Wolf Territories Grid @nbtafelberg

Watford, United Kingdom Online

Owner of Wolf Territories Grid

We've been updating some of our office buildings in our welcome area. Region owners can have a FREE office to show off their regions and provide an immersive experience.



Introduction to Wolf Territories Grid, including our control panel.

View from one of our office buildings.

Community Meeting Video - https://youtu.be/l6d5sHAnNAE
We have developed a tool that can bulk create and load regions from oar files by the customer filling in a simple spreadsheet if anyone needs assistance. We moved 87 regions to Wolf Grid yesterday. Our assets are stored in Object Storage which is spread across multiple servers and locations. We maintain 2 live backups of the assets at any time. If it gets low on space we just buy more space.

We are offering free migration for the next month.


CherylFurse: You should really watch the video. Much information you get here about the grid and what you can do and what you will do soon. I wait for Bobby that he can generate mesh objects. This is something rea... 3 days ago

Lone Wolf at the Irish Wolf Pub on our welcome area. Picture by Jimmy Olsen

Frank Hurt: Thankfully, no wolf-boogers to be seen! 6 days ago

Wolf Grid Welcome has Balloon Rides, Taxis and Vehicle Rezzers. Come and enjoy our massive new welcome area.

Community Meeting 9th Feb at 11:00 AM at our Welcome Region. - Cancelled for today

Wolf Workspace Region has been renamed to Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area - all your old landmarks will still work.

A view from Wolf Software System's Office at our Wolf Workspace Welcome region. Region owners get a free office they can use to promote their regions in or just use.

Work continues on our welcome area.

Xenon Darrow: It's so amazing how quickly offices are filling up! 16 days ago

Wolf Workspace - Welcome Region at night

Xenon Darrow: Such a brilliant idea, Lone! Such gorgeous work, Jimmy! 19 days ago

Construction of the region continues with Garden Offices, in the distance is what will be part of our park that will allow you to go on massive horse rides over hundreds of regions

Xenon Darrow: Soooo excited to set up offices for Virtual Education Journal! It's amazing how this has taken OFF! 21 days ago

One of the tower blocks at Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Region - Home to Wolf Software Systems Ltd, a real life software company that makes web sites, mobile apps and more.

Luna Lunaria: I have my office there, and we've been discussing a website for me 22 days ago

Wolf Workspace has now become our Welcome area with offices and shops free to residents of Wolf Territories Grid, our plan is to grow this into a multi-region citiy

Ludo: I have to visit this place 27 days ago

More office space.

Ludo: Looks amazing 27 days ago

Wolf Workspace Region ... lots of offices already taken!

Pomodoro Working Session in Progress. Come and join if doing RL/In world work, 25 mins, 5 mins breaks then 25 mins break. I will discuss more at our community meeting on Sunday

Pomodoro Working Session tomorrow RL/In World 9:00AM UK TIME 1:00 Grid Time

Wolf Workspace Co-Working in RL in World Pomodoro, FREE offices for participants

https://youtu.be/hBL0h2qb4D0 < RL Working in a Virtual World with Wolf Workspace!

https://youtu.be/rmreO8HgD4Q < About our Pomodoro working parties for anyone working in RL or in World https://www.wolf-grid.com/

Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas from Wolf Territories Grid :)

I asked Bobby if he'd come up with a Christmas poem in the style of "The Night before Christmas about the grid", I don't think he did too bad. Happy Christmas everyone https://www.wolf-grid.com/

Frank Hurt: Hey, that's actually pretty impressive! And: long time no see, Wolf! Hope all's going well with you. 2 months ago

Working on a Role Play/Educational System https://youtu.be/hiOuGbJpHiY?si=asFIvGbyrWNh6TtR (volume a bit low)

https://youtu.be/u1M-i0iyUbs - How to create 3d text in blender and upload to OpenSim Jimmy Olsen/Lone Wolf

Marianna : When I first started creating jewelry I discovered that I could use the dingbat fonts for neat jewelry parts. You have to make sure you have permissions especially if you plan to sell the jewelry. ... 2 months ago

https://youtu.be/u1M-i0iyUbs - How to create 3d text in blender and upload to OpenSim/SL

Found at Luxor Region, Wolf Territories Grid

Aurora Starchild: Oh noes, the Goa'uld! :O 2 months ago
Planned Maintenance this morning took out 3 nodes of our High Availability Cluster. the cluster moved things around to keep things online. We lost 2 nodes out of our Mariadb 5-node Galera cluster and brought them back automatically total down time I reckon 5-10 minutes for what for some grids would have ben a catastrophic failure. https://www.wolf-grid.com

Luna Lunaria: One of the many reasons my home is here 2 months ago

Simple idea. Get a region from Wolf Territories Grid, use the terrain generator to make some mountains then flatten a bit and put a house on it. https://www.wolf-grid.com

Hicks: And with the tide system it gives a lot of creativity 2 months ago
Here is what's happening at the Wolf Pack Club right now!
I am decorating for Christmas, so here is just a sneak peek as for what I am up to there. If you happen to come in and peek
within the next few hours, it's going to be a mess.
I am decorating and I have stuff laid out all over because I know where I want to place it, it's just that I must decide what goes where, etc.
So of course, I'm not going to leave it that way for even an entire day. Just gotta get some zzzzz's than pick up where I left off
As you can see, I concealed the area quite well. LOL!
Khiron Ametza will be Singing for us on Wednesday, so I want to the club to look PICTURE PERFECT CHRISTMAS STYLE!
AND YES! The harp is REALLY PLAYING CHRISTMAS MUZIK! AND. . I am animated as playing the harp!
OH YES! The train is REALLY going around in circles on the train tracks

https://youtu.be/OdO6hyobpKE - Wolf Grid Community Meeting

VENDETTAGRID.LIFE.: Ty Wolf for sharing your meeting and share the information. I really hope OSGrid will open soon. Ty for update us in opensim. Keep up the great work you do Wolf as always. / Angelina Santorini 2 months ago

Community Meeting today all welcome - even if you are not on Wolf Territories Grid - 11AM Community Hub Region

Lone is at one of his home's talking trees with Jimmy!

Community Meeting this Sunday at the Community Hub Region 11AM

Handsome Wolf

Brrrr. cold wolf

When a Wolf goes to Egypt. Visit Luxor at Wolf Territories Grid.

3rd Rock Lakes

New Loadbalancer Dobby is running our maxscale database cluster. Go Dobby! (sorry no picture of servers).

Wolf Mountain our Welcome Area - https://www.wolf-grid.com - regions for sale.

Luna Lunaria: Love this grid 3 months ago

Europa Moon of Juipter ( 4x4 regions )

Xenon Darrow: Another amazing work of art from Jimmy Olsen! 3 months ago