Jeanne Lefavre @jeannelefavre Offline

Owner of Caribou grid and region. Double cancer survivor. Afraid of next. Caribou has been my life since 17 years back. When I worked alone in foreign countries and when I fought with my cancer, Caribou became my life. It still is my life, every cove every hill and every memory.

Caribou wishes you all a Happy Easter. Jeanne Lefavre and all of us here. Monkey got upset that I forgot her and joins the wishes.

Sodasullivan: Happy Easter to you and Monkey! 29 days ago
Come dance with us at the legendary Caribou Angels Pool - DJ Ruth Thursday 12-14

18+ AVs from all Grids are welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All are welcome in friendly Caribou

Safe LGBTQAI Adult Region Come and explore our many beautiful sims Lots of adult animations

BDSM and Romantic and More

Largest free for all 18+ BDSM site in the metaverse ?

Best Free Shops: Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM...

Caribou shops for every need - new mesh and more - super males collection also

No groups as we are18+ region. Shop Love Live Play and explore the beautiful sims.

Homes, Islands, Hideaways if you wish to be more here. Ask Jeanne Lefavre.

Login at

For TOS and more:
Today Thursday 21 February 12-14

Live Music Theme - DJ Ruth at the legendary Angels Club in Caribou

We love Angels so come share it with us

And wow you will be treated to great music

DJ Ruth has the best play list ...

18+ AVs from all Grids welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All

Safe for all - LGBTQAI Adult Region

The Best Free Shops. Hard to find Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM. Free of Course

No groups as 18+. Shop Love Live Play among 18+ Adults

Homes, Islands, Hideaways. Ask us

Caribou and Angels and Jeanne and Christina hug you all
Thursday 21 February 12-14

Live Music - DJ Ruth at Angels Club

Dance and chat at legendary Angels.

18+ AVs from all Grids welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All.

Safe for all - LGBTQAI Adult Region.

The Best Free Shops. Hard to find Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM. Free of Course.

No groups as 18+. Shop Love Live Play among 18+ Adults.

Homes, Islands, Hideaways. Ask Jeanne.

The Dance of the Angels

“Why are there fairies all over” Monkey asked me. We had just set up our new caroussel.

She was afraid that her hidden bananas disappear.

- Fairies and Angels come to where they find real love, I told Monkey. - They keep the monsters away in their dark forests and mountains

An ancient Nordic story tells about the Dance of the Angels.

- Nobody has ever seen it, Monkey. It is just an old legend.

- Maybe one day our Little Lion Christina will see and hear the Angels dance.

My heart went back in time. To when I saw and heard the Dance of the Angels.

A heavenly light broke through the dark and chased away the monsters.

The angels are back in Caribou. The fairies have called them. I knew this now.

- One day I will tell you more, Monkey.

Monkey understood nothing. But I remembered it all.


AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.

Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Others Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.

I updated the Caribou region description on Opensimworlds today.

I tell about my love to my region and grid and why it is important for me. Please comment if you have opinions about what I wrote:

I am Jeanne. I own Caribou. I share and Caribou with my long-time close friend Angelic Ronin. She is absent. My former partner and good friend Andron Rae still comes in to help me.

Caribou is my life. For over 15 years I have been working on it almost every day.

When I worked around the world I spent lonely hotel nights here.

In the long years that I fought my two cancers I was here every evening after my radiation. When medication made me sick i came to my islands.

I am still not on the clear. I need Caribou as much as ever.

My dear friend Veritas McMaster made me understand how important our experiences in the metaverse can be. I miss Veri so deeply. You will find many sites in Caribou that celebrate her and her work for all of us.

When we come somewhere in these grids, we look around. Is it nice? Is it beautiful? Is the building or the lake or the environment interesting? Do I want to see more?

Caribou is not different. I try to give attention to details. Do you still want to explore is my question?

Still, you look at us from the outside. It all changes when you enter the scene.

Your thoughts, opinions, memories, dreams - they are with you. Your sadnesses and your joys, your fears and hopes?

I am not the only creator anymore. You create the scene and experience equally much.

Veri told me how virtual worlds affect our brains. She lead me to the link between experiences and neurological health.

Veri came from Second Life. SL friends recommended to seek me up in Caribou.

Caribou was then where she received the AVs that she was helping. They went on to different adult grids for private housing.

Until Veri tragically passed away we worked together on her project.

Veri knew that experiences in adult grids can very different. They can heal but also create suffering.

Neuroscience tells how our brains work. Scientific advances show us how our feelings affect our brain.

I was socially excluded and bullied in the OS world myself. I wrote in how it hurt my real health.

Angelic and other friends helped me back. A difficult time followed. I am still not completely healed.

I know now how effective and dangerous social exclusion and harassment can be. I am a strong person. Still it hurts me sometimes.

But I was privileged because I could read and learn about this.

Others are maybe not. Some are alone, some not well, or young lonely adults seeking their place in our worlds. For them exclusion and bullying is a real danger. And it is inhuman. Makes me upset, yes.

We don't always realise this in our virtual worlds.

Ihave dedicated Caribou to the road that Veri showed me. I am still far from done. I want everyone to feel equally welcome. To be what they want to be. Where nobody is left out. Where there is no bullying. And where a beautiful and inviting environment inspires to everyone. This work is on its way.

I don't prescribe anything. My intention is just to tell what I do in Caribou. All others do things their own way. This is ours.

I want to show that there can be a way back.

Caribou cannot offer professional help. Maybe we can suggest where to seek it. But we can be here for everyone.

Caribou is my life and my love. Like a Tiger Mama I hold on to my world.

Hugs, Jeanne Lefavre
Jeanne and Monkey want to remind everyone of the Caribou Terms of Service which you find at You will also find Jeanne's information about some relevant issues. The website will be refreshed during the next few days.

Caribou remains open for 18+ Avatars from all grids as long as we can see that all visitors respect these few rules. It is in everybody's interest that there is a grid on the web where the internal conflicts do not reach.

We are a safe region for all 18+ Avatars when they are in Caribou and adapt to the rules. We cannot be reponsible for any old history.

Caribou is now a bit hurt, some regions have been taken out, but we try our best to get them repaired. Still there is lots to see in what is maybe the largest free adult playground in the grid worlds.

You are all sincerely welcome to the region that we ourselves love so much.

We had some recent teleport problems trying to get to Caribou. Please send Jeanne Lefavre in OSgrid, Caribougrid, Kitely or Zetaworlds a notecard if this would happen again. We try to keep this working as well as we can. The entry to Caribou is always free and no groups are asked for.


AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.

Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Others Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.
Love is in the air - DJ Ruth at Caribougrid Angels Club - Thursday at 12-14 SLT

Dance and chat at Angels Club.

18+ AVs from all Grids welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All are welcome.

Safe for all 18+ - LGBTQAI Adult Region.

The Best Free Shops. Hard to find Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM. Free of Course.

No groups are needed as the whole region is 18+

Shop Love Live Play among 18+ Adults.

Homes, Islands, Hideaways.

Caribougrid AV?

We sat a while watching the sunset and hugged warmly before he left.

I was up early and went to wake up my younger sister Christina.

... "good morning Little Lion did you sleep well"

- I am Christina and I am 19+.

- Don't call me Little Lion please.

She yawned sleepily and turned away from me.

And I knew.

"I have to go out and repair some buildings" I said.

Tears filled my eyes when I walked down the stairs.

Also in real they did.

My Little Lion had woken up to the adult world.

I prayed that the OS world would show a kind face to a young adult teen.

I have seen so much.

Like all Mamas I worried.

When I went back I found her dressed.

- Jeanne I love you, she said.

- I will always be here with you.

- I will never leave you and Caribou alone.

"I love you too my Little Lion. "

“More than you will ever know” I thought.

We walked away in the sun, the three of us.

Hoped Andron would have been with us.

Yanny and the younger ones were still sleeping.

What a wonderful Little Lion I have.

( Updated slightly and edited for logic 17.3.2023 )


18+ AVs from all Grids welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All.

Safe for all 18+ - LGBTQAI Adult Region.

Best Free Shops. Hard to find Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM.

All Free

No groups needed as 18+. Shop Love Live Play among 18+

Homes, Islands, Hideaways. Ask Jeanne.

Create a caribougrid AV:
Tell me about old times, Jeanne. Monkey yawned. We were tired after a day of working on the Caribou regions.

My thoughts went to Skuld, my stray cat whom I miss so much and always will love dearly.

One night in early Second Life, two shy and misplaced souls met outside a strip club. We were too scared to go inside.

We said hi and became friends. Skuld moved from her cardboard box to a Romanian cottage in early Caribou. She found Ariadna, a sweet girl from Romania. They became inseparable.

I was alone. I had lost my SL friend and daughter. Little was weak after a car accident and joined the real angels too soon.

The Mama in me had nobody to take care of.

I got caught by the club and sex scene. A Mistress picked me up and set me dancing on a pole.

Night after night I danced in a quiet club, afraid of losing my life again.

Mostly I was alone. Sometimes someone came. Most had no Linden Dollars.

The Mama in me felt sorry and ended up helping them with a few.

Once a small stocky black cat came in. She just sat there, looking quietly at me.

“Jeanne, friends are the most important thing that we have. Don’t lose us. Come home.”

My stray cat Skuld woke me up. I went back home to Caribou, to Skuld and Ariadna and Kallu and Diana. I was with my friends.

“Could this happen today”, I think Monkey asked.

Yes Monkey. It did. I slipped once again, much later, when I was alone again.

I was helped back by friends who cared.

I am still grateful. Always and forever.

"We have friends now Monkey. And each other."

"These islands are my life. Every cove every hill every cottage and every memory"

"Now we stay with Caribou. Always."

Monkey said nothing. She grabbed my hair. I think she smiled.

AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.


thedeeferry: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 2 months ago
Feeling empty today. Monkey sits still and quietly and looks worried. Not a normal morning in Caribou.

My partnership ended last night. I want to tell openly about it as it brings some changes to Caribougrid. And I hope that it can help others who have gone through the same.

I am so happy that Andron remains in Caribou. He will be less here because of other obligations and responsibilities. And yes, we will stay close friends. Andron will continue to help me with the difficult tech issues. We share our home here and I see that there are always fresh flowers and something to eat in the kitchen.

But our partnership? It did not get a real chance, for many reasons. And the future? We see what it brings.

There are some changes in Caribou. Three 2x2 large regions are now away or empty. Monkey and me are starting to repair them and we hope to have Caribou back in shape soon.

Friends are welcome to help of course.

Caribou will remain open for all 18+ Avatars from all regions and grids. There will be no changes.

I hope that you will all continue to respect this so that we can serve as a meeting point for everyone, outside any grid conflicts.

My younger sister Christina Lion is 19+ and will help me in Caribou. Yanny who is a wee bit older likes to be a fairy so better that Christina takes the responsibility.

'Little Lion' Christina cried, but was happy that Andron and her cousins will stay, even if they can come more seldom.

So, at the end it did not turn out to be as bad a day as I had expected. But yes, an empty and lonely feeling came over me, which Monkey understood.

I still suffer from the exclusion that I wrote about earlier, and am always here to lend a listening ear if someone wants to talk about these things.

Looking at Monkey, I smile. I love you and need you.


AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.

Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Others Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.


Lilly Pond: Dear Jeanne I just can give you a hug! “Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.” 2 months ago
Jeanne and Monkey want to remind everyone of the Caribou Terms of Service which you find at You will also find Jeanne's information about some relevant issues. The website will be refreshed during the next few days.

Caribou remains open for 18+ Avatars from all grids as long as we can see that all visitors respect these few rules. It is in everybody's interest that there is a grid on the web where the internal conflicts do not reach.

We are a safe region for all 18+ Avatars when they are in Caribou and adapt to the rules. We cannot be reponsible for any old history.

Caribou is now a bit hurt, some regions have been taken out, but we try our best to get them repaired. Still there is lots to see in what is maybe the largest free adult playground in the grid worlds.

You are all sincerely welcome to the region that we ourselves love so much.


AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.

Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Others Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.