I am an original content creator in Opensim and I charge for my work. There are several in Opensim who patronize my stores and they tend to be very passionate about what I make, coming back over and over. I create using both prim and mesh, and there are some mesh components I bring in from 3D modeling sites. I either purchase those models with a commercial license, or I make sure the free models come with a commercial license. Since I am a creator, I make sure to respect and support other creators. For example, I don't make clothes. At all. But I don't travel to freebie sims to get what I need, choosing rather to purchase items from the Kitely Market and support those creators. I have friends in Opensim who are also original content creators who offer their items for free. We do not judge each other for our choices, but rather respect them. Neither choice, to sell or give away, is either good or bad. The market either supports your choice or it doesn't. But it's our choice, and no group in Opensim has the right to try to force us into one camp or the other. And absolutely no one has the right to take what we make and sell it or give it away without our explicit permission, no matter how you justify it.