Luna Lunaria @lunalunaria

Discord at ᒪᑌᑎᗩ ᒪᑌᑎᗩᖇIᗩ, Wolf Territories Grid, Kitely, Utopia Skye, Digiworldz, Mobius Grid, Friends Grid, OSGrid, and Second Life Offline

Spiritual Seeker, Science Fantasy Writer, Creator in virtual worlds

Joined 7 years ago

About Myself

Spiritual Seeker, Science Fantasy Writer, Creator in virtual worlds

Favorite Quote

As you learn to truly see the companions who travel this life with you, you begin to realize that there is no journey, but only an awakening. There is no road to travel on and no time to travel through.

OpenSimulator Version

Opensim-NGC Tranquility on Wolf Territories / 0.9.2 on Kitely

Viewer Version

Latest Firestorm PBR Viewer


High end gaming desktop that I built myself. Allows me to run high graphics in all settings.

My Regions

3 0 0 Users
A brand new ongoing build by Luna Lunaria. The theme is a reimagining of what Atlantis and the Roman Empire would look like if they had survived to the modern era and merged together (sorry no, not the sunken version of Atlantis. There are lots of others working that theme). Not much there right now...
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Lunaria Emporium - Main Store
28 6 Emporium - Main Store 0 Users
Lunaria Emporium is Luna's main store located on Wolf Territories Grid, where you'll find unique products created solely by Luna that can be purchased with Gloebits, or with other pay options through links to the Kitely Market. The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes ...
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39 2 0 Users
Luxor is the home of Luna Lunaria and a place of meditation for spiritual pilgrims. The region rewards the patient explorer with hidden grottoes and quiet songs playing at various locations. Using a PBR viewer and Shared Environment will complete your experience in this place of peace. All are welco...
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Heartfelt thank you to Karima Hoisan for the fun machinima video she shared of my build on OSFest. She also created the music:

FYI: While most information about OSFest 2022 resides at this website:

two critical pieces, the grid map and the events calendar, live here:
My apologies to anyone attempting to visit my regions on Mobius Grid or Wolf Territories Grid the last few days, especially since I am advertising both at OSFest. The two grids have been down for a few days, both with asset server issues. I still have a smaller region at Kitely, but that one is a store only. I'll post a notice in my profile when everything is back up.


Kitely Market Store Online:

Such a beautiful and important music set with DJ Spirit of Paha Sapa playing current Native American music at OSFest. Blown away.

LittleBeaver: Yes, he did. Unfortunately only for 18 min. 3 years ago

Dancin at OSFest to Country Bob's great tunes :-)

having fun at OSFest on Event2 listening to Ctm Underwood

Jerralyn Franzic: Yes, love this singer... a sweet old soul :) 3 years ago
OSFest 2022 starts off with a bang today at 9 am grid time (pst) with a full lineup of great performers for the next three days! There are also tons of exhibits and displays everywhere. See you there!

Start at HG Welcome to grab all the info and goodies:

See all regions here:
The OSFest 2022 website has been updated with new images from participants, HG addresses to all public regions, event lineups for all three filled weekends, sponsor ads, and sponsor links. We've added download, heart, and social share icons for the images. You can see the website here:

Kudos to the great OSFest team!

We open in two days! Construction on the grid is happening at a fast pace. Late entries for free parcels and sponsors are welcome!

A tidbit from the Luxor build. This hypergate takes you to Lunaria on Mobius Grid

Mistressdalgato: beautiful, is that hypergrid for sale? would something similar as a decretive piece 3 years ago
We still have some free parcels open and 8 days still left to build. Tell your friends and get your own if you don't have one already!

Here is how to get started (we apologize for the multiple steps, but these have become necessary in light of recent grid attacks):

Step 1: Go to to get a ticket as an exhibitor or as a merchant if you want to sell your products. This is how we get your email address

Step 2: You will receive an email invite to create an optional local avatar account on OSFest Grid. You may skip this step and proceed directly to Step 3 if you would like to use your HG avatar instead, but you will need to contact us in Discord to set up a meeting with your HG avatar on the OSFest Grid.

Step 3: Sign up for an open parcel at

Step 4: We will get an email about your choice, then arrange to send a group invite to your local OSFest avatar as officer to your parcel so that you can build on it

For those of you who are interested in learning more, here are the significant links:

Main Information Source:

Main Communication Channel (Discord):

List of Hypergrid Addresses:

Grid URI to add the grid to your viewer:

I love to build massive and mysterious things

HG Address:

Lone Wolf: When you realise that something awesome is happening on your grid! Great Job Luna. 3 years ago
OpensimFest 2022 is four weeks away from opening on July 8th, and participants are already busy creating fabulous displays. For those of you participating and for those of you who are interested in learning more, here are the significant links:

Main Information Source:

Main Communication Channel (Discord):

List of Hypergrid Addresses:

Grid URI to add the grid to your viewer:
I was excited to be featured in Focus Magazine, an online publication dedicated to art in the metaverse. They also gave me the opportunity to talk about the upcoming OSFest 2022 at length. You can find my article on page 92, but everything in this issue was fascinating for me:

A lovely song plays here in this quiet sacred space

Working on a meditation area under the main causeway at Luxor

Fun with Building - the main access from the harbor is now complete. I'm the tiny little speck on the stairs to the left of the lower access opening. The style of the region is less ancient history and more like my take on a Stargate vibe :-)
It's time to select your parcel if you signed up as an Exhibitor or Merchant for OSFest! Parcel assignments for all sponsors and large exhibitors and merchants have been completed for those who made requests (Nyx, Luna, Lain, Trouble, and Modee) so they don't need to choose their parcels. The rest of you can now choose where you want to be on the grid using this webpage. You only need to enter your avatar name (email is optional as that is shown on the page if you enter it). Reference the diagram parcel numbers when you choose your spot. Use this link to select your parcel:

You can see the grid map in the OSFest Discord at this link:

Exhibitors: Choose a parcel from either of the Alchemist Estates.

Merchants: Select your merchant parcel from the Guild Estate.

Exhibitors and Merchants: Larger exhibitors and merchants may select parcels from one of the two Marches Estates. Keep in mind that those larger estates are split into two regions: Chlorine uses Yengine and ubode physics; Quantium uses Xengine and Bulletsim.

Important! It is not too late to sign up as an exhibitor, performer, merchant, sponsor , or volunteer. If you would like to participate in some role, please go here:

Or here:

Ooohh...a new door. I wonder where this goes?

Adding layer by layer to the Luxor build

Steadily working on Luxor

Here's the most recent notice regarding OpensimFest 2022 from the admins on our Discord server, which is our main point of communication for all things OSFest:

"We are in the process of bringing the OSFest2022 grid online with the latest NGC code. This is happening one region at a time while we are testing to be sure everything is working. We will let everyone know when it is ready for access and subdivided parcel location choices and group invites for each.

You can join the OSFest Discord server here:

You can also see information on the website here:

More detail on the main harbor entrance. I'm the tiny little white-haired figure near the base of the left statue :-)

AnaKathy: sehr schön 3 years ago

Started work on the main harbor entrance. I'm puttering in the little pontoon boat at the bottom.

Kashi Takeshi: Great work Luna. 3 years ago

Luxor is coming along nicely

Standing beneath the Great Pyramid at Luxor, currently under construction. Prim work, texturing and lighting on a monumental scale.

My new region now has a name - Luxor, and an OSW beacon. A lot of work still to go.

The next venue in my spotlight series is the Art Deco Lounge. This one began life four years ago on my home region to provide a more intimate place for grid parties. We had some great events in this one, especially a couple of birthday parties. I eventually set it for sale after the original grid closed. This one is perfect for groups of 10-30 people and doesn't feel like you're being swallowed up by a cavernous structure. Comes complete with decor.

You can walk through the original at these store locations:
Mobius Store:
Kitely Store: Emporium

You can find it on the Kitely Market here and check out all the pictures:
Sneak peek on a new region build, details and location to come later. The pic is from the first of two 4x4 varregions. This was originally just a test build on a former small region. Still a lot to go - for instance, the pyramid is in the early build stages with no textures, and the style was inspired by the Ra mothership from Stargate.
This is the Renaissance Ballroom, the next venue on my spotlight series. This venue began as an exhibit in the first OpensimFest in 2019. At that time it was only a shell with no windows or interior, but a year later I filled it out into the structure that it is today. This is my heaviest build in terms of land impact but it has been one of my most popular venues.

You can walk through the original at these store locations:
Mobius Store:
Kitely Store: Emporium

You can find it on the Kitely Market here:

It's always hard for me saying goodbye to a region, but especially this one, for which I had such unique visions and hopes. I pass this dream to a new Luna who will carry it through to realization.

Kylie Brimmer: aww sad to hear :( 3 years ago
Just created my avatar on Wolf Territories and officially joined their grid. Almost done with a satellite store on their Ocean 20 region. I've always loved this grid simply because it is over 500 contiguous regions - great for flying and sailing, and because the owner @wolfterritories is extremely supportive of all my work.

You can find my store here: Territories Ocean 20

More info on their OSW site here:

Kris Patrick: The sun is evil? 3 years ago
Are you a region owner or grid owner looking for a place to hold large gatherings, events, and concerts? Tired of the generic freebie builds that you see everywhere and want something more dramatic? All of the venues above were designed with you in mind and tested in world with large, hosted events. These are attention grabbers.

You can walk through them all at my stores on Mobius Grid and on Kitely. Click on the Venues sign in the main lobby under Viewing Platforms. And while the builds look good under basic graphics, they look absolutely stunning with graphics set higher. Be sure to use Shared Environment to see the wonderful sky effects.

All venues can be purchased at multiple locations using a variety of currencies: Gloebits at Mobius, Kitely Credits at Kitely and the Kitely Market, Digis at two satellite locations on Digiworldz, and Paypal on Kitely Market.

Here are the addresses and links:

Kitely Market:

Mobius Store:
Kitely Store: Emporium
Digiworldz Satellite Store at 12 Acres Mega Mall: Acres of Beauty
Digiworldz Satellite Store at Ocean Waves Mall: Enterprise Three

Coming soon: A new satellite store on Wolf Territories Grid at the Welcome Area

Lone Wolf: Highly Recommended amazing builds. 3 years ago
The new Lunaria Emporium satellite store at the Welcome Area on Wolf territories Grid is coming along. I like the late 19th century vibe to this region so I emulated that style on the structure's interior by changing all the interior's textures. First floor is nearly done ?

You can find my store on Wolf territories here: Territories Welcome

See their OSW page here:

You can find Elin's house I used on the Kitely Market here:

And you can find my products on the Kitely Market also:

Lone Wolf: Lovely! 3 years ago
It's the Grand Opening of my new Lunaria Emporium satellite store at Emmalena Damour's Ocean Waves Mall on DigiWorldz ?

To celebrate, this $1599D Japanese group is available for free for a limited time in the front of the store when you join the group. The set includes the Tea House, the Pagoda, and the Hachiman Torii Gate.

You can find the Digiworldz store here:
HG Address: Enterprise Three

Make sure you're using Shared Environment and have Advanced Lighting Model activated, otherwise the store will look washed out and uninteresting

Kitely Market Store:

Love this view

All my photos are taken in world using the Firestorm viewer, using Shared Environment and Advanced Lighting Model. I create my own eep skies.

The new Lunaria Emporium satellite store at Emmalena Damour's Ocean Waves Mall on DigiWorldz is coming along. First floor is nearly done ?

You can find my store here:
HG Address: Enterprise Three

Thirza Ember: Monumental! 3 years ago
Working on a new Lunaria Emporium satellite store at Emmalena Damour's Ocean Waves Mall on DigiWorldz. Turning out to be a fun take on a mall store ?

You can find my store here:
HG Address: Enterprise Three

There's already a smaller Lunaria store in Tari Tari's mall on her region. You can find that store here: Acres of Beauty.

Click my sign at the entrance to go directly to my store, or have a leisurely stroll and see all the mall has to offer.
Reserve your spot now. Registration for all roles is open and is free to everyone. Sponsor levels are available:

Thirza Ember: I registered! It's almost entirely painless! (the doctor said to lie down in a darkened room for a few hour) 3 years ago
I love Steampunk! You can see the Airship on both Mobius and Kitely

HG Address:

HG Address: Emporium

Kitely Market Store:

Roland Francis: Hmmmmm, I see some similarities with the Behemouth of "The Expanse" on Amazon Prime (6 seasons 2015-2022, praised for its fabulous narrative and fact checked physical laws compliance and scored 8.6 on... 3 years ago

Reserve your spot now. Registration for all roles is open:

Lunaria on Mobius Grid

My goal with all my stores and regions, but especially this region, is to show that even a store can be an artistic expression of the highest order. Every piece I sell and every place I display them is a work of art.

See Lunaria here:
Use shared environment and advanced lighting model to see it as it was meant to be seen.

Lone Wolf: I love your work so much... 3 years ago

comments 289 post likes 3899
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Prana Mountain

My favorite place for trance music

Kitely Welcome Center

Great place to meet new people and learn about Kitely Grid

Wolf Mountain

Absolutely love this grid. It's been almost 2 years now and the owner just keeps adding fantastic new things


Absolutely beautiful and intriguing region :-)

Utopia Skye Adult Hub

Absolute best shows by far. The music is fresh, modern, and wonderful, and Lexx adds the most fabulous light shows to these. Weekly on Sat, 3-5 pm grid time


This is a beautiful place. I loved the home and all the fountains :-)


I love to see creators just starting out. I can't wait to see what you create! :-)

Nefertari Beach Resort

What a beautiful resort! Loved the whole island feel

Loose Cannon

Love the ships!

Damour Enterprizes

Beautiful Store!

Profile Comments

[10:12] Verna Avril: Luna Lunaria has 29 comments under her last post 2 days ago
[10:12] Verna Avril: 90% of it ' look at me ' word salad posts i bought nearly all of her content and think it is great. enough said.