Mike Chase @mike.chase


Co-Owner (with Calliope Andel) of Utopia Skye Grid and primary maintainer. I have a long history working with grid technology as a user and developer. I was one of the primary contributors to InWorldz grid tech. during it's heyday. Still trying to move the ball forward in OpenSim despite a somewhat dysfunctional technical community. I'm Mike Chase on any grid you;d fine me including SL.

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Hi folks - if someone hasn't tried @valerieluv0 's rental system, please do. Amazing stuff... and she is super supportive.
Small details that show that the person who designed it knows about he process (like, being able to set the picture for the main office in each box, so you can take it and drop it as you rezz them!)

Playgrounds Keeper: Agreed Aurora, it's a fantastic product! 3 months ago
Complete Rental System v1.0

. Two types of lands renting:
Rent Owner : Renter own the land
Rent Group : Renter get group privileges
. 3 ways of calculating pricing:
$Sqm, $Prim, $Fixed
. Price set on server and or Rental Box
. OS$ Money system ( $G Gloebit)
. Rental unit settings:
4- or 8-weeks mode
. Display Rentals with Cards
. Automatic group Invite (or not, as you wish)
. TOS Distribution
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySql DB API

Complete syteme comprised of:
. Rental Box
. Rental Server
. Kiosk Browser
. Map Kiosk


Lone Wolf: *** DO NOT TAKE THIS ITEM FROM THE SHOP *** Apparantly I just come to rip off ideas, when in fact I could build myself anything you have. 2024-02-24 08:12:42 Lone Wolf http://grid.wolfterritories... 4 months ago
News and updates...
Suzan Von Otto of Klamotto(https://opensimworld.com/hop/78282) messaged me last night to inform me she rigged my hair and made it two material faces, to be distributed freely with the nonrigged version. I will do this- but want to make a good hair hud for it first. Thinking of adding compatibility also with the "Decadence Hair Huds" I see floating around so people have even more choices.

2. I am making the main shops inside more cozy and finished looking. The idea is the newest or most popular things will stay right at the front outside but everything else goes inside eventually. Avatar stuff and hairs will go in "avatar magic" which is shaping into an "alternative sci/fantasy" beauty shop.

3. Just a few months away from new open source bodies and I finally fixed some errors I had with the Ruth2 V3 devkits...I have also legal copies of old maitreya devkit, among others from when I did things in SL. I have a few things I never put on the big grid and can, even for Athena users, because legal stuff for nonlegal bodies can be a "Gateway drug" to more legal content. And the problem isn't just going to go away cold turkey. So I can put my huge supply of "I made this, rigged it, it looks nice, never wore it in SL" on opensim. We'll see how it goes.
Big flowers. 100% original, nothing stolen. Don't sell, give credit, don't put on SL.
Easy way to add a little magic to a region...menu driven, click to change textures.
If you rez a lot of them, consider taking the textures and script out of each flower once it is the colour you want. I have pre-sized three versions, but it's all fully mod so you can make it normal flower pot sized or skyscraper sized. Up to you!
A 100% original BOM mesh, 100% legal , bento responsive head with skin, shape, eyes, and a recent version of Ruth sans it's usual head as a courtesy. It's SLUV so you can use any skin or eyes you want- no mesh eyes are included, system ones do work fine. There is a PG flat chested and not PG boob versions of the skin.
Don't sell, don't put on SL, don't tell people you made it (and tell them who made it if asked).


Not copy botted! Artist-made.

Jupiter Rowland: I hope you're ready to match it to Maxine in a few months. In the meantime, I'll see if I've got some room on the third-party shelves at my stores... 6 months ago

Dancing on the set at the end of the Golden Touch Theater show on Utopia Skye Grid

This is great! People dancing in all four Event regions listening to Anthony Veeper

HG Address: grid.opensimfest.com:8022:event2

Safari returns with a roar today at 12 noon SLT with a visit to Dinkies and Dinosaurs on Discovery Grid! Join us if you can we depart from hg.osgrid.org:80:HG Safari where you'll find the details of the trip.
Can't come? There will be the usual writeups on https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/ a big thanks to @ShalHeira and @KayakerMagic for making this wonderful debut adventure possible!

Thirza Ember: wow thanks to everyone who showed up to the event, about 25 of us (including the naked and the clouds!!) If you'd like to see a few pictures, here are the links https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2023/09/w... 9 months ago

I love details and materials. This is the interior of my Victorian Club

Richard Lionheart: Nice look! 1 years ago

I loved building this theater with Bill Blight on his old grid. We watched so many movies there. It's only a memory now. Maybe I'll rebuild this as a stage venue :-)

Star Ravenhurst: I would love to have that! I miss movie nights on Bill's grid. Hanging out with everyone is some of my best memories. Loved the Writer's group too. I have been thinking of trying to start a writer's g... 2 years ago
Wedding Anniversary celebration-Gt Emergence Pre-show
Where: Golden Skye
When: 3 years ago [4 Sep 2021 12:00 SLT]

Mike & Calli celebrate their 5th anniversary of partnering in virtual worlds (and 2nd for being married in RL!), along with a pre-show of the upcoming Emergence as put on by the Golden Touch theater. Come celebrate with us on our journey of love & emergence.

The Golden Touch presents: Emergence
Where: Golden Skye
When: 3 years ago [18 Sep 2021 12:00 SLT]

Our show called Emergence is a celebration of coming out of the dark. it is artistic dance, poetic theater, and visual entertainment. Come & share in this journey of emergence!

GT "Emergence" Pre-Show Club Event
Where: Golden Skye
When: 3 years ago [15 Aug 2021 12:00 SLT]

September 18th, 12-2 is the Golden Touch show "Emergence". Come dance with us and get a VIP sneak peek at what's to come! Let us mystify, surprise, and entice you to come back again! The Golden Touch theater is a musical theater group located (only) in the Utopia Skye Grid. Its origins are that of a dinner theater, providing artistic visual poetry. Comprised of some extremely talented people making up an extraordinary team of visionaries, the Golden Touch puts on shows that push the envelope and immerse their guests in various sets and themes.

hello everyone I'm finishing working on a new hud version of each furry avatar will have new functions such as alpha and eye colors !

Next Sunday, Feb 2nd come on over and join the group to discuss all things, adult. Topics will cover a broad range for each meeting. This meeting's topic(s) may include: Alt Lifestyles in Virtual....what do you want to see? Sacred Sexuality: personal definitions and many more. We hope to see you there! Clothing is optional, leashes, chains, all poses, sits, and formalities are accepted & will be observed. Due to the nature of the group, NO CHILD AVATARS will be allowed. Please see our rules regarding child avatars.