Lillysparks @lillysparks


Marvelous minds are all around you. Everyone has something amazing to create. Do it!


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The furniture vault has amazing gym/sports stuff. Check it out. (going to fethch the landmark for you brb)
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Maybe I am missing something ... where is your sandbox? I want to come grab your awesome new gadget. =) where is it?
It's here Lillysparks
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I am always looking for new / unusual eep settings / windlights. If you have any cool ones pass them this way I would love to try them. =) Thanks for your cute comment.
I have some to share please stop by my Monentes jewelry store anytime I can pass some to you! Jimmy Olsen has some too maybe they are at Flora!
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Sounds amazing. I have a very nice collection of classic country and bluegrass. =) Lets chat soon.
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Lovely energy! Will definitely visit your places soon. Cheers
thank you so much ♥
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I love it. Thank you for the coolest little texture shop ever!
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Awesome is there still space?
There is still a little more space left.
I would love a spot. I am visiting the region now. Thank you.
Lily, I sent you a PM.
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wow this is clever. Love it.
Thank you the whole grid has it we've been having a lot of fun with beaches with real tides, roads that go under water at high tide, flooding demonstrations by one of the Universities on our grid just to name a few!.
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Looks amazing. Let me know if you would like some surfable waves and a surfboard rezzer. xoxo
ooh yes please . I have another script that will make sure they go up and down with the tide.
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Hi I just wanted to show you something that I left on the tree- its an extra branch because I couldnt figure out how to hang the ornament with the alpha situation in the existing tree. I left it with "take copy" rights so you ( or whoever) can copy it and add a few more to the tree there to make hanging ornaments easier. However... if you hate the branch ... i wont be offended if you delete it or return it . I think it looks pretty . hehe The town is gorgeous by the way. Here is a screen shot of the branch I am talking about.
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I think it looks lovely and everyone who is being rude probably could never make something as beautiful. You keep creating, and elevating in your craft while naysayers will stay at the bottom being mean to anyone who appears fragile. Hugs. Good work.
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Looks awesome. Regarding the ghosts or artifacts - a sim restart helps with ghost objects for me.
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this is a cool idea. I might just build a city that doubles as a swim land with this script .
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There is a subtle difference though between what you are saying and reality. You are saying children are naked, but ... it is actually adults dressed as children. That makes it very different. A grown adult knows well enough the temptations and taboos in a world such as this. So placing themselves to appear as a vulnerable child in the midst of a sexually amped world is a bit like placing heroin in front of a recovering heroin addict. I am using this analogy because it is extreme and makes the point clear. In a world where sexuality is very common and accepted it may not be safe for a naked child and any adult posed as a naked child is playing with dangerous fire. Why risk it? It seems like prodding at the embers of a smoldering fire.
In the case of an adult dressed as a nude child - at the beach swimming maybe innocent. But at a bdsm playground... dangerous implications. I am not judging anyone - but I am seeing the angle of both sides. I am no angel... but I get how this can be a topic that gets heated.
When is adilts crossdresed... why all pedophiles there scream like animals??? Problem is because dozen "PeepingTom's" is angry because someone other play without their "god eye control" and not invite to join.
Are is not true???
I am not sure lol . I cannot speak for anyone else's behaviors but I can say that I have never met a child in OS at all . Not a real one.
I kick out 2 kids from Bordello before because of non kids games.
I know many kids in opensim, and this is good!
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I love this idea. I wish I could enter the contest 50 times. LOL I love this stuff. Question- can the ornament be lightly scripted? =)
oh thanks I am glad you wrote back because i almost forgot about this contest.
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It finally clicked exactly what shop this is that you run. Your shop is THE BOMB BABY! All the good stuff there. I noticed you have some that are projects with the animations in the pieces but not the scripts and that is actually cool and clever. A builders dream when they cant create the beautiful pieces but they WANT to. So thank you for your selection of really decent stuff.
ive not noticed items with only animations and no scripts. which items are they? and your so welcome
I remember it was at least 2 couches in the bottom area. ALSO I saw a set in the beach furniture that is ACD its a little blanket with a cute light string - it was not marked for sale and could not take a copy. Just fyi .
Next time your in there or please tell me the name so I can fix them.
You are the best. =)
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Great minds think alike! Or sometimes great minds are just ... one mind haha
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Wow this looks interesting. I also want to point out something that opened my eyes. I was reading the notes about submissions and guides for expo participants and I learned more from those guidelines about optimizing my own user experience then I have learned in years of game play. I never knew how the textures in a build could change the game for people. I am referring to this page: . By the way- is it too late to take part in this event series? Thank you.
The actual conference is on the 9th and 10th, and its open to attend by everyone.
If you register you also can also see the options to support us through the crowdfunder options. Including getting a expo booth.
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You are also a fabulous one! I loved helping you today- and I am working on something for you - a kit for the sparkly beach cravings you have . hehe
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Oops I spelled your name wrong sorry! =) Thank you again for the help that day haha
happy to help anytime :)