Luna Lunaria @lunalunaria

Discord at ᒪᑌᑎᗩ ᒪᑌᑎᗩᖇIᗩ, Wolf Territories Grid, Kitely, Utopia Skye, Digiworldz, Mobius Grid, Friends Grid, OSGrid, and Second Life Offline

Spiritual Seeker, Science Fantasy Writer, Creator in virtual worlds


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Great blog! These statements, though, confounded me: "Will you advertise in various grids to let them know about OS Fest when it opens?" "So many people in opensim HATE social media and don't have it, or at least don't have it for their avatar."

OSFest would literally need one or two full-time staff just to figure out how to actually advertise in each of the top 25 grids without using social media, and even then, many of these grids do not have a way to advertise in world to their entire grid. Several of the grids also ban any ads for events on grids outside their own. And this is the core issue as to why Opensim is so fractured: there are multiple barriers that prevent the establishment of a common community, both technical and deliberate. If people don't use social media, there is no way to truly connect with what is going on in the Hypergrid.
yes, I agree, it would be impossible, even if groups worked properly and didn't eat your messages !
Easily the #1 challenge for opensim grids: to establish a common communication protocol and have grid owners sign on to participate. If enough grid owners buy in, then it exerts pressure on those grids being left out.
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OpensimFest had merchants in the 2020 version as well. I was the merchant organizer then as now. Merchants are just as much a part of the creative process of opensim as anyone else, and just as deserving to participate. All of us give back a lot to the grids we're on. I completely respect creators that don't sell and many are my friends. They reciprocate that respect back to me. What is unconscionable to me is that there are those in opensim who want to dictate to someone else what they can and cannot do with their own creations. I have many patrons who are more than willing to pay me a fair price for my items. That is their right and no one forces them to do so.
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You have a front row seat :-)
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And of course I have to listen to the soundtrack of the new Dune movie as I'm building:
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Lol Kashi. I hide it so well
Love the style.. ! Awesome builds !
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This will be at OSFest 2022. I'll be on the same region with you Nyx :-)
Hi neighbor :)
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maybe you lick the one you want, like with cakes at a tea party. Or is that just me.
Hahahaha...just make sure you have sanitizer on hand for visitors
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Lovely work Cherry 🥰
Thank you Lunaaaa 😘
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Thanks Rosa! This was a lot of fun :-)
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Mine was inspired by the Ra mothership
There is many different versions for example the name of the one i have pictured is Goa'uld Cheops Class Pyramid Ship with full interior and actual Sarcophagus. One pictured is just one I created some time ago.
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I am an original content creator in Opensim and I charge for my work. There are several in Opensim who patronize my stores and they tend to be very passionate about what I make, coming back over and over. I create using both prim and mesh, and there are some mesh components I bring in from 3D modeling sites. I either purchase those models with a commercial license, or I make sure the free models come with a commercial license. Since I am a creator, I make sure to respect and support other creators. For example, I don't make clothes. At all. But I don't travel to freebie sims to get what I need, choosing rather to purchase items from the Kitely Market and support those creators. I have friends in Opensim who are also original content creators who offer their items for free. We do not judge each other for our choices, but rather respect them. Neither choice, to sell or give away, is either good or bad. The market either supports your choice or it doesn't. But it's our choice, and no group in Opensim has the right to try to force us into one camp or the other. And absolutely no one has the right to take what we make and sell it or give it away without our explicit permission, no matter how you justify it.
While I don't carry any money in OpenSim and don't intend to, I must say that your creations are well worth paying for.

It's also worth mentioning that you also offer 3rd-party freebies, namely the Ruth2/Roth2 product lines along with a few matching accessories. You've been amongst the first to help spread them. This goes to show that you're none of those who generally see free content as unfair competition.
Thank you Jupiter. I am a supporter of free content made by Opensim creators and I'm happy to display their wares on my regions if they ask, or in the case of Ruth and Roth, where it's a significant service to the Opensim community, I will go ahead and offer them to anyone. I also have a section in my stores where I offer several of my own items for free, and on random occasions I will mark the majority of a store as free to give back to the community. We all have a duty to give back in some way where we can.
I am a customer who has purchased more things than I can count from Luna….and never regretted spending my money on her quality products.

I appreciate creators who make things for sale and I appreciate creators who make things for free!

# ilovecreators
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Thanks Lone, I fought this mindset for a very long time in Opensim, and there are times I wanted to just close up everything and take my stuff elsewhere. My personal thanks to you for the support you've given me over the years and especially now that I have a place on your grid. Thanks also to other grid owners who are also doing the same thing for me: Royale on Mobius Grid, Mike and Calli on Utopia, and Ilan on Kitely. Owners like all of you are why I've stayed and kept at creating high quality builds.
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Thanks Lone! I'll be adding these shortly to my satellite store on your grid soon at Wolf Territories
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I have a fusion substation I can pass on to you for help in generating power:

My main starbase needs a lot more power though. Here's the main fusion generator there
oh, so kewl, thanx so much !!! Art Factory, supplied me a mono-rail too.... this is why I love Opensim .. you people rock !!
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Thank you Princess, that was very kind :-)
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I couldn't get mine to work either :-( I'll try to come back later