Wolf Territories Grid @nbtafelberg

Watford, United Kingdom Offline

Owner of Wolf Territories Grid

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Come check out the new redesigned Bachata now called inSilico , Micawood put a lot of hard work into the region.

Infinity 11 is still available for wolf grid residence to find a place to live. However, there is now a short screening to qualify for security purposes. I try to provide a safe place to call home in a nice environment.

Hicks: Nice place ;) 3 months ago

the New Rome Bath House... Use shared Enviroment

We will POST some of our roleplays here continuously to show you all how much we love to RP and keep you aware of whats going on. We already had multiple ones. :
RP - The group was investigating the invasion of dragons on Westeros soil. Rowk and Asad were found during the travel back to the 7 kingdoms. They found some people still alive and living on the vast land. One of them, Mina C. a farmer, was brought to safety in the thick walled Redkeep.
- They then found one of what we call 'People of the Forest', Anniera May who lives on the North-East near a bay in the Vale. She also was made aware of the dragon threat. She is eager to give us assistance.
- As for a third person, Justin Case who right away wanted to help too, was quickly made to guard the North in CastleBlack.
All those people skills helps to keep an eye on the many parts or Westeros. The future King Max C. and his Hand Steve will keep contact with them regularly, uniting as a group every Sundays (beside Dec 16th) so all kingdoms stay safe. ((You all are invited to join us in those meetings !))
WolfTEC Learning Conference 1.0: Digital Frontiers in Virtual World Education

Our dates have changed to January 11 & 12, 2025. It is a great time for the hypergrid to be waking up to the new year!

We will be hosting a variety of events at a variety of locations designed for educational experiences! We are looking for the following:
- Poster Sessions (templates and assistance provided)
- Speakers (30-45 min) (Assistance with presentation slides and posters provided)
- Interactive workshops (1 - 1.5 hrs) Curriculum and media support, coaching provided, assistance with facilitation provided upon request.

Come share your educational projects and efforts throughout OpenSim!
Contact Xenon Darrow with your information and interest!

The conference starts @ 9 am grid time each morning, with the poster sessions on the first two hours of each morning.

There will be sessions throughout the day, with a 30 min break in between morning and afternoon.

The conference will end each day by 4 pm grid time, following by social / networking hours and/or parties.

Information and presentation forms are at the website:

Landmarks and videos are available to review poster setups. Templates and assistance provided.
I have a group now called Wolf Territories Co-Op

You can join it right from my profile.

I will be putting a group joiner at the store so when you visit you can also join from there as well! :D

You are more than welcome to join this group.

I would like to use this group to stay connected with each other and share items, ideas etc. with each other.

We could let each other know how our farms are coming along as well as get to know each other better.

We can also plan parties if we would like to get together sometimes.

Hoe Downs, Hay Rides you know, stuff like that! :D

The second have of the VivoSim System is in the pic with this message.
I forgot about this one.

I have the full VivoSim System in one of the stores here on my farm, also!

If you need the full system or only part of it, it's right there in the store!

This pic shows one side of the store, I am going to post another one next for the other side.

I have new information to add anyhow :D
Hiya All! :D

I'm opening a script store. I will be putting scripts in there that I have found from around open sim, but not the usual ones that everyone finds.

Some of these scripts I have modified.

The store is on my farm, in the same place as the other stores.

I have put a sign on the store so that you know which one to go into once you get there.

I have only put one script in there so far, as I have just come up with this idea a couple of days ago.

This script that is available is for when you would like to know who has entered your farm and you can be on another grid, and it will still message you in local who entered your region.

I find this extremely helpful for when I am away on another grid.

This works from region to region, too.

Don't put more than one per region or you will get confused.

I have detailed instructions to put what and where to go information.

I also put my calling card in there so that you can reach me.

I'll be adding more scripts as I come across them.

Have a wonderful day & ENJOY life to its fullest! :D
I added a cluster of farming stores. It was getting a bit crowded and starting to look unkempt, so I went and put those stores behind the landing point on the other side of the fence.

All you have to do is click on the fence and it will open automatically for you and let you through! :D

This month's OSWF meeting is on Saturday, Oct. 26th at 12pm noon PDT (grid time). It will be held in the dome next to the landing area.

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/OpenSim Worlds Fair/998/983/24

IM Koshari Mahana, Kimm Starr or Cooper Swizzle if you want us to send you a LM

Hope you can make it!

got my press pass ready for the OpenSim Worlds Fair meeting tomorrow.

UPDATE: OSW did something to my link. Use the link below to copy/paste into the browser to see the page.

Hey graphic artists out there ...what is this effect called?


Designer used to provide it, but they took it out.. I am looking for a a free or nearly free replacement, where I can drop images in and it does this.

Debby Dawn: Its a simple mistake in the addres URL, Im sure its meant to be https://sites.google.com/affordable-green.us/msdesigner/home 11 days ago

At 2 pm grid time, I will be speaking on the VWEC panel at OSCC! I would love to see you there!

It's time to climb into the way back machine to the 70s! Let's take a deep dive into a time when music was large, long, and told fantastic and psychedelic stories!

Join us tonight! Monday, 10/21, @ 5 PM grid time @ Wolf Territories: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Paradise Lost

Come on out to the Playa - a massive and stellar music festival venue, the glorious love child of Woodstock and Tomorrowland, with a bit of Electric Forest Festival thrown in! Wear your best flared jeans, leather jackets, fringe, crop tops, tie dye, aviator sunglasses...and THE HATS! OH THE HATS!
Or just come as you are; we love ya any way you are there!
Reminder: I do have some free housing.
Feel free to drop on by, address is on the poster.
Infinity 11 near the main landing.

There is more options that what is seen on the main land. Wolf Territories Grid.
If anyone needs help with anything for almost anything you can also message me ( wicked ).

Contact Wicked Way for assistance.

Hicks: Wolf is a beautiful grid. Fast and stable, and wicked is ....very nice person. 2 months ago