hicks adder @hicks

wip wip wip houra !! Offline

buildouilleur de meshs et fan d'opensim .

Liked posts

Opensim should be....

  • A Hobby that includes all the copy botted items from sl and everything shared for free.
  • A Hobby that does not include all the copy botted items from sl and everything shared for free.
  • A platform for people to make a little extra pocket money from selling services and items.
  • A for profit decentralised business.
Vote (41)

I am gonna post some drama ... fashion faux pas ... toe socks with cork sandals...ROFL

thedeeferry: I love socks! Wear them with everything. What is wrong with that? "I walk around like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off." Unknown 2 years ago

We now have speech to text on Wolf Territories Grid. This is mainly for meetings and for our hard of hearing / deaf members.

https://youtu.be/gUPW1PmVHDM < demo video

Arielle: Is this Grid speech to text ability exclusively for Wolf Grid or do you intend to either share it freely or sell the capability for others? 20 days ago
Bonjour à tous. Cela fait quelques temps aujourd'hui que je traine sur cette petite planète qu'est OSGRID. J'ai un peu de mal avec certaines choses comme beaucoup de gens j'imagine. Je lis parfois vos posts, vos écrits et je suis horrifiée de voir avec quel malin plaisir vous salissez ou pire vous dénigrez les gens ou les choses. C'est affolant. Aucune âme, aucune face. Alors bien sur j'ai comme tout le monde eu mes coups de colère mais heureusement pour ma santé mentale ca ne dure pas.
Nous avons la chance d'être sur une planète ou tout est gratuit bon sang! Avec les mêmes avantages que sur SL et manifestement ce que j'en lis, et hélas, constate les mêmes inconvénients! Expliquez moi : quel est ce démon qui vous rends jaloux parce que XX a fait un plus joli décor, ou plus grand, ou plus complets?? Quelle importance vraiment??? Est ce votre égo surdimensionné qui vous pousse à dire je veux plus de trafic que lui/elle? Quel intérêt?
Et la encore pire : en quoi la façon de s'habiller ou d'être d'une personne vous regarde?? Cela vous choque les nus? cela vous choque qu'elle ne mette pas de culotte? houlà !!! Mais faut consulter la!! ca relève de la psychiatrie en fait.
Après, bien sur que la personne qui l'anime est vraie. Mais on s en fou de savoir si son avatar est petit, grand, gros, vert, jaune, ou s'il met des culottes de grands mères ou rien! Ca change la personne que vous êtes de mettre un jeans ou un jogging? Vous vous habillez comme sur le jeu en RL ? Nan parce que la chapeau bas vous devez avoir de sacrés jolies gambettes mesdames et des sacrés corps d'athlètes messieurs! Vu la longueur des jupes et les chemises ouvertes que vous mettez sur os!! Arrêtons L'hypocrisie collective s'il vous plait!
La vie est courte l'avez vous aussi oublié? Votre RL ne vous suffit pas pour le coté sombre? la maladie les factures ?
Je pensais que sur SL le problème venait des Français hé bien non pas du tout. Dans tous les pays manifestement il y a un lot d'abrutis. Et fort heureusement aussi de très belles personnes.
Alors je vais rester dans ma petite grotte avec mon mari et quelques personnes charmantes que j'ai peu rencontrer. Je vais continuer à rêver... je rêvais d'un autre mooonde.....

Caribia Zsun: Opensim devrait être un endroit où tout le monde peut créer et être de bonne humeur... Le monde réel est difficile pour beaucoup de gens et le monde virtuel est un répit, ne pouvons-nous pas garder ce... 4 months ago
OSgrid has announced a scheduled downtime from Wednesday, January 10th, to Saturday, January 13th.


Given OSgrid's track record, I could impossibly not meme it.

Jamie Wright: This is the perfect meme for this:) 4 months ago
Suite à une panne des serveurs FrancoGrid hébergés chez Scaleway Online , et l'absence de volonté de la part de l’hébergeur de trouver une solution viable, nous sommes en incapacité de remonter la grille.
L'association perdure, et reste en veille.
Les assets sont perdus après 2020, les assets datant d'avant 2020 sont saufs. Notre admin technique réfléchit à une solution pour fournir des .iar aux personnes le souhaitant, pour toute information, veuillez contacter ssm par mail : contact@francogrid.org
Pour toute information concernant la trésorerie, ou pour un hébergement (payant) sur un serveur pour monter des simulateurs sur la grille de votre choix, veuillez contacter Nino par mail : fgagod@gmail.com
Following a breakdown of the FrancoGrid servers hosted at Scaleway Online, and the lack of will on the part of the host to find a viable solution, we are unable to rebuild the grid.
The association continues, and remains on standby.
Assets are lost after 2020, assets from before 2020 are safe. Our technical admin is thinking about a solution to provide .iar to people who want it, for any information, please contact ssm by email: contact@francogrid.org
For any information regarding cash, or for hosting (paid) on a server to mount simulators on the grid of your choice, please contact Nino by email: fgagod@gmail.com

Kashi Takeshi: Big loss... wandered a lot at FG. Let me know if I can help Cherry. 2 years ago
Il me tarde d'être à samedi, pour ce magnifique évènement que nous prépare la grid Atlas. c'est sans aucun doute un des grands évènements d'opensim de 2023, à ne rater sous aucun pré-tesque. annuler toutes vos obligations réelles, annuler même vos propres activités virtuelles, pour venir assister à ce grand défilé comme vous n'en aviez jamais vue !!!


le taxi pour Atlas : atlasgrid.fr:8002:Atlas

MinordLoup: C'est vraiment très gentil pour eux 1 years ago
Taarna Welles makes original clothes for free in opensim. Her grid was offline for a bit, but it's back up now, and Taarna is in creative mode - so expect some more fashion and other goodies in the next months. bubblesz.nl:8002:Savvy

thedeeferry: Love bubblez! Yay! Welcome back! 5 months ago

Oyé Oyé Avis à la Population
Merci a tous de faire passer le mot

falene hawks: Bonjour ce serait bien d'avoir un ordre du jour pour se préparer et pas partit=r comme ça au charbon, merci 11 months ago

Hey everyone, we are at last on the final details of the sims, but on Saturday 21st May 2022 Stark is back, we back!!!!!

There is a Grand Opening Party starting at 11am SLT through to whenever, and sometime prior to 11am Stark will be opened to the masses!!! ;-) There will be another announcement on Saturday when the veils are finally lifted.

As always Stark will roll out the rainbow, Love, Pride and Respect to all and Mattie will be playing the tunes, a great mix of favourites to get Stark back up and grooving!!!

Join us if you can and let's have a great time!

StevieZee: welcome back 2 years ago

Lots of new users, lots of fun. Come on over! https://www.wolf-grid.com

Star Ravenhurst: Pretty Ad! 3 months ago
Bonjour, hello, guten tag
J'ai beaucoup de problémes, I have many problems
avec mon ordinateur, win-shit, viewer, adsl connection et autre, and other
I make a break, une pause
à bientôt
see you soon
kisses kuss bisoux

F&I Grid Assets are Fixed. This blog post details what our residents should expect, how we are helping and details what happened.


CyberGlo CyberStar: I am soo sooo sorry you had issues on your grid. I hope this fixes the issue with grids being corrupted and we never run into this issue again. Best of Luck! 2 years ago

Lundi 15 Mai, à 21h30 heure de Paris, sur ATLAS : OpenSim 0.9.3 : Pourquoi ? Quand ? Comment ? Les ateliers se déroulent par voice et en langue française.

Hange: c'est sur la grid : atlasgrid.fr:8002:atlas ? 12 months ago
SkyRealm Observatory is a work in progress-please stop by anytime and see the transformation of this observatory. We are making progress, thank you to @FerdFrederix just wow! Also @JamieAnnaWright thank you for contributing to my clock collection!


Luna Lunaria: Reminds me of Citadel on the Isle of Wyrms in SL. Always loved that place. 1 years ago
Come see my latest creation at VallandShop,

SmallThongBulge is a rigged thong bulge for the athena Body.

features :

Rigged mesh Thong

Hud can stay and get out of the way

Easily remove your thong with button

4 Bulge size : from Tucked to Big

36 Textures to choose from

Materials aspect on/off

Arielle: Some nice other items there too. Loving the NPC hud! 4 months ago

Caribia Zsun: mm not true to me I have challenges with Blender and not even unsure about having fun cos it is how you take it ..=P 8 months ago
Après l'échec cuisant de META, Second Life se rêve-t-il en metaverse des années 2030 ? On peut se poser la question à la vue de l'arrivée des PBR (Physically Based Rendering) qui contribuent à combler la distance entre un rendu scotché dans les années 2000 et les jeux vidéos AAA sous Unreal Engine.

S'ils arrivent sur Second Life, il ne fait pas de doute qu'ils arriveront sur OpenSim. La révolution viendra par les viewers. Saluons le tout dernier arrivé : Sharpview.

Passer au PBR ne sera pas une mince affaire pour les créateurs, mais les ignorer est se condamner à rester coincé dans la platitude des années 2000. Ne ratez pas le train. Quelques ressources pour les plus pressés :






Photo : Andred Darwin.
A new amazing shower with state of the art animations (yes, fewer than what we are used to in other furnitures, but...so good!).
Comes fully integrated with Sally Jackson's Cum System, with its own submenu! So you can get messy, and get cleaned, and messy, and cleaned all over again!

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Darkhearts Boutiques/384/399/23

Sodasullivan: I like the shower so much that I am redoing my whole bathroom now. Love the hot and cold water =) 11 hours ago
Aujourd'hui c'est le 1er janvier2024
Yep is first january 2024
Le marcher de noel ferme ses portes pour travaux
Christmas market, now closed for update
Merci de vos visites
Thank all visitors.
Bonne année pour tout le monde
Happy new year

iekocatnap: Je suppose que la foule s'est pressée pour bénéficier de ce superbe Marché de Noël, bravo les visiteurs !!! 4 months ago
Un sapin de Noël très spécial
A very special Christmas tree

Ses décorations vous feront voyager dans des univers-bulle. Click the decorations to visit the bubble-multiverse.


Herme: les planètes sont époustouflantes 5 months ago

Finally they are back. This time skybox time is set to 1h. Also are NPC-s updated and are able to make a sound.

Copper: Hopefully NPC dont make non-kosher sounds *g 8 months ago

Ce Vendredi 1er septembre, faites d'une pierre, deux coups !
Venez fêter l'anniversaire de notre cher Minord Loup et participer à l'inauguration de la grille Francopholie, dans une ambiance festive .
Nous comptons sur vous !


hicks adder: joyeux anniversaire papi 8 months ago

Today 2022 September 24th : 80 different visitors ! Thank you to all people who visited my land, you are always welcome ! and now a new kimono freebies little shop to discover in Pand'Asia land...

Misty_Falls: Idk about the others, freebies, copies, or whatever.... i enjoyed it. I thought this build was very well put together, even if it is all stuff from somewhere else. Great job Ieko ! 2 years ago

iekocatnap: Merci beaucoup pour les likes et les commentaires ! 2 years ago

la cité Nèmo

Perdu ? Lost ?
Verloren ? Perdido ?
Perduto ?

LA solution, the solution,
Lösing, la soluzione

NATURAL PATH MESH - SEASONAL - Change all paths in your SIM with few clicks! Seasonal textures and scripts included. Available for FREE and FULLPERM at MOUNTAIN AREA, BOX 02. Enjoy :)

thedeeferry: I have a love-hate relationship, too. Love Flora. AMV hates me. Oh well. 2 days ago

And in the darkness, will their cups runeth over, into the well of despair.

ToyBoy: Cool! 1 month ago

I thank Hyancith Bitchen Boards for providing me with a great surfboard and wave set...thank you...I also want to thank Chad Deischer at Nautilus for his great resources...thank you both...

Hyacinth: It is one of those projects that is never finished. I am not sure when I will work on the surfboards again. We are working on a huge railroad now, that is taking up what little free time i have. :) 2 months ago

come and get lost

Sodasullivan: Lovely place with lots to explore. Love the attention to detail. 3 months ago
Hand of 'God'
Today I had another of those moments many can relate with... as I was placing some lamp posts, the bridge I had place for mere practical purpose called me. There were stand-alone lanterns in the set...and there it was. If felt 'right'. But why? Why was so excited? There was nothing groundbreaking on it, I was eventually going to put lights there so..why? The pixelate landscape had suddenly become a place, a scene, a story. The mesh suddenly 'blended' together to emulate the quirkiness and choesive imperfection that we find in the real world by the Hand of 'God'. And it dawned on me that that's what many of us seek on this creative process. Not terraforming, or landscaping, but emulating the Hand of 'God'. The dimly lit wooden footbridge soon demanded some eery fireflies and bushes. And I know it will soon demand more: a forgotten fishpole, maybe a misplaced plank, a rock coming up from the river that never quite fit with the wooden structure...
[Snap from new in-the-works VIP resident area at Darkheart's Playground]

Sodasullivan: Looks beautiful. One of the hardest things to do when landscaping or decorating is to try and create "randomness." It can be ridiculously frustrating and then it will just "click" when you get it righ... 3 months ago

Happy Christmas everyone!

thedeeferry: Best to you also sweet Wolf and to all who love you and all you love. Stay sweet, sweets! (ɔˆ ³ (ˆ⌣ˆc) my sweet Friend Did I mention how sweet your are? lol 4 months ago

Joyeu noel
happy christmas
avec, whit santa youtubeur

harthelie: enfin j'ai trouve lol 4 months ago

At Novale's Main Observatory we track Santa around the world
A collaboration with NORAD
Currently, at 11h30SLT, he is heading toward St-Petersburg

iekocatnap: Il a réussi à faire toute sa tournée le Papa Nowell ?? Bon Noël Dabici !!! 4 months ago
Goddess / Divine Feminine Devotional and Gratitude Circle

Hi everyone. We were doing this for a while in SL and on our grid. It is basically a short meditation and reading, and then we go around in a circle and share affirmations and things we are grateful for in our lives. It's actually a really nice way to start or end the day. A typical circle is about 15 minutes and would go like this....

*short reading*
then a little meditation time with nice music..
.. then we'd just go around the circle and share things like:

(gratitude) I am thankful for my job and my health
(affrimation) I am one with the Goddess, I can manifest all that I desire
(gratitude) Thankful for a safe home, and food on my table
(affirmation) I am strong and confident, and I will be amazing at my job interview tomorrow!

Then when everyone is done.. we have another short reading and words of thanks.
And we dance around the circle, if one so wishes :)

The ones we did in SL were pretty Wicca oriented. I would like to make these more friendly to everyone, and just focused on the divine feminine. I can do these at 8PM every night, and perhaps 8AM or 9AM (EST / New York time) every morning. I am limited because I work an overnight shift and those are really the only times I can guarantee being there.

I was thinking of starting next week, and i will make another post with the place and times. If anyone is (sincerely) interested please feel free to comment or IM me. It would be great if anyone wanted to pitch in ideas or participate in any way. :)

Hyacinth: I should add too, men are absolute welcome as well if they are respectful and have a sincere interest. :) 6 months ago

Its on its way folks... looking out through the window and the snow falling..

SheaButter: Woke up this morning to the snow on the ground in real! ugh! Let the 7 months of torture begin. 6 months ago

Eden is home to a hidden water city, the lair of mermaids who will definitely charm you.

falene hawks: bonjour merci d'utiliser la cité Nemo en provenance de chez Falene joli travail, continue 8 months ago

You don't need a band to do hip-hop; you only need to be at the ZEE Lounge 😘 hg.osgrid.org:80:Mistburry

Brenden Joseph: Just visited, nice looking club, said hello to Poppy, but she must have been afk. 11 months ago
ATLASGRID a pris sa vitesse de croisière avec cours tous les lundis. Nous travaillons actuellement sur les scripts. Les étudiants de premier cycle ont réalisé de très jolies boules puantes. Les events n'ont plus de secret pour eux, mais l'algorithmie laisse encore un peu à désirer. Les cours de script se font sur inscription car il faut constituer des classes homogènes.

Kelso.Uxlay: Superbe initiative. Félicitations 1 years ago

bonjour de france

Kelso.Uxlay: Elo - Bienvenue dans le groupe ! 1 years ago

bonjour le groupe
a on va enfin speaker la France
merci au gentil québequois et allez faire du ski chez Novale
hop bisoux

Kelso.Uxlay: Tout le monde est le bienvenu chez nous à hg.creanovale.ca:8052:NOVALE 1 years ago