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Fountain with synchronized jets

Create one box per jet of water you want to have (at least 5 for example). Link them together, and put this script in the root . Touch it to begin.

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Shopping on 7 floors .
Come in and find out !!

When I was building my home sims, I discovered I needed rocks and well, I couldn't find what I wanted. Hence, I made rocks and a sky island, I also made some for the beach with flat tops for sunbathing. You never know where you will want to sunbathe.
Well, I made the male goldfinch and afterwards I felt like I really should have done the female as well. So, I did. My apologies to anyone that took the box yesterday, I added the females to the same box. I just felt like he looked lonely.
Clarification: Closed grids & Civility
Clarification for closed grids: Opensimworld is a directory of Hypergrid destinations. Closed regions will not appear in the rankings or directory (just like we don't list Second life regions). Regions that were once open and closed are not deleted, but may remain in the directory for 1 year. They won't appear in the rankings and they are marked as inaccessible, but their pages still exist

Additionally: this only applies to regions that are closed to hypergrid. It is OK to list a region that requires group membership to access for example.

Civility: Be civil

Posters who call names or harass people will be banned from posting for 7 days to indefinitely.

Thanks to all those who gave me a like lately.
I l'♥ U all

Well, I released a novelty item today. Every once in a while (well, maybe more often than that) I get obsessed with something goofy. I always thought stick men were cute, don't know why, I just do. So, I made animesh and avatar stick people. There are regular ruth size and also tiny versions. I put them on the second floor of the shop building right in front of the elevator. They are dancing in the landing zone purely for my entertainment :).

Bakes On Mesh

The Art Factory is about art and artists. At The Art Factory, we display art; we appreciate art; we learn about art; and, we promote art. We have over a dozen galleries dedicated to in-world artists, where they show their innovative creations. As such, we are continuing our feature - Meet the Artist. This week, we interviewed Antonia Ling, owner of Antonia Ling Gallery, Inspired By Gallery, Metropolis Poster Shop, and a 2001 themed gallery.

Antonia, tell us about yourself and your art.
“It's not easy to talk about myself. What have I to say about my person? Not much... really. I like photography and I like to photograph. I love to photograph old churches when I'm in Denmark. Or ships in the harbor... often details. Not the big ones, I prefer little old boats of the local fishermen. I like to photograph old cars and colorful flowers. I love art from the 1920s to today, I love a lot of the german BAUHAUS and their Master like Kandinsky, Alberts or Lazlo Moholy-Nagy.”

What are you doing currently?
“I try to photograph a bit. At the moment I deal with cyanotype. It fascinates me...”

What is your inspiration for art in world?
“I do what I do because I like to do it. When one in a million likes it... I'm happy.”

Thank you so much for your interview, Ms. Ling. We love your ongoing contributions to The Factory.

#spring #summer #arkhamgrid
Kingman Furniture Design

I worked out a solution for initial sitting bug in the NPC Horse (script by Shin Ingen) where the avatar sinks through the horse when wearing an AO.
In the NPC horse script by Shin Ingen in under run_time_permissions(integer perm) FIND
and REPLACE with
list anims = llGetAnimationList(llGetPermissionsKey());
integer len = llGetListLength(anims);
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) llStopAnimation(llList2Key(anims, i));
//llOwnerSay("Permissions Accepted");
If you don't like coding, just hop over to Neiferleaf and fetch the boxed new horse rezzer at the landingpoint.

...wir hatten Besuch ...
...well we got a visitor...

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

It's really not that hard to be ranked #4 on OpenSim when you plant 8 avatars in your region and just keep them there. I really think that is being very deceitful and skewing the OpenSim numbers to raise yourself in the rank. Regions that have been found to have avatars that are just put there 24/7 should have the region deleted and it should not be allowed. Not only is this grid owner stealing people's regions but now they are lying about who is actually occupying their region to raise themselves in the ranks. Awful!

New articles in The Golden River ... Don't miss them

Come for the freebies. Stay for the sites! Take your time exploring this beautiful sim, filled with picturesque views, large forests, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and beaches. Don't forget to visit Santa along the way.

Opening at Christmas

BOM Caterina - Dia De Los Muertos Now at Steamland

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

JAPANESE MAPLE TREES PACK with animated leaves ** FREE and FULL PERM ** Available at BOX 02 at FOREST AREA (ground). Many options of trees sizes and seasonal textures (spring, summer, 8 kinds of autumn and 2 for winter). Also included leaf particles rezer for this time of year. Enjoy :)

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

SIX KINDS of sculpted wild grasses and weeds for ur place! ALL FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA BOX 01 with seasonal textures (and this time I put the standart size and also the reduced 128x128 pixels one that helps reduce graphic lag when many are rezed).
I had the pleasure of attending one of Gertie's sets. What I loved the most about her was her upbeat and exuberant personality. I wanted to create something to remember her by. This charm bracelet has a music note with her name. Free-Full Perms

LIGHT MUSEUM opening! All FREE and FULL PERM for LAMPs, STREET LAMPS and LIGHT related..
In STORE 05 u will find: Neon signs. Enjoy :)

Oubliet: TY! 3 years ago

Region YAY Megastore

New Animesh available, Provided by Blue Wingbabe, Outside of "Not MESHing around" shop. map coordinates: 275, 630, 23

A statement:

This is a world for avatars. If you put your avatar face in the profile, instead of the standard default picture, you get much more reactions and attention for your posts here in the forum. A standard profile picture does not specifically encourage you to open an account and take a closer look. If a profile is not maintained, the contributions and grid are usually the same. It takes effort, patience and perseverance to get people on his grid. Action = reaction. This is never quick! ;-)

Governor Heron


Eine Feststellung:

Das hier ist eine Welt für Avatare. Wenn Du Dein Avatar Gesicht ins Profil gibst, an Stelle des Standardes Vorgabe Bildes, bekommst Du wesentlich mehr Reaktionen und Aufmerksamkeit für Deine Posts hier im Forum. Ein Standard Profil Bild animiert nicht speziell einen Account zu öffnen und näher anzusehen. Wenn ein Profil nicht gepflegt wird, sind meistens auch die Beiträge und Grid so. Um Leute auf sein Grid zu bringen, braucht es Anstrengung, Geduld und Ausdauer. Aktion = Reaktion. Das geht nie auf die schnelle! ;-)

Governor Heron

Very needful things :) ... now available at Needful Things landing area

l'entrée du village

Another angle

Passion Jumanji: OMG! Luna! What is that? An Egyptian Cat? I LOVE IT! Where do you have that for sale!? I'ma get that for SURE! :D 3 days ago
Teaching myself pbr materials. Very different process to get those materials into OS. This is the clearest comparison yet of the difference between legacy materials and pbr materials. The one on the left was the best I was able to do with regular materials using only the original diffuse, normal, and specular textures. The one on the right uses all the original textures and shows them correctly.
Siamo sempre alle solite ogni tanto qualcuno izzato da qualche venditore che non puo più prendere i miei avatar e metterli in vendita nel suo negozio, critica insulta e offende, dicono che faccio un buon lavoro, E che diamine! lo faccio davvero! Poi regalo il mio tempo e la mia testa alle persone dell opensim. Statevene a casa vostra, non venite qui a criticare! Stupide persone ignoranti che non sanno leggere e dicono che gli avatar non sono in vendita quando è scritto chiaro e tondo come fare per averne uneuno, o che ti dicono che hai un traffico fasullo... ma cosa cavolo parlate a fare vorrei sapere Se il mio lavoro è buono e se i miei avatar sono miei non copiati dovreste soltanto ringraziarmi che li regalo!

harthelie: J'adore votre travail 3 days ago
==[OUT NOW] Paxton Skin Fatpack for EON EvoX==
Check out the new Paxton skin Fatpack for EON EvoX.
Comes in 10 different light tones matching the Dali Body skin tones.
Similar Ethan and Eros.

Uber: hop://

Lillysparks: He is so hot. Which one of my guy friends shall I convince to go get that look . Hot hot hot 4 days ago
I am working on this region for some weeks now and it is evolving... Terraforming, building bridges, stairs, hills... there will be boats and horses... working on a helicopter... on the land are houses with furniture themed for different preferences....

Aphra Hendrix: thank you so much for your likes! ... i will work faster now... lol 3 days ago
This is so cool. I have not been on in a few weeks, but finally I have carved out my schedule to be in OS more often. Yay.
In my absence it seems 94 different people came to Grid Tumbler to visit. That is awesome. Where are you all when I am online?
Come play with meeeeeeeeee.

LeonitasLionheart: *squishes* i am around. say hi sometime if ya like. 10 days ago
Opensim - there is so much out there to see ! Here are a few recent posts about a few of the interesting and fun people and places you can experience.
The new Safari season continues tomorrow at 12.00
Recent news from the OSWF:
Find out more about Genie Fegte:
Safari season starts on a fantasy sim in Pangea
The wonderful Marpil Grafenwalder shows us around her home
A new project for bringing the French community closer together

"Drama is like dog crap. The more you stir it, the more it stinks."

We finally decided to choose a clever name for our bookstore on Samsara docks


LeonitasLionheart: Uhhhhh...I believe *I* ordered the cream of Sum Yung Gai. ---Wayne Campbell, "Wayne's World" 20 days ago

Thank you all, Hugs

IndigoQueen King: It was a beautiful ceremony, a beautiful day and love and blessings to the both of you. I am so happy I was able to attend. Hugs 21 days ago

we´ll be back in September!!!

SilviaFrey: Un merecido descanso. Que lo paséis muy bien. Besos 30 days ago


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