Luna Lunaria @lunalunaria

Discord at ᒪᑌᑎᗩ ᒪᑌᑎᗩᖇIᗩ, Wolf Territories Grid, Kitely, Utopia Skye, Digiworldz, Mobius Grid, Friends Grid, OSGrid, and Second Life Offline

Spiritual Seeker, Science Fantasy Writer, Creator in virtual worlds


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Lol you're seeing Luxor change in real time. I've been working on it every evening lately
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Thank you Jerralyn :-)
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Lol, I'll have to work on that
made one for you
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Thanks for getting me in so quickly, I loved the interactive exhibits :-)
Our pleasure! :)
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Teleport failed: region is full. I'll try again later this evening
It should be ok, give it a try again Luna.
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Thank you Araminta :-)
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I think competition would be healthy and improve the user experience
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I know Ilan, I have a Market store, I have a Kitely region, and I attend community meetings. Just because all of these are true doesn't mean the Kitely Market doesn't have room for improvement, but it does fill a big need for Opensim even in it's current form. We have had regular discussions about all the ideas mentioned here but they feel they don't need to change anything, which is their option since they own it, but clearly there is a large segment of Opensim that's not using it.
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I do too Araminta. It severely restricts how I price and market my items there. Personally I would prefer if I could either cash out Kitely Credits or have a Gloebit option instead of Paypal. Additionally, they don't allow you to mention your hypergrid stores at all in your listings, which further hampers broader hypergrid support. If you mention an inworld store at all it has to be a Kitely one, but my store on my Kitely region is dead no matter how much I advertise it. They think limiting mentions of other grids will enhance their own, but it has the opposite effect. They could be THE premier online market for Opensim, instead they're just the only one and it seems the simple majority of users don't use it.
Hi Luna, I wasn't aware they didn't allow mentioning HG stores, although I suppose it makes sense. Hosting, maintaining, backing up, and ensuring the uptime of the marketplace costs time and money. That's probably why there isn't another non-proprietary marketplace out there -- I doubt any individual would want to take on that responsibility. I agree though, they really could be THE marketplace for OpenSim and that the restrictions are likely hurting more than helping.
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Thank you Ozzy for the fuzzy feelings :-)
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Thank you Safine for your kind words. I always try to take care of the customer far more than they expected.
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Thanks everyone for the great comments, many of which we will take into consideration :-)
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I've had a store on the Marketplace for a few years and I shop for clothes there. The Marketplace is primarily where shoppers find my builds since very few people actually shop in my in-world stores
I love your builds :)
Thank you Aurora for your very kind words :-)
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This will be a single but very large universe. There will literally be continents, planets, and space stations to live. The code for this game is not compatible with opensim, but we are considering eventually creating a bridge for opensim avatars to visit and explore
Well that is too bad. It would be nice to have those capabilities in a metaverse configuration where we each like Opensim, have our own installation with travelling capability between them. That is what makes Opensim so unique in that we can each be masters of our own universe and still be a part of something greater. Hoping the developers will be looking to expand its capabilities to something like that because I think most of us are here for those sort of features more so then the enhanced eye candy.
While Opensim manages to function enough for people to travel and have some common experiences, the shared code itself has splintered and become more fractured, making connections more difficult between island grids. Some grids use very old code and refuse to update; some use the newest code but have made their own changes to it, and they either share those changes or they keep them in-house. There are multiple physics engines and multiple scripting engines already where scripts and vehicles become disabled when moved from one to another. Eventually some grids will no longer be able to communicate well with others simply because they no longer share a common language. OS code would also take a monumental effort to upgrade it to current industry graphics rendering standards for which the will to do so among all the grids does not exist. For these reasons we decided to step away from the concept of separate grids for the sake of having a better more seamless experience. Users will have extensive control of their regions, nearly as you do here, but the core code base will be common to all and easily upgradeable, and the places you will be able to explore will be vast. Eventually the vision is to open limited doors to not only Opensim users, but also to other game franchises to allow their users to come in and explore also, which would be the beginnings of a real multiverse. But baby steps first.
I can then understand why the code is proprietary for now. Perhaps some of it will open up in the future, once the place succeeds enough to where it's feasible to do so.

The fractures between Open Sim grids is why some of the third party viewer creators have dropped Open Sim support, or are backpedaling on that. Right now FS, Cool VL and Genesis are the only TPVs that function fully with Open Sim.
It sounds good though I would have some quibbles about your thoughts on the state of Opensim in general. I would like to point out however that SecondLife itself is on a similar path with a Vulkan based viewer and the challenge for Opensim is whether it can adopt the changes that will be necessary for the viewer. At this point there is some question whether Linden Lab will be releasing the code for the viewer in a way that will allow TPV devs to continue supporting Opensim. Does Starlite have intentions of releasing their viewer code in a way that others can also contribute to it or will it be closed source?
The main engine code will be closed for the foreseeable future. We've made the Vulkan API a separate module called by the main engine to make updates to Vulkan easier. The Vulkan team has been especially helpful with us.
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My focus in the years I've been building in Opensim is to create richly detailed structures and regions that are as realistic looking as possible, and in pursuit of that goal I've pushed the limits of the tools made available to users here. This new venture blows the doors off what is possible and I love being part of it :-)
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The GPU does all the heavy lifting so graphics cards with 8gb+ of memory handle it well. We are using 8 threads on the CPU which has a total of 16 threads, so it's at half capacity
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Yep with some it was definitely motion sickness
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Content permissions will be uniquely encrypted. There will be a universal economy with both free and open spaces as well as commercial spaces, just as there are in Opensim.
Guess you've triggered Deadman.

They're just another one of those content hoarders who want everything in OpenSim to be copyable and shareable for free and full-perm. Who want all the newest, hottest stuff from Second Life to be available for free in OpenSim. All of it. Who "know for a fact" that "Never buy in OpenSim", "Sharing is caring", "Share with no mercy", "Share or die" and similar slogans were coined by the OpenSim main developers and not by the copybotting mafia. Who, by the way, see copybotting of expensive premium luxury content in Second Life and sharing it in OpenSim free and full-perm as "liberating" content. And who refer to any and all criticism on this as "drama" and see it as an offence that justifies sim-wide or grid-wide perma-bans.

It's these people who are often a hindrance to creativity in OpenSim itself, indirectly by supporting the flooding of the Hypergrid with free-and-full-perm Second Life payware as well as directly by trying to keep people from acquiring OpenSim's own legal products, be it by harassing creators, be it by talking others out of using legal content and into using illegal content instead.

Not few actually want any and all legal content to be purged from the Hypergrid. To them, payware doesn't have a place in OpenSim, and all freebies are "Linda Kellie crap" at worst and have to be cleansed from the Hypergrid for tainting it with their sub-par quality in comparison to the best Second Life payware. They don't have a personal beef with Linda Kellie; instead, her name stands for everyone who makes their own freebies in and for OpenSim.