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Bulletsim single-script car

You just need to define the link numbers for the wheels and the sit target.

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Is anyone still active here?

Jupiter Rowland: Yes, this could use some more activity. Maybe I'll write about some places again. 3 months ago
Good Day everyone, Hope everyone is well and safe!! I am looking for Grids that have vacation spots we can rent their
homes for a vacation or any places that are set up for camping if pl want to go camping for vacation. Its hard to have a big
family and all we can do is go clubbing. we want other things to do as well... so if there is any info about vacation grids or camping or places we can dine at i would so greatly appreciate it or like even great beaches you can do things there like surfing, or hand gliding, or diving into the ocean or swimming under the sea anything fun would help please!! sincerely Katana!!
On Sunday, France will vote in the first round of elections for members of the National Assembly. The latest polls indicate that the far right (the RN and right-wing traitors) will have over 30% of the vote, far ahead of the left-wing coalition. We risk ending up with a far-right prime minister.
Macron's 7 years of hard-line liberalism have destroyed social services: hospitals, transport, schools and fractured society. People are disgusted and ready to do anything to get by, even to believe the words of a racist bourgeois party that lies to them while pretending to help them.
I'm very worried.

Xenon Darrow: Hugs. Being from Texas and America, I feel you 100%. 3 months ago

This Porco Rosso's quote becomes trendy in France !

Suzi_Avonside: That's a great image! 4 months ago

I added a little bit of a ripple, shadow and cloth texture to the flag Xenon was kind enough to post earlier. Feel free! :)

Xenon Darrow: See? You guys have TALENT! I just find stuff. :D 4 months ago
Good Evening Everyone!! hope you all are having a beautiful blessed day!!! i was wondering do any of you guys know where i can find BIG house thats not a mansion but has a good amount of rooms but is Modern like what you see on SL cause i am not happy with any of these houses!!! Even when i change the walls and all other ppl have the same house and i just like to have my own house that i picked thagt no one else has because its my flavor how i like to style things and have things no one else has i don't envy at all i just want my own style!!!

Jupiter Rowland: If you've got a lot of time, you might want to look through Victor DeAngelo's Free Life Grid, especially Nostalgia Neighborhood and Eloquent Estates. He has got a lot of exclusive stuff that you won't... 4 months ago

Wolf Territories Grid: "Luke, I am your father" 4 months ago
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://

Aurora Starchild: Ahí está, que estaba yo el otro día pensando ¿dónde se ha metido estaaaa? Precioso! 4 months ago
@Ferdzee crafted a dynamic tapestry woven with threads of digital elements, textures, and lighting. The grandeur of the Grand Tower and the welcoming embrace of the city gates collectively symbolize the spirit of Japan. Thank you 🏯💗

Aurora Starchild: Sooo pretty *-* 4 months ago

Kitten Tattoo for Face/Back and Ass. Comes in 60/80/100%
Can be found in the Y-Y-T Tattoo Equiqment Store.

Sodasullivan: I know where mine is going =) 4 months ago

Furnished Tattoo Studio Building, all furniture has menus. Can be found in the Y-Y-T Tattoo Equiqment Store

Sodasullivan: Awesome! Well done Chi! 4 months ago

AresHalostar: This is a project that was completed with the assistance of the Neverworld Grid building team, with many generous beta testers, that had to deal with my many versions of scripts. A good team project.... 4 months ago

Hi folks! You can find some pride items at the entrance of the store!
Will keep adding a few more slowly, through June/July
hop:// Boutiques/388/356/23

Jared Seda: Thank u so much for the awesome pride stuff! Much appreciated! 4 months ago
How do I get into opensim?

I mad the account, downloaded the viewer (firestorm) but I don't know what to choose from the menu to enter?

Jupiter Rowland: First of all, you've downloaded Firestorm for OpenSim? Firestorm for Second Life won't work with OpenSim. Next, you'll also need to register an avatar in an OpenSim grid. The easy way, so you don't ... 4 months ago
In her first performance and debut @ Wolf Territories grid, DJ Xenon Darrow presents Sexy Saturday - an eclectic mix that is playful, precious, & always appropriate We'll see you at Wolf Fest! Saturday, June 15, 7:30 pm grid time



User Deadpool said I was the devil, I was deceitful and cheated everyone... shit, recognized...

Dorena Verne: I think I'll close this post so Deadpool can't continue trolling. 4 months ago

Second weekend for upgrades and backups on E Grid, down for the weekend, sorry for the inconvenience.

Will be back up Monday morning if not sooner!

Thank you :)

Marianna: Best wishes on getting restored! 💕 4 months ago

Free sex, porn,Cinema, Free Skyboxes, Fuck, milf, lesbian, Fem bbc, furry, fury, anal, ebony, taboo, older,, BDSM, Women, Men, black cock,shemale

SheaButter: Someone sounds sexually frustrated. 4 months ago

Nuovo avatar

CyberGlo CyberStar: Wow an amazing design! Very fly! Congratulations. :) 4 months ago
Heaven is where the real wind blows - where you can stay up late, have fun, be wild, drink whiskey, drive through empty streets and have nothing in your head except the desire to love someone and not get arrested.
🌟✨ Don't miss the opening of “Amnesia” in the Grid “Zone Nations”! ✨🌟
🕙 At 10:30 PM Italian time (1:30 PM SLT) DJ Adamking will rock the dance floor!
🎤 At 11:30 PM Italian time (2:30 PM SLT) the amazing voice of Katiaportugal will thrill you!
Come and experience an unforgettable night on “Amnesia”!

Druskus: Now in Live Katia Portugal! 4 months ago

Wolf Fest starts this weekend kicking off with education, tech talks and music plus some incredible builds. (to see a detailed list head over to )

Luna Lunaria: Yay! Excited about this one 4 months ago

In my Gallery more work to see.Please visit . All are very welcome!

Hello everyone, friends of New Life Italy,
we are approaching the first anniversary of this incredible journey. Looking back, I think it has been a challenging but also a very fulfilling year. We made important relationships, met so many people and created events that made us laugh so much. In short, it has been a good journey and I look forward to continuing it for a long time to come.
In this year we have seen a vibrant community full of positive energy grow. Each of you has contributed to making New Life Italy a special place where we can express our passions, share our ideas and support our dreams. We have faced challenges and overcome obstacles together, strengthening our bond and proving that, united, we can achieve any goal.
It was wonderful to see how much creativity and commitment you put into each project and event. From the weekly meetings to the big events, every moment spent together was precious and left an indelible mark in our hearts. The laughter, deep conversations and new friendships born in this year are the real treasures of this experience.
We are working on a big party to celebrate this first major milestone together. It will be a surprise party for many of you, because we deserve it and you deserve it! We want to celebrate not only the time that has passed, but also the future that lies ahead. The party will be an opportunity to relive the best moments and prepare for new adventures together.
We will gradually keep you updated on the development of the event. We promise it will be an unforgettable experience, full of surprises and joy. There will be moments of reflection, but also a lot of fun, because every important anniversary deserves to be celebrated in style.
In the meantime, we invite you to continue to actively participate in the life of New Life Italy. Your ideas, enthusiasm and spirit of collaboration are what makes this community so special. We look forward to sharing news with you and building new projects together that will make us grow even more.
I warmly embrace you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this first year so extraordinary.

Marianna: Congratulations!! I wish you many more years full of good friends and good memories!! 💗🍾 4 months ago

Finally I have my own GRID and my LOGO

Thank you so much to Masala at Masala Estate for making my dream come true.
Great friend and server Guy. Always there when I need you.

Finally the GRID is up but still under Construction.
my best friend in all worlds Arthur King are with me and my best friend Linda is with me in this journey, ofcourse we have Santorinishop, REBORN and all as it was, Bella Terra, Mi Amore and a new big surprise store that Linda & Arthur is fixing. Me is building my CLOUD9 with more shops to come, we love to create and do as we want, clubs as before and hopefully we will have DJ s that wanna come and play at our GRID and join us in our adventure, home Islands will be added and much more. This GRID is only for Adults.
No kids,teens or child avatars on this GRID.

At VendettaGrid Life, we believe that living a purposeful life is within everyone's reach,to have friends,build your dream and to be part of something,
living the best in opensim Let's embark on this journey together.
Follow us for updates in opensimworld webb.
We will be back...
Angelina Santorini

LaylaHart42: i love the logo and i know when you open up i will be there to go shopping 4 months ago
Hello Friends! I have been busy working on my shop and have made this sweet stone house available. It comes with a stone wall you can use as well. I built it for Braewood Forest in The Land Of Xzar, so visit there if you would like to see it furnished with the things I made for it as the one at the mall is unfurnished. All should be copy if anyone wants, or ask me. I have included a kitchen you can place if you wish.
I have added a lot of landscaping items: planters with flowers, ground flowers and plants, and a beautiful collection of trees made with AI-generated textures. There are also some new water lilies to add to your ponds, as well as a wooden gazebo with a dance ball.
I make all of my content using sculpts and prims. The shop is full of decor and finishing pieces that help turn a house into a home.
Look for Star Ravenhurst Designs on the teleporter when you land.
Thanks for having a look! Big Hugs!! Al Kohav

Jared Seda: Awesome store! Really enjoyed visiting! Thanks for sharing your amazing creations. 4 months ago

Hi everyone, still working on the new welcome region but in the mean time, here is a little teaser.

Marianna: Best wishes on your new Welcome, another surfing destination creates an inclusive environment where anyone can experience the joy of surfing, regardless of their geographical location or physical abil... 4 months ago

A bed where you can snuggle up under the covers? Of course I can do that. Here you go! It's at

Xenon Darrow: Now I just need a snuggler! ;) 4 months ago
ya know.. there sure is a LOT of imature, high schoolish, jealous, so called adults, who are drama queens & kings across all grid of the metaverse.. here's a little advice.. if you have a beef with someone.. Take it up with them "Personally".. email them.. reach them inworld on their grid.. reach them on facebook... reach them on discord.. but whatever you do.. do NOT reach out to them publicly on someone elses post, profile page, or advertising poster, or what have you.. if you are blocked LET IT GO.. if its THAT important that you absolutely MUST keep the drama going.. create an ALT inworld.. go to their grid.. send them a message let them know exactly who you are.. and then say what you gotta say.. HOW DARE YOU start drama on someone elses post here on .. 2 words for you.. GROW UP! & Keep your business and drama off of other peoples posts!
Have a nice day!

Arielle: Where is the fun in that? People post here to have an audience that will hopefully validate one's point(s). Sending an IM or e-mail sounds good and mature but negates most of the entertainment of post... 4 months ago
we make weekly parties and combine meetings during the week with little groups of people who want to enjoy dances and intimate encounters .... and enjoy together

Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks present "School's Out For Summer"!
Sunday June 2nd 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific
DJ Maldrul will be playing a collection of Rock songs about school and summer along with his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!


LaramieWinslow: showed up for a minute, was too shy to stay :S 4 months ago

SN Jolene Bikini
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Sodasullivan: I have been trying very hard to find a simple bikini, something with no extra straps or chains hanging off it. Thank you for offering this! 4 months ago
Let your users contact you for two-way conversation through telegram for instant help access.

Creating a script to allow in-world users of OpenSimulator to chat with a channel on Telegram requires the use of HTTP requests. This involves creating a bot on Telegram that can receive and send messages, and an LSL script in Second Life to interact with this bot.

Step 1: Create a Telegram Bot
Open Telegram and search for BotFather.
Start a chat with BotFather and use the /start command.
Use the /newbot command to create a new bot, and follow the prompts to name it and get the token.
Step 2: Create a Webhook to Communicate with Telegram
You'll need a server to handle messages between OpenSimulator and Telegram. Here's a simple example using Python and Flask.


from flask import Flask, request
import requests

app = Flask(__name__)


@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
data = request.json
message = data['message']['text']
return "ok", 200

def send_message_to_telegram(message):
url = f"{TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessa..."
payload = {
'chat_id': TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID,
'text': message
}, json=payload)

def send_message_to_sl(message):
# This function should handle sending the message to Second Life.

if __name__ == '__main__':
Set up the webhook URL for your bot using:

Step 3: Create the LSL Script in OpenSimulator
The following LSL script will send a message to the webhook on your server. The server will then send this message to the Telegram channel.


string webhook_url = "http:///webhook";

llOwnerSay("Telegram chat bot script active.");

touch_start(integer total_number)
llOwnerSay("Please type your message to send to Telegram:");

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
// Prepare the message
string json = llEscapeURL("{\"message\": {\"text\": \"" + message + "\"}}");

// Send the message to the webhook
llHTTPRequest(webhook_url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/json"], json);

llOwnerSay("Message sent to Telegram: " + message);

on_rez(integer start_param)

changed(integer change)
if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
Step 4: Set Up a Listener in LSL for Telegram Messages
If you want to receive messages from Telegram in OpenSimulator, you need to implement the send_message_to_sl function on your server and an HTTP server in LSL to listen for incoming messages.

Example of setting up an HTTP server in LSL:


llOwnerSay("Telegram listener script active.");
llHTTPRequest(webhook_url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/json"], json);

http_request(key request_id, string method, string body)
if (method == "POST")
// Decode the incoming message
string message = llJsonGetValue(body, ["message", "text"]);

// Send the message to local chat
llSay(0, "Telegram: " + message);
This setup involves running a server to handle the communication between OpenSimulator and Telegram. The example assumes familiarity with web server deployment. For a more robust solution, consider using a cloud service to host the server.

FreshVirtualWorld: 4 months ago
As a way to say thank you to the OSW community, I'm going to be releasing a project every now and then and have it only shared with those who happen to come across this listing. To start things off, you can find the first gift at the OSURL below!

A fun throwback to the days of old, when taking a mallet to a plastic animal felt wonderful. (Mallet not included!) To play, simply rez it out and give it a click. The owner of the machine will have a few extra options, including the option to reset the score to 0, as well as an option to remove all score logs. Have fun!


Jared Seda: Thanks for the awesome gift! 4 months ago
Bonjour à tous,
La troupe des Théâtreux vous propose une soirée théâtre en français le Dimanche 2 juin 2024 sur la région Event Space (SV3D).
Au programme, la pièce « Et l’œuf engendra la poule » de Jean Vilain.
Rendez-vous ce dimanche à 21h15 hop://
La même pièce sera rejouée le vendredi 14 juin et le jeudi 4 juillet, à partir de 21h15.
Venez nombreux ! :-)
Freitag 31.5.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

*Weil der letzte Freitag mit "Fortsetzung folgt" von BAP endete ...

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid :

Arielle: Is that a picture of a couple dancing or fighting? It's hard to tell! 4 months ago
Feeling like you are on a Lonely Island? Hop on a boat!

Music can heal us. Music can bring us together. Remember to have smiles and laughs, and enjoy your life...rl and/or virtual worlds!

RemmyRavenhurst: Suddenly feels sea sick! :) 4 months ago

Area Added for useful textures, Ai curated textures collections for builders.

KaydiRose: Thankyou for stopping by! 4 months ago

Cozy little coves at Catena di Isole. Everyone is welcome here di Isole

Lillysparks: that is adorbs I gotta come check it out tomorrow=) 4 months ago
Get Help Finding Stuff
Polar bears are good at helping you find stuff, if you can find one. So, people are using the box more and more to request help. As you know, comments in the box get drowned out by not nice comments. Even the nice comments push the requests down until they disappear. But there is help with that. Just join the What Are You Looking For group.

• Why: As I mentioned, there is a short time before requests in the box go to oblivion The posts in the group stick around, increasing the chances that you will find help from our over 100 members.
• How to use the group: Post about items you are, well, looking for...outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. At times, a group member will actually make what you are looking for. How cool is that? (Hint: very cool!)

What happens if you help? First, you become one of the forces for good in the galaxy. OK, in OS and OSW. We need more goodness here, right? And, about every two weeks, I post a list of our recent helpers, a bit of their profile info, and the address of their region(s).

The What Are You Looking For group. It’s what you’ve been looking for!

Harleyjannys: I joined! Thank you. 5 months ago
With seasonal textures included and smooth animation on leaves! All available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA (ground area), BOX 02. Enjoy :)

(*) Old versions still inside the box.

Xenon Darrow: There he goes...making more beauty for OpenSim. 5 months ago


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