MarinaMario @marinamario

BigOne Offline

Dickgirl (Transfemme)


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the llama3 model is running great for me in Terminal.
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Every Resident of dynDNS Grids should be warned, they will be kicked silendly by the wicked server policy of Zetaworld.
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i could not find it before i was kicked due to this Fu**ing dynDNS policy
eeeeep, so sorry
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Ich kann es nicht nachvollziehen das hier die ganze OSW community mit dererlei persönlichen Auseinandersetzungen konfrontiert wird
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very nice artwork region(s).
the most i liked the interpretation of Hagia Sophia and Taj Mahal
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i got kicked twice without any conversation, looking into conversation log i found an IM, they banned me because i am a dynDNS visitor.
they have to mention that very clearly in their region description!!
It wasn't Mattie and Niki who threw you out of Stark.

It was the whole grid, ZetaWorlds, that threw you out at grid owner Vincent Sylvester's behest.

ZetaWorlds doesn't let anyone in from a DreamGrid, it doesn't let anyone in from any grid that uses dynamic DNS (all home-hosted DreamGrids do), it doesn't let anyone in from a grid without a valid imprint that provides some out-of-world admin contact (DreamGrids don't have that).

If you don't believe me, try going elsewhere on ZetaWorlds, and watch your avatar being logged out by force, no matter where on ZetaWorlds you are.
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really,really stunning this shopping paradise, i needed a Taxy to get home with my totally overloaded shopping bags.
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good question but u need to ask the artist about that giggles