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Jeanne Lefavre @jeannelefavre

Caribougrid.com Offline

Owner of Caribou grid and region. Double cancer survivor. Afraid of next. Caribou has been my life since 17 years back. When I worked alone in foreign countries and when I fought with my cancer, Caribou became my life. It still is my life, every cove every hill and every memory.


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Well said Safine. This is the same approach that we have in Caribougrid. Always tried to have and always will.
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I hope that your site will be back soon, Lavia, always been so impressed when I got a chance to visit. Mainly I stay at home, there is so much to do here, always. And I wish you all the best. Hugs you warmly Lavia, Jeanne Lefavre
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Congratulations to a great and lovely grid from a small colleague caribougrid.com Jeanne
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Warm congratulations to all of you !
Thank you, Jeanne!
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Thank you so much for all the encouragements that I have received. Helps me to continue on this road and to know that I am not alone with Little Lion Christina. Maybe we build an old fashioned world, but it is open for all, and free. You will never need to pay anything. Prim building and landscaping is what I know, and we do it with a full heart, and yes we do have fun doing it also ! I hope all will enjoy it as much as we do !
Thank you for visiting SkyRealm. I look forward to seeing what you create.
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Thank you Lilly. The fire will always burn for the good causes that can make the OS world a happier place. This message means much for me, very much.
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Thank you Star. This means so much for me.
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I made a fast visit before I had to go to rl dinner. Very impressive work by Niki. I will definitely go back. I like the idea of creating something that others can enjoy and get inspired by. Thisis a good example, at Stark. Wow if I could do something like it!
i am sure you can jeanne!!!!! kisses
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Because I need Monkey when I feel or I am alone. There are times when I am more, and times when less. Nobody shares me with the Monkey. I am real. But maybe there is somebody... Somebody that I write about in my posting. Maybe Monkey jumps again to my younger siblings if this happens and future comes? Love is.
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I tried to get it wo work many times but does not seem that I can. It does not react to me. Would be happy to help if I get a chance. Maybe you can look into it must be a tech issue, Nico.
Try the link that Jamie provided. Let me know if that doesn't work. We'd be happy to have you join in.
Thank you Nico works fine. Sometimes I am like a newbie. Blushes...
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Hi everyone. Regrettably our Caribou login page has been corrupted and the TOS link leads to a text that should not be there:

"Terms of Service

Welcome to Caribou Grid. This virtual environment issubject to the following terms of use:

Play nice and don't destroy the furniture! :-)"

The TOS is at our home page where I also write more about the grid:


I also understand that some teleports to Caribou have not worked properly since yesterday.

I apologize for this and we have taken steps to correct these sudden problems.
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I also teleported and was left standing. I understand this well, also I make mistakes in setting dates for events and then I just lose them. Hugs Govega :)
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The 144 regions in 36 vars in Caribougrid.com will always stay open for Avatars from all grids, be they in OS or outside. Caribou is Adult rated and we therefore hope that our friends come as 18+ Avatars, at any size small or large, so we can keep these islands open, advanced and safe for all. I believe that this is in our common interest and we are happy to serve it here.
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Dear Zoey and Mike, I got very upset to hear about what happened at your grid. This is not how we want our world to be. We all do our best to serve people and you have been very successful. I have always been impressed by the work you have done in your regions and grids, and it hurts me to see how it is coldly destroyed. We have been friends since many years and often discussed future dreams and prospects with Mike. I am deeply saddened by what has happened. I have suffered myself, and lost much. If there is anything that we can do to help, as Caribougrid or me as Jeanne, then please know that we are there for you. So do let me know how we could help. Sending you a warm hug, Jeanne.
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Happy Happy New Year Sharon and Felix! Jeanne, Andron, our families, and all of us at Caribougrid.
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Back in Kitely with a hideaway and safe haven, after venturing out in the big OS world, we chose Coopersville. What a wonderful place Koshari has created for us all to enjoy. And yes, we felt like coming home from the first moment og our arrival. Absolutely lovely it is, Coopersville.
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Thank you so much Shelenn for giving us the opportunity to participate. I miss Veri so much, a wonderful friend who gave us all so much. I will never ever forget her and hope that her important project for wellbeing in these worlds finds followers to complete it. So happy to have been here.
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Praying for you Debz, your family and close ones, and all others hit by this terrible disaster. If we can do anything for you please tell us. Feeling so powerless now. Sending you a warm hug.
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The move was a great success, the saloon is built, the horses and western gentlemen are here, and yes the ladies on the dance floor. Hope OSgrid solves its problems soon, but tonite we do like this!