ElisaDorben @natashareese

Argentina Offline

Perfect for surfers, full furnished with the best furniture! come and enjoit with ur friends playing greedy , surfing or just chill! All djs are welcome , just send me a msg and will be add to the djs board

Little progress xd

Actually i have a free plot in Jungle grid ( i wants leave), anyone know where can have a free plot?

Stone Lunasea: Neverworld Grid has a lot of free land w/ huge parcels & many different themes or you can connect your own regions for free. https://NeverworldGrid.com 14 days ago

Frank Hurt: oh wow! Is this a place we can come visit? 14 days ago

Ok... New world, new land , new lifestyle? xd I'm not in love with working on a beach sim... but here we go! soon I will upload pictures of my new little world finished.

Frank Hurt: Looks like good progress so far! 14 days ago

working at home

No more en JUngle Friends. No More in Open sim.

Please dont contactme for JF grid, im not the owner anymore. Just put on contact mr portal

The pinecones Lodges

No llevo mucho tiempo en Open sim, y ya lo e visto practicamente todo. pero lo que mas e notado, el nivel de competencia entre grids, e incluso entre los mismos residentes de un mismo grid. No voy a explayarme demasiado, voy a ser directa y puntal: No voy a apoyar a quien de manera desleal tome lo que alguien a creado para ser COMPARTIDO DE MANERA GRATUITA, y lo venda x la moneda que sea, no importa si es 1... 5 o 1000 $ , las cosas deben FREE PARA TODOS, e creado contenido PROPIO para ser vendido, pero me di cuenta que los negocios deben ser dejados lado en un ambiente que a sido creado para hacer amistades. Chicos de Matrix , tienen el apoyo de nuestra comunidad!

edito y agrego pruebas de que se venden cosas que son GRATUITAS en otros grids https://tianguis.ola.click/products

BearHug: You have no defense. You blame others for your crimes. You take no responsibility. Worst is you also steal and are selling stolen content inworld and on your web site. You are responsible and no other... 2 years ago