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EEP SKIES FULL COLLECTION (*) Available for FREE and FULLPERM at LAMP AREA (TP main area) for who enjoy playing with different skies!

1- Imported all old Windlight Sky set from Firestorm and changed to EEP;
2- Added also timezoned EEP for all seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter), between seasons (Spring/Summer, Summer/Autumn etc) and for each season or between seasons, all kind of days (clear, cloudy, rainy or foggy) , all ready to use!
3- Some nice textures for moon, Sun and Water included for those who like to customize the skies and give an extra touch on SIM.

(*) Make sure your grid is EEP enabled and using the latest Firestorm - unsure how and if it works on others viewers though).

Enjoy :)
This took me a little while to make, it's not a new product but the consolidation of the look of the shop and related items.
I re-made the whole shop, with the familiar look it had before but a little bit more steampunkish, modern materials and I got it ready for future technologies like PBR materials.
It features an elevator now instead of the good ol' ramps and while it looks more or less the same size than before it holds a ton more space than before so my perpetual issue with space is over.
The beacon now is inside the shop for whom comes to the sim to choose another destination.
Also I made a new boxand refreshed every single product in the shop.
I'll release a new product soon now that this project that started in 2019 is finally complete.

Happy Sunday!

Lone Wolf: Lone *LOVES* his new hat. 12 months ago

News! hop://

Morgan Chaplin: Beautiful clothes thank you for sharing. 1 month ago
What Are You Looking For?
After the closing of the much-beloved (and, at times, the much-reviled) Adachi, I thought about opening a place called Not-Adachi. Starting the "What Are You Looking For" group was easier. Now, after just 4 months, we have 78 members. We are the largest and most active group on OWS.

I appreciate the thanks directed my way for starting the group. But the thanks should go to our many helpers. They are the reason What Are You Looking For is such a success. Here are just some of them.

FallenAngel Absent
Star Ravenhurst
Jamie Wright
Jadwiga Abremović
Jupiter Rowland
Serina Gee 
Misty Falls

(Forgive me if I've missed including your name).

How great is this group? Someone was looking for an item that could not be found. So a group member made it for them! Come post about items you are, well, looking for. Outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. And, please, come help.

Tigerkitti Eberdene: I have a new sim called Darkness Falls. i am searching for anything Goth related. Furniture, clothing etc. If anyone has suggestions that would be great. I have modified some furniture I found, and ma... 4 months ago


Your IP Address is recorded every time you visit any sim in the robust log. This means you cannot go to ANY sim without your IP being recorded. All I have to do to see anybody's IP is go to my robust file, and search on part of their name. This pulls up their name, ip address, cmac, and key. So if you are paranoid or don't your information out there, then don't come to the metaverse. First of all the way ip addresses work, your IP address MUST be told to the server you are visiting so it knows WHERE to send visual data back to so that you can see it. In fact, this is how the entire internet works. So get a grip.

Lillysparks: Cyberglo, you are so cool the way you ended this crash-course in IP basics. "Get a grip" LOL. You must have been around someone who was complaining...this seems oddly specific. Hehe 2 months ago
New Release: Arcadia's Ghost Telephone

A nice vintage crank telephone you can rez to decorate your house.

If you sit on it, you can ask a question and receive a ghostly answer, just like a magic 8 ball.

But from time to time it'll ring by itself and if you answer you'll get a spooky story...

Read the instructions to know how to operate and a hidden option.

Available at the Main Shop and the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Friday!

NineZero: Thank you, Love it! I appreciate all of your content. 8 months ago
Thirza Ember did an awesome article about my land. Read it here!

NineZero: Looking forward to the ceremony on Friday. 7 months ago

Hi :)
Can anyone tell me the best place to get visitor boards ?

Jupiter Rowland: I know Shelenn Ayres has made one, but I'll have to check where she keeps it. 3 months ago