina’s pics from Lake Maggiore , Italy. L
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Although $60,000 seems impossible….it really is not. This is based on 52 weeks.
10 corp sponsors @ $25/week = $13,000
20 sponsors @ $10/week = $10,400
40. Patrons. @. $5/week = $10,400
300 Supporters @ $2/week= $31,200
Total. $60,000 +

This, and many other needs in open sim, are totally possible if people would simply work together.

The greatest danger to Opensim is the common aversion to pay for anything.
Thank you Safine :) If only more people could engage the bit of grey matter between their ears and look at issues the way you have here. I have in the past written similar cost breakdowns to illustrate the power of numbers. Your kind of thinking is the kind of thinking behind how we fund our healthcare system in the UK, so many people all contributing a small relatively amount.
Ok, but why do they want these MONEY? Everything could be done opensource, allowing users and opensimulator grid operators to host their own voice servers on their machines, just like with freeswitch. All of this could be achieved through opensource. Why do they want these money? And then what do they do? Do they become a company and sell their project while keeping it free for the OS community? This isn't the right path. There's another way. The truth is that we lack developers who are uninterested in money but still accept the challenge. The ones who are interested ask for MONEY, and that's not okay. Your response doesn't explain to me why they're asking for money. I understand your concern, but you're only suggesting how to support them, not how to guide them towards a different and OPEN SOURCE path like OPENSIMULATOR (which would also create a parallel and perhaps lasting project that progresses alongside this), and most importantly, it doesn't explain to me why they're asking for this money. :)
Will you please learn: opensource does not necessarily mean it's free of cost to develop. All projects have at least server costs, and some projects pay their coders. Some opensource applications or operating systems charge for the software, and all opensource means in any real sense is that the code is open for everyone to read, modify, change, make sure there are no nasties hiding in it etc.

EchoVoice is an opensource project, but in order to actually get the project delivered before we all shuttle of our mortal coils professional coders need to be engaged, contracted to do the work, and PAID.There are also other costs, such as running servers etc.
Sure, open source means everything you've mentioned. However, it largely depends on the usage license with which the software is initiated. Anyway, I don't see it being useful to pay for a startup that will eventually become a competitor to Vivox. I find a project in the style of FreeSWITCH more useful – open source – where, just like with OpenSimulator, anyone can download the code and reshape it to fit their needs. This would attract a large number of free and interested programmers, much like what happens with many Unix or GNU/Linux-based software.

The server wouldn't be centralized, but each user would have their own, independent from others. So, each grid would have its own voice server. This doesn't incur development costs because I can manage the repositories from my PC, make changes from my PC, and test the software on my PC without requiring sums like $60,000 – and this would be multiplied by the many contributing users. If someone is needed to do this, so be it.

If FreeSWITCH were simpler, it would be ideal to pursue that project. I tried to run it on a Windows server, but with very limited results. Adapting a voice service for viewers isn't simple, but in my opinion, the best solution remains starting with a solid open-source software under the GPL license, integrating the necessary modules (and if needed, moving towards LGPL). This way, everyone can host their own voice server on their machine, decentralized from the rest. Instead of giving money to a project that centralizes voice servers, it creates a completely different type of project and supports a startup that, no matter how open their code might be, aims to have control over the users of its services. OpenSimulator is not like this. If I had to choose, I'd prefer to pay for services from a company like Vivox; at least I know it's reputable and already present in various gaming services, including professional tournaments and Second Life.

However, fundamentally, all GNU/Linux systems are free – they're all cost-free. What you pay for is consultancy and support in the pro versions. GPL licenses are genuinely respected there :)
The server wouldn't be centralised with EchoVoice or a project based on that as Mumble is a voice server that is run independently as a service by each grid wanting that particular voice solution.

You could set up a voice project tomorrow, and you might, if you were very lucky, attract some interest, but finding people who are ready and willing to code for free will be the difficult bit. Most GNU/Linux distros have a handful of coders who do the work. Only the distros that are backed by major corporate players (IBM, Red Hat, Mandriva and a few others) have significant numbers of coders working on the code as they can afford to pay them.

And whilst there are projects that are, as you say, driven by passion, most of those projects are also pretty up front in letting people know that financial contributions help to allow them to do more work in the project they are passionate about and less working for an employer on stuff they do just to make enough to pay the bills. Maybe if we, the users were a little bit more passionate about making a small donation every time we download and install some of their software they'd be able to give up the day job and concentrate on doing what they are passionate about, and delivering us super and well updated new versions of the software we love? By not contributing when we are able we're basically expecting the developers to pay for the software we use. It might be free to us, but it costs them a considerable amount. Most of the projects run purely on passion have just one person behind them, usually doing a mountain of work and struggling to keep up. Opensim has just one developer when not so very long ago there was a team of developers. There are various reasons for that, some of them social, but I would think that the need to make a living and have a life outside of the day job have a lot to do with the scarcity of people developing independent modules for Opensim.

The healthcare most people in the UK receive is free (at point of need) but that doesn't mean it's without cost. We all pay for it from our taxation, and it's a really good deal, and everyone has comprehensive health cover.
Great comments and I agree! In theory, this would be awesome to be done through open source.

And my comments were merely meant as an example to show how easy it is to raise “impossible “ sums of money, should that be needed.
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Huge thanks to Sora for making channels and organizing!
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No more getting lost! 😂
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Many times…..and that of course is possible that they do again
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Wishing my sailing was as good as this pic
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Our #1 sailor at friends-grid…….Pin!
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The three amigas on the party barge! Safine, Zuzu and Serina
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Linda was doing awesome job of sailing!
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Hawaiian shirt, shades and a custom built pirate ship! Sora rocks his style!
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The elusive Reggie was captured by camera and looking good in that zodiac
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This is the cool city Sora built at his F1 track!
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As a follow up to this……I would love it if Friends-grid had a mob at the dance! Let’s goooo
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So early this morning we had a little informal trivia contest with Pin, Reggie and Linda.

Linda was supposed to be scoring, but she was afraid of Pin getting upset….. then wanting all her candy

Reggie was very kind and humble….but somehow ended up polishing Queen Pin’s crown.

It was total insanity…… but early morning fun!
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I agree totally…. Thank you Pin!
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Ok, I need some help from you all.

I love new shopping places….and new places to explore. Please add some of the places you consider AWESOME!

Lunaria - this is not a freebies region, but the products are worth it! Extremely detailed castles, Roman buildings, Japanese and so much more. A trip to Lunaria will blow you away with the details!

Destination Fecamp. - a wonderful build to explore and shop. This brings joy to me with every visit!

Maze of Mind houses - a nice selection of different houses than you will find at other sites.

AVW Welcome - I love animesh…. And this is my source! I use animesh from here all across my regions.

I Love You events - There are hundreds of great clubs in Open Sim, this just happens to be my fav. I think they reopen tomorrow at noon.

ETZEL - a Halloween región from Thomas Etzel that is packed with freebies! This is a must stop if you are doing Halloween decorating.

XANTEN - the Christmas and winter región from Thomas Etzel is a must stop for Holiday decorations.
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I do not know Lone Wolf personally, and I definitely am not one of the biased people you mention; but I am shocked at the way you expressed your concerns.

Although I may or may not agree with every single thing Lone wolf does or does not do, I have RESPECT for the fact that he is trying to provide a home for many in Open Sim.

Just an idea, but maybe all of us in open sim should help build each other up…..not tear each other down.

I agree with SheaButter, this conversation should have been between you and lone wolf….. not in a public forum.
you matter little to me technically, so I don't pretend you understand, you have no control over your grid, you pay a lot with average service and honestly you have no power over it.
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Love the pic and so glad you were both able to be mermaids yesterday! Sorry I had to leave early, was having a reaction .
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Thanks for organizing Reggie!
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Sharing is caring....... I gladly SHARE my currency with Luna Lunaria because I CARE to have quality produced items.