Wolf Territories Grid @nbtafelberg

Watford, United Kingdom Offline

Owner of Wolf Territories Grid

Joined 1 years ago

About Myself

This is the official Wolf Territories Grid account.

My Interests

OpenSimulator Version

OpenSim NGC

Viewer Version



More servers than you can imagine

My Regions

Wolf Workspace
0 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Workspace 0 Users
This is our workspace region for our pomodoro sessions/working collaboration sessions
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Wolf Winter Fest
5 2 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Winter Fest 0 Users
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Wolf Territories Ocean 20
2 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Territories Ocean 20 0 Users
Wolf Grid Shopping Region
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7 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Madrigal 0 Users
Madrigal is a 12x12 sailing region at Wolf Territories Grid
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The White House
4 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:The White House 0 Users
Model of the White House, with the oval office
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Bobby Manufacturing Plant
6 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Bobby Manufacturing Plant 0 Users
As part of our SCIFI area (about 200 regions) This is where we make Bobby our AI Robot. You can talk to him by typing Bobby followed by your question
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Wolf Territories Ballroom
7 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Territories Ballroom 0 Users
The Wolf Territories Ballroom
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Wolf Railyard
4 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Railyard 0 Users
This is where we keep the trains that run round Wolf Territories Grid
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WTGR Wolf Territories Grid Radio
5 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:WTGR Wolf Territories Grid Radio 0 Users
Wolf Territories Grid Radio is a volunteer radio station where region owners can volunteer and take a slot on our stream The Stream address is: http://cast.wolfterritories.org:8000/stream To volunteer for a stream you must own at least one region. Your programme can be about anything you lik...
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The Squall Wild West
5 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:The Squall Wild West 0 Users
The Squall Country Music Club
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Race Track
4 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Race Track 0 Users
our Race Track Region
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Wolf Fest
7 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Fest 0 Users
Wolf Fest is our Festival Region we're getting ready for a huge festival, please do visit and watch it grow!
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Wolf Software Systems Ltd
6 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Software Systems Ltd 0 Users
This is the region of the company that owns Wolf Territories Grid. Also includes other things we own. If you need software/databases and much more get in touch.
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Community Hub
5 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Community Hub 0 Users
Our Community Hub and Temple Theatre
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Wolf Grid Hangout
6 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Grid Hangout 0 Users
Greedy Table, Hangout area, a good place to start exploring over 1200 square km
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Wolf Pack
13 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Pack 0 Users
The legendary Wolf Pack Club for music and dancing.
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Wolf Mountain
27 0 grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Mountain 0 Users
Please note this grid is over 3 years old, we had to reset our opensimworld membership 6 months ago. Wolf Territories Grid has the largest land area of any OpenSim Grid. We have some incredible places for you to visit. All our regions are joined so you can travel by boat, plane, hang glider or th...
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Come on over new WOLF ART GALLERY at welcome.

Wolf Manor region, terrain auto generated by the grid through the control panel, got the manor house from Kitley and a few bits from my inventory. Environment by the legendary Jimmy Olsen.

Found at Luxor Region, Wolf Territories Grid

Aurora Starchild: Oh noes, the Goa'uld! :O 22 days ago

Simple idea. Get a region from Wolf Territories Grid, use the terrain generator to make some mountains then flatten a bit and put a house on it. https://www.wolf-grid.com

Hicks: And with the tide system it gives a lot of creativity 24 days ago

Community Meeting today all welcome - even if you are not on Wolf Territories Grid - 11AM Community Hub Region

Visiting Europa Regions by Jimmy Olsen. Incredible 9 x 1024x1024 regions! https://www.wolf-grid.com/

Wolf Winter Fest Events

In the new Firestorm "Take Copy" on the menu has moved, TAKE is now a menu - which gives 2 options, take and take copy before we get any more tickets.

Thomas Etzel: wow, how could we survive for so long without this feature?!:-)))))) 2 months ago

My Wolf Territories Grid RL mug arrived! - we've got a new shop at https://www.wolf-grid.com !

Luna Lunaria: Just ordered my 15 oz cup! 4 months ago

Happy Wolf Fest day check our website for events. FREE festival, education, tech talks and much more.

Xenon Darrow: So we are doing this quarterly now, RIGHT? RIGHT? ;p 7 months ago

Happy Wolf Fest everyone

Good morning all it's Wolf Fest Day 1 kicking off with 2 University Presentations then Lone Wolf at the Big Top for his day 1 tech talk! Please use the teleporter board here to get around - but to really enjoy the festival take some time to have a walk round our incredible exhibits. Don't forget to ride the Space Race roller coaster.

Wolf Fest starts tomorrow

https://www.wolf-grid.com - details of events

This is a screen shot from an Asus Duo 2024 Dual screen laptop with Singularity viewer stretched over it.

we have created an airports database for Wolf Territories Grid, thought are at the moment some kind of navigation hud thingamabob, maybe auto flying planes between regions....

Region control panel --- could only screen shot half of it.


Including Live demonstration of our new Streaming Service

Aurora Starchild: Make sure you don't leave any open browser tab with porn before streaming! :P lol 9 months ago

The yacht club.

Wolf territories grid now uses Discord for voice. https://youtu.be/e5Tr6ALc6oc?si=0pDBLz4cA2jAG1oE

This Sunday

New Local Region Teleporters, you can set them up in our web based control panel and just have them locally or share them with the grid on our destination guide/stargate system https://youtu.be/pCp4CQ1Rs2E https://www.wolf-grid.com

Tide is out at Madrigal, this region uses the grid's tidal facility to make the water rise and fall

Being that I own Wolf Territories Grid which is HUGE I have 4 home regions, but this is my favorite of my home places. It's really simple, lots of boats, nice sunsets and a cafe.

A view from Diamond Customs boat builders on to a 12x12 Madrigal. Those mountains were generated by our terrain generator in the control panel at www.wolf-grid.com


Waterfall at the Squall - Wild West Role Play

2 Space wolves guarding my home at Europa.

Jimmy Olsen: tsk tsk.. useless for the fleas though. Actually more furballs, more fleas lololl 12 months ago

Wolf Territories Grid Stargate Teleport Type 2 available in the Region Owners Pack at Wolf Mountain


Don't let the President catch you Lone....

We will be having our christmas carols outside the White House

Repurposed part of an oar file - complete retexturing and changing to add another hall to the community hub area ready for this weekend's community meeting at 11am, plus I've moved the community hub next to wolf fest 1
Wolf Territories Grid Radio LIVE from The amazing EUROPA region http://cast.wolfterritories.org:8000/stream < add to your land or view in browser

The club opening of Club Ryanna on the region with the same name!


GMinteractive Resident: I went today and had a great time dancing. Yes, I was "The COUNT" 1-2-3 and had fun. Wolf territories and now "Club Ryanna" has my dance card full. Thanks Again for a great day. 1 years ago
We're trying something new tonight! We'll be live streaming from Breathe Resort for an interview on Lone and DJ's Region show where we interview residents of Wolf Territories Grid about their regions 12:00 MIDDAY on the grid radio channel and youtube, facebook, discord LIVE STREAM!


Dancing to Wolf Grid Radio! details at https://www.wolf-grid.com

The top 5 most busy regions are listed at Wolf Mountain now you can click to go to them so finding people to talk to is easy, if we have an event somewhere on the grid it will be at the top of this list! Note that the 1 user regions rotate so it changes all the time.
Go make some friends!

Mountains generated by our AI Terrain generator free for all region owners https://www.wolf-grid.com

MartyFeldman: I dont find it on the welcome place. 1 years ago

We have a number of radio stations on our Grid! Get your Free Player Radio at Wolf Mountain that automatically picks them up from the website.

https://youtu.be/OdO6hyobpKE - Wolf Grid Community Meeting

VENDETTAGRID.LIFE.: Ty Wolf for sharing your meeting and share the information. I really hope OSGrid will open soon. Ty for update us in opensim. Keep up the great work you do Wolf as always. / Angelina Santorini 27 days ago

Lone is at one of his home's talking trees with Jimmy!

comments 214 post likes 1893
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Breedables Market

yeah just to confirm Wolf Territories Grid is blocked as well.

Lunaria Emporium - Main Store

One of the 7 wonders of OpenSim!


One of my favourite places on Wolf Territories Grid, 144 second life regions!

Sky Harbor

I love planes, this is incredible.


This is one of the most incredible builds in OpenSim ever. PLEASE don't miss it.

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