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New Assets 30/10/2020
Texture Organizer,more & Mystery Victorian Manor House
(incleded Furnitures BOX)
Decadence HG Mesh Body Decadence HG Clothes any shop
but difficult get BODIES...
Any Needfull Thing here......

HanHeld: I saw some ruth2 applier things I haven't seen other places, and a few other odds and ends. Anyways, @Livene's doing more than I am these days so have a "like" 2 years ago

New!! New~~~ :::::: ONLY HERE ::::::::
Shimone Shop Open Now...
First open [ Ruth2V4 BOM ] [ Roth2 BOM ] and Japanese KIMONO BOM more BOM Clothes here ....

Added New Assets Athena Hairbase Applier ,Adam 4.1 male BoM body & any.
this street line more adding FASHION Goods .. also field grage shop thnk you..
( this photo's upper left Skin Giver & automatic skin applier if need ask livene )

New! & New! [ Garage Shop ] Open any place !
Furnitures BOX , Utility BOX and Fashion BOX many added open shop.
come and look arround and enjoying.. Thanks

Music Plaza many musical instruments in here all free buy...

all about over 200 lights set in opensin for house shops and garden more

DJ & Stage Goods all free DJ tables goods in here

Now Open X'mas Assets Ware House for your SHOP and HOME..
Any for Shop & Home Christmas Decorations Premium Mesh..
========== Aviworlds Memers Here ==========
image link : https://prnt.sc/vix99l
Not There Now, Aviworld Much Heavy &Slow
have a good day!

Outfit more over 1000 clothes..

Mesh Avatrs Athena Petito more
New ITEMS ' LiLi Heels ' image: https://prnt.sc/vkjj5d
Touch BUY Red Botterns...