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SFPOSER / PMAC remove unused animations

just drop the script in the PMAC object and say "remove" to delete all unused animations in the object. The script will also delete itself in the end<br>

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Fashion is all about expression, and the FUNSIZE Dinkies are turning heads with their unique style!

Join us on Friday, August 9th, starting at eight o'clock in the morning, Pacific Daylight Time, for a Dinkies Fashion Show like no other.

You'll see the latest trendy outfits created by the FUNSIZE Dinkies, and after the show, these fabulous looks will be available for purchase in the Marketplace, with some even up for grabs for free!

Don’t miss out on this chance to embrace fresh fashion and discover what these trendsetters have in store! Dinkies

(Anyone can come over to watch the show, but the clothing is strickly Dinkie only)

Omy2024: This looks so adorable Sofee - I hope the time difference will enable me to be there 2 months ago
DORIAN DRAGON will play live!
Aug 9, 10 AM Grid Time at Cozy Comforts City in OsGrid
hop:// Comforts City
Dorian is a multi-instrumentalist, he can play many music instruments, but he prefers playing electric guitar (sometimes acoustic - depends on the event) and also singing. His performance in Second Life has three settups : singing with tracks, singing with acoustic guitar and singing with electric guitar.

He has been working as professional performer for more than 10 years in RL, performing regularly in clubs, featuring in outdoor music festivals, and also releasing his original composition with his different bands in the past, but here in SL he is a solo performer.

Dorian based his repertoire in the wide spectrum of rock and its multi-dimensional genre (rock and roll, blues, classic rock, hard rock, punk, hard rock, pop rock, alternative rock and heavy metal). He covers songs from The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Guns N' Roses, Mr. Big, Motley Crue, White Lion, Metallica, Sex Pistols, Green Day, and many more...

Dorian also has some blues repertoire on his arsenal of songs, including songs from BB King, Muddy Waters, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Elmore James, Willie Dixon.

His performance is filled with energy, crowd participation, and with well-planned song list; he can bring the atmosphere to different kinds of mood, from power-rock beat, fist pumping anthem, mellow rock ballad and raging powerhouse tunes. He can serve requests of songs from the fans - to make the show more engaging and entertaining.


Discord ID: doriandragon


FB Profile:



GROUP: Join my group hop://


📝 Beach party in Dorenas World on August 6th, 2024.

The video is a review of the party on August 6th, 2024, sorry for the wrong date in the post. Animations and spoken text using Hedra. Start and end image edited with Photoshop. Background music fr...

𝗗𝗝𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝗘𝗺𝗺𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 - 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 😎
Virtual Vista Metaverse - presents our Wednesday Night Party with Emma Florido! You're warmly invited to our casual Wednesday Night Party filled with good vibes and good company. Musical preferences: Partymix, EDM, Charts & Mainstream. Don't miss it, we look forward to seeing you! We start at 10 am OS Time
Virtual Vista Metaverse – präsentiert unsere Mittwochabend-Party mit DJane Emma Florido! Wir laden euch herzlich zu unserer lockeren Mittwochabendparty voller guter Stimmung und guter Gesellschaft ein. Musikalische Richtung: Partymix, EDM, Charts & Mainstream. Verpassen Sie es nicht, wir freuen uns auf euch! Wir beginnen um 19 Uhr OS-Zeit

Galerie d'art où j'expose une partie de mes peintures / Art gallery where I show a part of my RL paintings

falene hawks: bonjour petit village sympatique loi des foules des shops et de party's, de l'art de la detente, du calme. bravo 2 months ago


Serenity Cabins Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting NOW to 6pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock / Country Night
Taxi: hop://


Join us for the VWEC Quarterly Meeting, Monday, August 12th, at 6:00 PM Grid Time.

Copy this link to go directly to Wolf Territory:

Or you can meet us at the Kitely Hub (10 min before 6:00) and teleport from there: hop:// II/122/130/25

We will use Discord for talking:

*A reminder will be posted the day of the meeting*

Our server is currently down for maintenance, will be back up soon.

Zoree Jupiter Live
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire

For all who love animesh animals: I have added the first bunch of my creations to my shop!
Use the black sphere Teleporter at entrance to get to em
Have fun!! ☺

Caribia Zsun: Thanks again Peter =) 2 months ago
Tempo Isle Presents..
The Vocal Stylings of EVEE BLACKSTAR!
Come join us for some great tunes and a fun afternoon!
❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 2:PM OST
❈ ════ ❈ TEMPO ISLE
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Isle
❈ ════ ❈ HOP: hop://
TEMPO ISLE Presents..
EVANEA FAE LIVE! Come join us for
this very talented Performer! Singing your Favorites!
❈ ════ ❈ LIVE at 1:PM OST
❈ ════ ❈ RIDE: Isle
❈ ════ ❈ HOP: hop://



News!!! Group Gift if you are already a member of Tierra de Volcanes come and get your group gifts, open the group info and go to announcements, there open attachment and receive the group gifts.
If you are not yet part of the group don't forget to join the next time you visit us.
We Lava U ♥!!!!

Xenon Darrow: I love all your gadgets! Got the snake tongue yesterday! 2 months ago
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am/1100hr Grid Time
Place: Stark Islands Studio 54
MAP: hop://

niki stuart: woot woot go rogue go, so looking forward to this!!!!! make time to enjoy rogue at her raunchiest!! 2 months ago

Carmen Jewel: Looks impressive ! 2 months ago
New location on the Africa sim - the Amapiano Lounge. Remember to turn on stream to hear some amapiano.

What is amapiano?
It is South African music genre taken from the Zulu word for "pianos"and is a hybrid of deep house, gqom, jazz, soul and lounge music characterized by synths and wide, percussive basslines.

Sample the music here :

Visit the lounge anytime and chill/jive to some amapiano tunes ( or check out all the other fun locations on the sim :)


3fx couples dance One Soul or 1soul...i was devastated when switching in sl from intan to TIS dance machine and sl ate some no copy irreplaceable anims...i found 22 of 24 in the clubmaster, no idea if re-uploading them will work as it may go on uuid rather than anim name, but id like to give it a shot!

Jupiter Rowland: I can't promise anything, but maybe I'll manage to acquire an old enough Clubmaster that has them. 2 months ago
Partyfotos vom Blue Monday - Life aus dem Club XY

Welch genialer Abend.
Ich bin stolz auf Euch.
Die "Fluchtrate" war total gering!
Wer hätte das gedacht bei dem Set, was ja doch ziemlich speziell war.
Irre viel Spaß gehabt und lustige Gespräche.
Ich danke Euch....
Hier die Bilder >
Partyfotos vom Blue Monday - Life aus dem Club XY

Welch genialer Abend.
Ich bin stolz auf Euch.
Die "Fluchtrate" war total gering!
Wer hätte das gedacht bei dem Set, was ja doch ziemlich speziell war.
Irre viel Spaß gehabt und lustige Gespräche.
Ich danke Euch....
Hier die Bilder >
We have created many things, and many more to come as fall comes upon us they will be added in Aviworlds event center only. Please note as you come here we are under construction and working hard to get things ready......
Last call today if you were a resident of Paradise on the now closing TRG ( The Roleplay Grid ).

Please remove your items and move over to:

We wanted to give plenty of time to relocate and so first announced this a few days ago. Please come on over to E, we'd love to still have you in Paradise ! Be sure to get the new Residents group at Arrival.

Tomorrow the old land will be cleared completely as TRG closes down!

Dj Dave At Club Paradise
Where: Club_Paradise
When: Now till whenever
Come Join Us and Chill to Some good music

♬ WHO: DJ baby


Dj Dave At Club Paradise
Where: Club_Paradise
When: Now till whenever
What: Mixed Tunes
Come Join Us and Chill to Some good music

Sim Probs Help!!!
i keep getting Heartbeat Delay on my console, never got that B4 and a prob with tp to my Region it says Update Agent Did not Receive agent update, need to iron the errors out so i can have my Regions running smooth again , i did update open sim to the new one btw :) any help would be good :)

PapaJohnson: In OpenSim, the heartbeat loop time and physics step time play crucial roles in simulation performance. Here’s what you need to know: Heartbeat Loop Time: The heartbeat loop is the core of the simula... 2 months ago

Meadow.Elise IM with a request for a Princess Pendant for a necklace. It can be found in the foyer of the store, you can find various chains around the store too. Thank you Meadow for reaching out.


Einladung zum Mitmachen
Liebe Opensim Community,

wir freuen uns, euch im Rahmen der 4. Pangea-Geburtstagsfeierlichkeiten am 12. Oktober zu einem ganz besonderen Ereignis einzuladen: Die erste Pangea Regenbogenparade!

Unter dem inspirierenden Motto "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns" möchten wir euch herzlich einladen, eure Kreativität zu entfalten und mit uns gemeinsam zu feiern. Unsere Parade bietet euch die Möglichkeit, eure bunten und fantasievollen Wagen zu gestalten und diese in einem fröhlichen Umzug durch die Straßen von Köln zu präsentieren.

Mitmachen und Gewinnen
Die schönsten Wagen werden von einer Jury, bestehend aus Mitgliedern verschiedener Grids, mit tollen Preisen prämiert. Pangea-Wagen fahren außer Konkurrenz und werden daher nicht prämiert. Wer an der Parade teilnehmen möchte, meldet sich bitte bis Ende September bei Marlon Wayne oder Lampithaler Artist. Nutzt die Gelegenheit, eure kreativen Ideen zu verwirklichen und mit uns ein starkes Zeichen für Vielfalt und Respekt zu setzen.

Was euch am 12. Oktober alles erwartet
Bunter Umzug der Regenbogenparade: Erlebt die Vielfalt in ihrer schönsten Form! Die Parade zieht mit euren kreativ gestalteten Wagen durch die Straßen von Köln und setzt ein buntes Zeichen für Respekt und Zusammenhalt.

Beeindruckende Shows: Freut euch auf atemberaubende Darbietungen! Bink Draconia wird mit einem Männerballett verzaubern, und Lampithaler präsentiert ihre mitreißende Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.

Grandiose Aftershow-Party: Der Abend endet mit einer fantastischen Party, bei der erstklassige DJs für die perfekte Stimmung sorgen und den Tag gebührend ausklingen lassen.

Jetzt mitmachen!
Meldet euch jetzt an und zeigt, was Vielfalt für euch bedeutet! Eure kreativ gestalteten Wagen sind das Highlight der Parade. Lasst uns gemeinsam ein unvergessliches Fest der Vielfalt erleben!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Invitation to Participate
Dear Opensim Community,

We are excited to invite you to a very special event as part of the 4th Pangea Birthday Celebrations on October 12th: The First Pangea Rainbow Parade!

Under the inspiring motto "Diversity is Our Joy: Respect Connects Us," we warmly invite you to unleash your creativity and celebrate with us. Our parade offers you the opportunity to design your colorful and imaginative floats and present them in a joyful procession through the streets of Cologne.

Participate and Win
The most beautiful floats will be awarded fantastic prizes by a jury consisting of members from various grids. Pangea floats will be non-competitive and will not be eligible for prizes. If you want to participate in the parade, please register by the end of September with Marlon Wayne or Lampithaler Artist. Take this opportunity to bring your creative ideas to life and make a strong statement for diversity and respect with us.

What Awaits You on October 12th
Colorful Rainbow Parade Procession: Experience diversity at its finest! The parade will move through the streets of Cologne with your creatively designed floats, making a colorful statement for respect and unity.

Impressive Shows: Look forward to breathtaking performances! Bink Draconia will enchant with a men's ballet, and Lampithaler will present an exciting Rainbow Show set to the music of Reyno Parx.

Grand Aftershow Party: The evening will conclude with a fantastic party, where top-notch DJs will create the perfect atmosphere to end the day in style.

Join Now!
Sign up now and show what diversity means to you! Your creatively designed floats are the highlight of the parade. Let’s experience an unforgettable celebration of diversity together!

We look forward to seeing you!

Cosa: Tolle Idee :-) 2 months ago

amazing night of live singers best of the best

@ Night

Deejay: Love it @ night also :) 2 months ago

We strive to have a gooood time, Enjoy!

Deejay: If your happy & you know clap your hands, Clap Clap! 2 months ago
I just placed the Nature's Embrace Set out, Update** I fixed it, I had to make the stone really teeny and when I uploaded it in the meshmerizer I increased the size some and it worked. In the store Foyer, at Monentes Jewelry.

Star Ravenhurst: I tried to come see you the other day and the region was down. Is it down during certain times? These are STUNNING!!! 2 months ago
Some of my favorite dreams are actually nightmares. I have vivid dreams that feel so real, it's like I can hold them in my hands as I wake up screaming! I quickly write them down before they escape me. I’ve read that if you keep a dream journal, after a year, you might see that many of your dreams came true in some way. Having kept dream journals for years, I can confirm this is true for me. I’m a bit psychic, though not enough to win the lottery!
Some of you have shown me bits or given hints of your projects, and I know the results will be epic. This community has incredible talent, and I can't wait to see the art each of you create.
Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery accepts art from novices to established artists, promising to handle your work with care and respect, showcasing it to its best advantage. We believe everyone should have a chance to express themselves, so whether you're new to creating art or a well-known artist, everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and become part of the Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery family.
I’m about to start rearranging the gallery to make way for your amazing art for the fall exhibit. Starting next week, for those working on sculptures, please stop by and see me so we can decide where to showcase your pieces on the grounds. Those creating wall art, please stop by so we can determine the best space to show off your dreamscapes.
I can't wait to meet with each of you. Thank you for being part of the gallery and my journey as an art curator.
- Art inspired by dreams and surrealism.
- Focus on imaginative, otherworldly scenes.
- Incorporate elements of fantasy and abstract expression.
Any medium, including AI Art, is allowed.

* AI Art created in NightCafe Studio

Arcfury: Your dreams remind of the term: hyperphantasia. 2 months ago
After being asked several times about my Sphynx Animesh cats with cat tree, I have now decided to release them. They can be found in the Yin Yang Town Backup Store region which you can reach via the teleport board on YYT Main. I wish you a lot Fun with the little naked kittens ;-)

CyberGlo CyberStar: my kittens are growing fast. they are into everything that starts with a T. Trouble, Trouble, and Trouble. When they are away from me i worry. They are my babies. I spoil them rotten. They are h... 2 months ago


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