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Auf einer verlassenen Insel mit dunklen Ecken haben sich Piraten ein Zuhause geschaffen. Gold und viele Schätze sind in den Tiefen verborgen. Am Abend jedoch feiern die Piraten ihren Beutezug mit Whiskey und Rum. Kommt und feiert mit uns diesen Ruhm.
Pirates have made a home for themselves on a deserted island with dark corners. Gold and many treasures are hidden in the depths. In the evening, however, the pirates celebrate their raid with whiskey and rum. Come and celebrate this glory with us. Nova

Hi folks! You can find some pride items at the entrance of the store!
Will keep adding a few more slowly, through June/July
hop:// Boutiques/388/356/23

Jared Seda: Thank u so much for the awesome pride stuff! Much appreciated! 5 days ago

Bangles and bracelets at the Monentes Jewelry store! Jewelry

Was eine geniale Einweihungsparty. 😍
Eine rammel volle Bude, ein super Publikum, geile Mukke und Spaß ohne Ende.
Manchmal echt Tränen in den Augen vor Lachen. 🤣
Ein riesen DANKESCHÖN an alle die da waren, das schreit nach Wiederholung. 🥰
Klicke auf den Link um zur Galerie zu gelangen ...

Have a nice, peaceful summer day everyone. :-)
Euch allen einen schönen, friedlichen Sommertag. :-)

Join us for our closing ceremonies at 3pm at Tiki Stage hop:// with DJ Indi~Q on the ones and twos Closing remarks from Lone Wolf, Luna Stormfeather, Xenon Darrow. Open mic. Come give Wolf Fest a big send off till we do it all again next year!! It was an awesome fabulous weekend!! Even though the parties are over you can still visit the exhibits and awesome builds!! Thank you everyone for making our first Wolf Fest awesome.

Xenon Darrow: Best festival ever! 6 days ago
The Metaverses most advanced radar. This radar tells you if it is an NPC or a real person. It also shows their IP ADDRESS and their name & distance away from you. It's click on & off and only the owner can see that. :) It's at

Xenon Darrow: Cyber, I always know when you have made something stellar because someone starts crying about it. ;) 6 days ago

So many places to photograph I could not post anymore photos! ;) Na Sioga is connected to a huge RP land, The Fey Wilds, come play with us!

"Keep Your Dragon Flapping" script has been updated by me. I created this script because I would go to tour a sim and see a dragon flying in the skies and it's wings would have quit flapping, so it's just sliding across the sky. Putting this script in with your script that animates the dragon will keep it flapping forever and you never have to reset it. This also works for flying cars, flying spaceships, birds, etc.

A wee village

The Tree

Dance and Rest

Enter the Forest of the Children of Danu where each step is a dance.

The Great Gaia Tree, All are welcome, and many things are copy!

Welcome to Na Sioga, Land of the Gaia Tree and the children of Danu. This is a role play sim but many things are copy!

Dave King Live now @ Barefoot-Dreamers Entertainment Entertainment



Allow external SIMs to attach to grid?
I was curious: how does one go about allowing external SIMs to attach to private (yet hypergrid enabled) grid the way that OSGrid allows you to?
I've searched through the documentation and don't see anything stating how to do so, but I could have easily scanned past it.

Club house, horses, surf, and music, what more can you ask for?

Govega: Gantl is our horse ranch. Up the gravel road a bit you will come onto Cloudburst Roads, our Never Riders clubhouse and 3x3 riding sim with twisty turning FUN roads. Slide over to Shadowlands for more... 6 days ago
Funsize Dinkies World.
A place where dreams come alive and imaginations run wild.
Join the Funsize Dinkies community as you begin a journey filled with endless adventures, laughter, and new friendships.
It's a place where neighbours become lifelong friends, sharing unforgettable moments and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
This is a place where every day is a new chapter in your Dinkie Story.

Funsize Dinkies World Resort Dinkies

jeder Freund ist willkommen, ein ruhiges Zuhause ist möglich, ohne Intrigen und Lügen.

Singer Songwriter Samuel James delivers a great acoustic show! Samuel is a must listen to Autistic artist from Australia. With his mesmerizing voice and captivating lyrics, he delivers a one of a kind musical experience that will leave you absolutely breathless.
WHEN: 11:00am
MAP: hop://
Come have a listen to the talened guitar stylings of Washedup Sideways!
WHEN: 10:00am
MAP: hop://

Thank you so much for everyone who helped to make Wolf Fest incredible!

Hey Everyone :)
I'm Performing at Wolf Fest at 12:00pm
Come join in the celebrations, request a song or two, and have some fun with us!
Ride: hop://

IndigoQueen King: My first time hearing you sing Rogue!! I loved it!!! Thank you so very much for helping make our Wolf Fest amazing! Appreciate you. What an awesome performance. Huggies 6 days ago

would like to know is there a place we can get like hopscotch game and ferris wheel a nice one and roller coasters if anyone knows pleaseee!!

Lynne Lundquist: Hi Katana i left the hopscotch at the welcome at my region on seahaven hop:// 6 days ago

I am looking for a working tambourine or clapping animation. thank you

Wolf Fest gave me the opportunity to finally make the profile pic I've always wanted to have.

I wish everyone a good start to the week. :-)
Ich wünsche allen einen guten Start in die Woche. :-)

All Decor has been permanently reduced half price. These are not my main business - venues and architecture are, but I create pieces to go with each of the structures as I work on them. Thought it would be nice to pull all these together in one place.
Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks dedicate Sensational Sunday to Fathers

Sunday June 16th 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing classic and contemporary Rock along with rock and pop songs about and for fathers as wellas his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!


Collectibles III was born today, still a work in progress but am happy to share it at this stage, as always you will find cute gifts, so come take a look
Hugs Bebe

Bebe: In this small place you will find my collection of clothing for eBody Reborn only :) 7 days ago
Ever dreamt of seeing the world from a bug's perspective? Now you can! Step into the enchanting world of Goliath Gardens, an extraordinary OpenSim region where you can transform into a bug and explore a breathtaking garden designed just for you.

What Awaits You in Goliath Gardens?
🌼 Bug Avatars: Choose from a variety of adorable and quirky bug avatars. Be a praying mantis, bee, ladybug, or a beetle!!

🌷 Giant Garden: Our stunning garden is meticulously crafted to be the perfect playground for bugs. Navigate through towering flowers, lush grass, and intricate plant life that are all scaled to make you feel like a true tiny adventurer.

Thank you @FerdFrederix my mentor and dearest bugfriend, I hope wherever you are you are chilling with your feelers calm and your wings relaxed 🐜🪲🐞🐝 Gardens
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
Conectados Grid
estamos trabajando en mejoras para nuestro grid, vamos a incluir nuevas opciones y queremos que seais participes de ello
*Vamos a incluir proximamente una moneda en nuestro grid
*Para todos los residentes vamos a darles un terreno de 2048 metros o una casa con terreno del mismo tamaño

Residentes con antiguedad de dos meses o mas en nuestro grid reciviran un 30% de descuento en la compra de tierra
Residentes nuevos que quieran adquirir tierra para llevar su proyecto a cabo reciviran un descuento del 15% del precio total
Ambiente distinto solo faltas tu

Necesitamos en nuestro grid, djs, cantantes, personal para redes sociales, si estas interesado ponte en contacto conmigo y te dare mas detalles
Unete hoy mismo en : Siguenos en redes sociales
Conectados Grid
estamos trabajando en mejoras para nuestro grid, vamos a incluir nuevas opciones y queremos que seais participes de ello
*Vamos a incluir proximamente una moneda en nuestro grid
*Para todos los residentes vamos a darles un terreno de 2048 metros o una casa con terreno del mismo tamaño

Residentes con antiguedad de dos meses o mas en nuestro grid reciviran un 30% de descuento en la compra de tierra
Residentes nuevos que quieran adquirir tierra para llevar su proyecto a cabo reciviran un descuento del 15% del precio total
Ambiente distinto solo faltas tu

Necesitamos en nuestro grid, djs, cantantes, personal para redes sociales, si estas interesado ponte en contacto conmigo y te dare mas detalles
Unete hoy mismo en : Siguenos en redes sociales


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