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Fountain with synchronized jets

Create one box per jet of water you want to have (at least 5 for example). Link them together, and put this script in the root . Touch it to begin.

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Galerie d'art où j'expose une partie de mes peintures / Art gallery where I show a part of my RL paintings

falene hawks: bonjour petit village sympatique loi des foules des shops et de party's, de l'art de la detente, du calme. bravo 2 months ago
Important announcement:

I have updated all my Clutterfly Upgraded and Clutterflakes boxes. All furniture uses the recent SFposer version 0.91112 now.

This includes a number of bugfixes:

The Clutterflakes cuddle lounge chairs had all animations wrongly oriented because I had put them directly into the furniture instead of taking over the animation cube.

The Christmas firepit set had the animations wrongly oriented in one tree stump with blanket because I've discovered that one of them has the stump as the root, the other one has the blanket as the root.

So far, I have replaced all boxes in the DropBox in OSgrid:

RemmyRavenhurst: Awesome work!!! 2 months ago
Einladung zum Infoabend für das große Pangea Go-Kart-Rennen am 13. Oktober
Liebe Go-Kart-Freunde,
wir laden euch herzlich zu einem Infoabend am 9. August in der Zeit zwischen 20:00 und 22:00 Uhr ein. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Abends steht die Planung und Organisation unseres bevorstehenden Geburtstags-Go-Kart-Rennens, das am 13. Oktober stattfinden wird.
Details zum Infoabend:
Datum: 9. August
Uhrzeit: 20:00 – 22:00 Uhr
Gastgeber: Karsten Runningbear
Karsten Runningbear hat die Scripte für das Event erstellt und wird euch mit wichtigen Informationen versorgen. Dies ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um offene Fragen zu klären und mehr über das Rennen, die Rennstrecke und die Teilnahmebedingungen zu erfahren.
Warum ist eure Teilnahme am Infoabend wichtig?
Eure Teilnahme am Infoabend ist besonders wichtig, da wir dort alle Details für die Teilnahme besprechen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass ihr bestens vorbereitet seid. Auch die Teilnahmebedingungen werden für jeden Teilnehmer nachvollziehbar und gut verständlich erklärt. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Punkte, die wir besprechen werden:
1. Jedes teilnehmende Grid hat die Möglichkeit, 2 Teilnehmer/innen für das Go-Kart-Rennen zu melden.
Anmeldeschluss: Der Anmeldeschluss für die Rennbeteiligung ist der 15. September 24:00 Uhr Gridzeit.
2.Startplätze: Die Startplätze für das Rennen werden durch ein Qualifying und Sprintrennen ermittelt. Je besser die Platzierung, desto größer die Chance auf den Sieg.
3. Renndauer: Die Anzahl der Runden beträgt 10 – etwa 18 Minuten.
Teilnehmerzahl pro Grid: 2 Fahrer aus jedem Grid.
4.Rennablauf: Sollten mehr als 5 Grids teilnehmen, wird es mehrere Rennen geben. Aus diesen Rennen ergeben sich dann durch die besten Zeiten die Fahrer, die in der letzten Runde um den Sieg fahren.
5.Trainingsmöglichkeiten: Das Trainingsgelände ist für alle bis zum 15.September (Anmeldschluß) geöffnet. Danach würden bis zum Event nur die gemeldeten Fahrer/innen tranieren.
Das Training auf der Rennstrecke hat bereits begonnen, und wir möchten sicherstellen, dass ihr das Beste aus dieser Vorbereitung herausholt.
Alles Weitere erfahrt ihr dann am Infoabend.
Wir freuen uns darauf, euch am Infoabend zu sehen und gemeinsam in die Vorbereitungen für ein unvergessliches Rennspektakel einzutauchen.
Mit sportlichen Grüßen,
Euer Pangea Go-Kart Team
Invitation to the Information Evening for the Grand Pangea Go-Kart Race on October 13th
Dear Go-Kart Friends,
We cordially invite you to an Information Evening on August 9th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The focus of this evening will be the planning and organization of our upcoming Birthday Go-Kart Race, which will take place on October 13th.
Details of the Information Evening:
Date: August 9th
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Host: Karsten Runningbear
Karsten Runningbear has created the scripts for the event and will provide you with important information. This is the perfect opportunity to ask any questions and learn more about the race, the track, and the participation requirements.
Why is your participation in the Information Evening important?
Your participation in the Information Evening is particularly important as we will discuss all the details for participation to ensure you are well-prepared. The participation requirements will be clearly explained to each participant. Here are some of the key points we will cover:
Number of Participants:
Each participating grid has the opportunity to register 2 participants for the Go-Kart Race.
Registration Deadline: The registration deadline for race participation is September 15th, 12:00 AM grid time.
Starting Positions:
The starting positions for the race will be determined through qualifying and sprint races. The better the placement, the greater the chance of winning.
Race Duration:
The number of laps will be 10, approximately 18 minutes.
Number of Participants per Grid:
2 drivers from each grid.
Race Procedure:
If more than 5 grids participate, there will be multiple races. From these races, the drivers with the best times will advance to the final round to compete for victory.
Training Opportunities:
The training track is open to everyone until September 15th (registration deadline). After that, only the registered drivers will be able to train until the event.

Training on the track has already begun, and we want to ensure you make the most of this preparation.
You will learn everything else at the Information Evening.
We look forward to seeing you at the Information Evening and diving into the preparations for an unforgettable racing spectacle together.
Best regards,
Your Pangea Go-Kart Team

Announcement and Information: 4th Anniversary of Pangea Grid
Dear Pangea Grid & Opensim Friends,
We are excited to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Pangea Grid starting in October! Until the end of the year, you can expect many surprising events and interactive experiences that everyone can participate in. Our celebrations include extraordinary events and themed weeks that honor the diversity and unique charm of the sims that have emerged over the past four years.
Initial Event Announcements and Information:
October 6: Blues, Rock & Reggae Event at Bourbon Beach
Presented by Adriana Darkheart:
Live Music by Evan Williams: An unforgettable Pink Floyd concert.
Live Music by PutriSolo: Captivating Blues and Rock performance.
DJane Adriana Darkheart: After-show party with reggae rhythms.
October 11-13: Anniversary Weekend
October 11: Mega-Party in Cologne
DJ Marlon Wayne: Heating up the night with a fantastic music set. An unforgettable evening of music and dance, crowned by an incredible live act.
October 12: Pangea Rainbow Parade
Theme: "Diversity is our Joy: Respect Unites Us"
Participation: Every grid can participate, build colorful floats, or apply as a jury member to award the best creations. Prizes include small cash amounts.
Shows: Bink Draconia presents a men's ballet, and Lampithaler with a rainbow show to the music of Reyno Parx.
After-show Party: With top-class DJs.
Registration: Please register by September 15 at the latest. More information can be found in the Rainbow Parade Info Box Inworld.
October 13: Birthday Go-Kart Race
Participation: Each grid can send two drivers to the race. The track can be familiarized with during open training.
Event: After the award ceremony, there will be a concert by SarahMarie Phillis and a Go-Kart Race Party with DJ Marlon.
Information Evening: On August 9, Karsten Runningbear will host an information evening about the upcoming Go-Kart Race. The invitation and further details can be found Inworld in the Info Box: Pangea Go-Kart Race.
Further information and updates will also be published on our website, here on Facebook, and in Opensimworld. Our Pangea team is always available for questions.
We thank everyone who has made the Pangea Grid a lively and unique place: a place where art and culture flourish, where people laugh together and support each other, and where creativity is everywhere. Live concerts, impressive shows, colorful carnival celebrations, and inspiring art exhibitions enchant many people and have made numerous parties unforgettable.
Our special thanks go to all the artists, singers, performers, visitors, and builders who have brought the Pangea Grid to life. We also extend a big thank you to HG Safari, Thirza Ember, Mal Burns and his team for their reports and support. A special thanks also goes to Kitty Sarrasine, our server administrator and programmer, as well as our scripter Karsten Runningbear and everyone who is part of our wonderful Pangea Grid.
We look forward to celebrating with all of you!
Your Pangea Team

Collectibles IV @ Wonder
To share with you our wonders a bit more!!
Hugs Bebe

IndigoQueen King: Beautiful Space I enjoyed my visit :) 2 months ago

KarinBecker: sooooooooo viel spass klasse Musik mit DJ Nasti 2 months ago

After the amazing success of Wolf Fest we are planning our Winter Festival. Wolf Winter Fest. The problem is, it's on an icy wasteland. Well at least we've got some time to sort it out...

ZoeyRavenheart: Looks like Christmas! 2 months ago
Hi everyone, continuing with the focus on masc items at the new Starchild Beauty location, I have added a few stand poses!
It comes with an instructions notecard on how to leverage Firestorm AO functionality! There's a stand in front so you can test them too!
Locations is DIFFERENT from usual: hop://

Jordan Melody: Would be nice if more couple poses were also brought in. 2 months ago

News!!!! hop://

Aurora Starchild: Yo me tendría que poner las dos a la vez. Y otra con cubatas :D 2 months ago
(2/2) ...not enough skins in the previous post? Oh well, here another 2 styles in 16 additional tones. As well as 5 full fatpacks of body hair!
Bear in mind it's in a new location (since I plane to bring some more items on this theme): hop://

Blake Hayvenhurst: Thank you Aurora, love the chubby one! 2 months ago

Giovane avatar "DAVIDE" 08/07/2024

Welcome to Port Arcadia in the Avedon South Region. Arcadia is a festive little gypsy port in the waters of Oceana. Much to explore! There is ample open water for boating, plenty of beautiful photo spots or just enjoy some horseback riding. We are extra proud to be the home of Black Cat Radio, the best music provider across the metaverse! Come by and grab a free radio and check out their festival grounds! Avedon South is an Adult region. Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.

Star Ravenhurst: It looks like a fun place to explore. 3 months ago

SN Giona Beachdress V3
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Lera2012: где это можно приобрести? 3 months ago

News! hop://

SilviaFrey: Una fiesta para el recuerdo. Todo perfecto, la música especial y preciosa y todo el montaje espectacular. Muchas felicidades Marpil y equipo. Hay que repetir estos eventos. Gracias! 3 months ago

News!!! Thunder lightning mesh effect (thanks to Jimmy Olsen for the arrangements for light and sound effects) hop://

Dear Friends,
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday to honor our dear friend, brilliant musician, and wonderful person, Torben Asp. Your presence and compassion made this moment truly special.
For those who wish, you can continue to visit the Torben Asp Memorial on Pangea to pay your respects. More information will follow.
Liebe Freunde,
von Herzen danken wir allen, die gestern dabei waren, um unseren lieben Freund, genialen Musiker und wunderbaren Menschen Torben Asp zu ehren. Eure Anwesenheit und euer Mitgefühl haben diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht.
Für alle, die möchten, besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit, das Torben Asp Memorial auf Pangea zu besuchen und seiner zu gedenken. Weitere Informationen dazu werden folgen.

Luna Lunaria: I'm so sorry I was unable to attend. We've been out of town all week for a family funeral 3 months ago

NEW in the Store --NaaNaa`s Bunny Complete Outfit for Legacy / Perky

Re-thinking the region, adding new things, removing others...
To be PBR or not to be PBR, that's the question!
(well, to me no doubt PBR rocks ♥)

Just in my grid^^

Xenon Darrow: FIERCE! 3 months ago

To all my piggy friends I created this in your honor! Piglets in the Mud cake, a cute decoration for your table! Jewelry

Marianna: Here is the recipe 3 months ago
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://

Aurora Starchild: Ahí está, que estaba yo el otro día pensando ¿dónde se ha metido estaaaa? Precioso! 3 months ago

Kitten Tattoo for Face/Back and Ass. Comes in 60/80/100%
Can be found in the Y-Y-T Tattoo Equiqment Store.

Sodasullivan: I know where mine is going =) 3 months ago

SN Yinni Bikini V2
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

BelaCara: Por favor podeis poner la urls para poder ir?. Gracias 3 months ago

soon!!!! Thursday 6

MiriamRose: What part of the sim will this be displayed in? 4 months ago
There’s nothing quite like waking up to a delightful breakfast in bed. I’ve designed a beautiful breakfast tray that you can now pick up at the store. It's perfect for treating yourself or for spoiling someone special with breakfast in bed. Enjoy a perfect start to your day with this lovely addition! Jewelry

Marianna: I added a beautiful bed too! Please animate the bed to your own preferences. I have seen various animations around, if any of you have bed animations that you would like to share please post the det... 4 months ago

Yes folks, £5 regions are back at Wolf Territories Grid for a Limited Time. With Free terrain generator. Available in 1024x1024 to well whatever you like ( we have a 64x64)

Xenon Darrow: Best decision you could ever make, HG peeps. DO EEEET! 4 months ago

Maze terrain generated by Bobby's AI
Youtube Video

Pagane: Typical of AI - the maze has no way out... 4 months ago
THESE ARE THE BEST stargates & stargate dialers you will ever find in the grids. These gates & dialers let you put in your own list of destinations. When you press a button on the dial pad it tells you what grid that goes to, then you press the center button, and the button light up animation sequence happens. Next the stargate will start to turn to dial in the location. Finally a worm hole will appear and you just walk right into it, and it tp's you to the destination you chose anywhere in the metaverse. One of these stargates can take the place of hundreds of "teleport portals" and "teleport signs". THEY COME PREINSTALLED WITH 72 POPULAR HOT SPOTS. NOTE: There are THREE PARTS. The Gate, The Dialer, & The Stand. I have the ATLANTIS GATE, the PEGASUS GATE, and the SG1 GATE. All with dialers. All FULLY working. You can pick yours up at

Milly Money: Excellent! Thank you for adding The Matrix to destinations 4 months ago

#newregion #cyberpunk #arkhamgrid

Wir feiern heute Geburtstag und möchten diesen besonderen Anlass mit euch teilen. Es wird Musik geben, die dich zum Tanzen bringt, Freunde, mit denen du lachen kannst, und jede Menge Spaß, den wir gemeinsam erleben werden. Also schnapp dir deine Tanzschuhe, bring deine beste Laune mit und feiere mit uns.

KarinBecker: Euch alles liebe und gute Wünsche bleibt gesund und munter wie immer.beiden nur das beste liebe grüsse eure karin 4 months ago
Wir laden Euch herzlichst ein, mit uns im Schaum zu feiern. Zieht Eure Badesachen an oder holt Euch vor Ort das passende zum Anziehen. Am 13.05.2024 ab 19 Uhr legt DJane Sylvia für uns auf.
Nimm dir Zeit für Dinge die dich Glücklich machen.


We warmly invite you to celebrate with us in the foam. Put on your swimwear or get something suitable to wear on site. On May 13th, 2024 from 7 p.m. DJane Sylvia will be playing for us.
Take time for things that make you happy.

Sylvia-Koeln: Smaili ♥ 4 months ago

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mom's everywhere. May your day be filled with love, laughter, and lots of time with family. Blessings and much love, Lavia

#newregion #cyberpunk #arkhamgrid

just added 4 new Ubode tested Houses at Home and Garden.. Come check them out.. Menke Duplex Loft, Araby House, Hamilton Downs House, Lattice Home

Malachi: great collection. thanks for sharing. 5 months ago
Every now and then, I come across stunning Royalty Free jewelry to share with you.

This artist

The art: Creating maximums with your minimums.
Genetic engineering of UT

Incredible artist; please give him a like!

Please never sell and observe the creator's Royalty Free License.
BlenderKit only has 2 available licenses, and these are quite simple. Everything you download is available for commercial use. Both allow you to sell higher-level-derivative works, but royalty free license doesn't allow to re-sell 3D models even if modified.

Royalty Free
royalty free license
This license protects the work in the way that it allows commercial use without mentioning the author, but doesn't allow for re-sale of the asset in the same form (eg. a 3D model sold as a 3D model or part of assetpack or game level on a marketplace).

In the foyer of Monentes Jewelry

Jerralyn Franzic: Nice! Thanks... also love the Nurse avatar. =) 5 months ago

----- NEW -----

Leather has long been associated with luxury and sophistication. Its rich texture, distinct smell, and timeless appeal evoke a sense of opulence and prestige. Throughout history, leather has been used to craft items for the elite, symbolizing wealth, status, and refinement.

"leather textures" by bm.iphone is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Come see the Leather collection of textures that are waiting for your next project!

Textures Trees & Scripts

Lizzy: Oh....mmmmm......Leather....whips, corsets, floggers, gags, bindings.......the list is endless, but sooooooooooooo erotic ;-) 5 months ago


HarperHeld: 🥳🎉🎈💃🎊 5 months ago


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