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Heute ist "Oldie-Zeit"

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit tollen Leuten , toller Musik und guter Atmosphäre freuen.
Heute sind Oldies angesagt, also rein in eure Party-Outfits und auf ins Tosca 20:00 Uhr gehts los

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Oldie Time"

You can look forward to an evening with great people, great music and a good atmosphere.
Today it's Oldies Time, so get into your party outfits and come to Tosca. Party starts 11:00 SLT

We look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: Freu mich drauf ........... 11 months ago
I had a request by @LeonitasLionheart asking if the Nadder (Cobra) snake could be given too. We have made it available in both the Goliath size (for those wanting a Goliath sim-we plan to give this OAR when completed) I have also included the regular-sized snake for a normal sim. There is a Snake AO that you can wear to animate and the animations are also included so that you can also create Animesh snakes, there is an Animesh kit here too with everything you need. Thank you, Ferd for making this possible!! Gardens

RemmyRavenhurst: You are awesome!! 11 months ago

Celebrating friendships new and old ones renewed.
Sunday @ Sicario's
Open to all.
Don't forget to bring your dancing shoes.
Dress Code: Dress as you please but please dress.

Kashi Takeshi: The best to get on down in the Metaverse. 11 months ago
////////////// Menu ////////////////

**** Solo ****
The Float can be used alone as it includes, both solo pg, and adult animations.
- Solo Tube, Solo Lay & Sit, Solo Swim (F or M) for using alone, they may overlap other solo poses, except the swim ones that can be used for all 3 sitters at same time.
- Solo Adult for sitter F & M
- Also includes hang on float and swim animations for seat 3.

**** Cuddles & Cuddle more ****
- Sweet cuddles on the float and in the water for first and second seat.( F & M seat)

**** Adult M/F ****
Couples sex are available as M/F , FF and MM (F & M seat)
- The Float comes with couple adult poses for a hot sexy time. There are Foreplay, Lick, BJ, Facing, Behind, Finish, FF and MM categories.

**** 3 Friends ****
- Where the three can sit together without cuddle.

**** FFM ****
- FFM Cuddles and Adult animations.
The adult animations are divided into Straight and bi, where the straight don't go down on the other girl.

**** MMF ****
- MMF Cuddles and Adult.

Ladybug, Bee, Dung Beetle, Praying Mantis, and Stag Beetle avatars! Come hang out in the garden as the bug of your choice! Gardens Thank you, Ferd!

Marianna: The house is phantom so the bugs can fly inside the house and look around. Inside you will see a beetle in a cereal box munching, ants in the sugar, and a beetle in the bathtub drain. Take some time... 11 months ago


On empire island we have released new fully mesh disco creations! Exclusive! New animations over 2500 BENTO MoCap dance animations sorted by couple, woman, man and unisex dances! Come and visit the temple of animations!

Auf Empire Island haben wir neue Disco-Kreationen komplett in Mesh veröffentlicht! Exklusiv! Neue Animationen über 2500 BENTO MoCap Tanzanimationen sortiert nach Paar, Frau, Mann und Unisex Tänze! Komm und besuche den Tempel der Animationen!

Sur Empire Island, nous avons sorti de nouvelles créations disco entièrement en maille ! Exclusif ! Nouvelles animations plus de 2500 animations de danse BENTO MoCap classées par couple, femme, homme et unisexe ! Venez visiter le temple des animations !
¡En Empire Island hemos lanzado nuevas creaciones discotequeras completamente en malla! ¡En exclusiva! Nuevas animaciones ¡más de 2500 animaciones de baile BENTO MoCap clasificadas por pareja, mujer, hombre y bailes unisex! ¡Ven a visitar el templo de las animaciones!

#disco #club #animation #dance animation #danceanimation #furniture #discofurniture #disco furniture #clubfurniture #club furniture #lighting #lights #club lights #equipment for clubs #equipment for club #intan #couple #discolights #pole dance #poledance #consolle #disco #club #animazione #animazione di danza #animazione di danza #arredamento #discofurniture #arredamento di discoteca #arredamento di discoteca #illuminazione #luci #luci di discoteca #luci di discoteca #pole dance #poledance #consolle

Druskus: With great pleasure and thanks to this post, I want to thank Thomas Etzel for giving me back some of my old discos that I had built on Clone Life and thought were lost, they are now available again fo... 11 months ago

***News at Camballa***
Jana _back_heart_gown Elegant
in any Colors(Maitreya)
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Becker

**** News at Camballa****
Lydia Dress in many Colors
in eBODY_ and Maitreya
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

** Men Dress **
Pants,Vest and Shoes

New Outfit for reborn!!
Nuevo atuendo para renacer!!



Coat Dress
Coat,Dress and Boots

The underlying message of too many big social media sites these days is "stop talking and start buying." The community these sites have fostered are being exploited for profit. Fortunately that isn't happening in OS. In fact, in contrast to big social media, we have a place in OS where the message is "stop buying but keep up the conversation."

That place is the Oni Kiri Tribute Region. There is nothing to buy there. But there is the opportunity to hang out with people from the community of Adachi fans and ex-residents of the CopyKat Grid. They are pretty much all like Oni. Helpful. Kind. Sharing. If you feel yourself to be part of that community, here is a HG Safari blog post written by Thirza Ember about Oni, Adachi, CopyKat and the Collective you might like:

The Oni Kiri Tribute Region is at Adachi on BlackSwan.
hop:// CopyKat in Blackswan

The community is all over OS. :)

Join the CopyKat Collective Discord Channel if you'd like:

Come and get it!!!

Nuevo cabezal "LELUTKA EVOX "XIA"
¡¡¡Ven y cógelo!!!


Symphony Vive: pretty region design ideas. 11 months ago

---- NEW OUTFITS ----

Ellen: Your model is so cute! 11 months ago
Fred asked me to post this:

DreamGrid is not ending. Updates with bug fixes will continue. There
may be a V6 which will have Opensimulator Dot Net 6 code from Opensim bugs may be reported at Dreamgrid support is available via

Thank you, Fred

Mistressdalgato: thank you for all your hard work in this 11 months ago

News at Camballa
complett Outfit
Shoes -Tiara-Dress and Flexy parts
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

thedeeferry: Glamorous! Thank you! 12 months ago

News at Camballa
Elas Fashion
Karla Dress
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

Après l'échec cuisant de META, Second Life se rêve-t-il en metaverse des années 2030 ? On peut se poser la question à la vue de l'arrivée des PBR (Physically Based Rendering) qui contribuent à combler la distance entre un rendu scotché dans les années 2000 et les jeux vidéos AAA sous Unreal Engine.

S'ils arrivent sur Second Life, il ne fait pas de doute qu'ils arriveront sur OpenSim. La révolution viendra par les viewers. Saluons le tout dernier arrivé : Sharpview.

Passer au PBR ne sera pas une mince affaire pour les créateurs, mais les ignorer est se condamner à rester coincé dans la platitude des années 2000. Ne ratez pas le train. Quelques ressources pour les plus pressés :

Photo : Andred Darwin.
Whether you're looking for an educational build, some real world art, or just want to meet Arnie on vacation, nothing could be finer than Tosha Tyran's Angkor Wat. The Safari visited the temple and environs, and learned some curious things about the builder...

Luna Lunaria: I love large detailed architectural builds like this one, done with great textures and environment settings. I wasn't able to make the Safari tour due to RL work obligations, but I'm placing this reg... 1 years ago
Egyptian Necklace by CJ Goldman can be found in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer. Jewelry

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license. Disclaimer.
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
Le support de la présentation ATLAS sur OpenSim 0.9.3 est disponible à cette adresse :

0.9.3 est une version pivot destinée à passer de .NET framework 4.6 / MONO arrivant en fin de vie à .NET core 6. C'est une étape importante pour l'avenir du projet, et les administrateurs de grilles sous Linux doivent s'attendre à des changements notables. N'attendez pas d'évolution fonctionnelle importante, la majorité du travail se fait "sous le capot".
Il n'y a pas que les idées qui fusent chez nos apprentis scripteurs. Après une étude ballistique très réussie, à grands renforts de balles traçantes, nous avons imaginé la téléportation ballistique. Une innovation majeure dans le monde des téléports, où votre avatar se retrouve assis sur un boulet de canon et projeté à grande vitesse. Personne n'a été blessé.

Kelso.Uxlay: Wow - je veux voir ça! 1 years ago
Greetings, Gridlings. Best wishes to all our OpenSim friends on the 13 YEAR rezz day of Lani region on 1 May 2023. ..."May your footsteps be soft upon the sand. May the giant worms make a smooth path through the dunes of your future destiny." - from Lani Global

Kylie Brimmer: wow 13 years and still going strong :) i like that place so much. 1 years ago

News at Camballa
Eevi outfit Shorts-top and Sneaker
in any colors
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

Hange: sympa la tenue merci 1 years ago

Welcome to Novale's maple groove and Sugar Shack
Discover the sweetest ever tradition from Eastern Canada

harthelie: super je vais me faire une joie de visiter 1 years ago

Harp outfit in any Colors
Jacket -pants-Blouse
make your Combination self
have all a good time
Karin Becker

harthelie: super merci 1 years ago
Il me tarde d'être à samedi, pour ce magnifique évènement que nous prépare la grid Atlas. c'est sans aucun doute un des grands évènements d'opensim de 2023, à ne rater sous aucun pré-tesque. annuler toutes vos obligations réelles, annuler même vos propres activités virtuelles, pour venir assister à ce grand défilé comme vous n'en aviez jamais vue !!!

le taxi pour Atlas :

MinordLoup: C'est vraiment très gentil pour eux 1 years ago
Bonjour / bonsoir à tous,
CinéParc chez Jo (comme tous les dimanches ? )
Au programme ce soir : "L'homme qui défiait l'infini" ("The Man Who Knew Infinity"), un film britannique de Matthew Brown, sorti en 2015.
15h Qc / 21h Fr

new men's and women's mesh clothes

Brilliant appearance on new year's eve

Soirée inaugurale d'AtlasGrid (anciennement Ignis Fatuus) ce soir, jeudi 10 Novembre à 21 heures, heure de Paris. Venez prendre un verre en musique et rencontrer le staff, Hart, Chip and Jeff, sur une toute nouvelle région.

Inaugural night on AtlasGrid (formerly Ignis Fatuus) today, Thursday, November 10, 12:00 SLT. Chill and relax. Everybody welcome.

Dabici132: Oh, j'ai raté l'inauguration ! Franc succès ! 2 years ago

- hello, where are you ? I'm near kiosk, and you ?
- One second, I search on map !

Concours de peche
fishing competiton
les vainqueurs
the winners

Falene la nouvelle place
new place

Merci à Marguerite et Fernandel
pour ce clin d'oeil !

nouveau projet

bonne année
2021 Falene prend de la hauteur