Fyyff @fyyff


Fluff you you fluffing fluffer. Go ahead, underestimate me, it will be fun.


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Very pretty, Marianna.
Thank you đź’—
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Sorry to report this to you, the hop lands me under the water.
Hello! hahaha sorry for the dip, but if you look at the hop of the image says that it is at 3825 height, so if you are coming under water is because “something” is wrong when you take the teleport. But once you arrive to volcanoes land it doesn't matter if it is under water, copy the link that I have pasted in this image and for sure you will arrive to the point where this vendor is ok, another thing if you see me online open me im, and I myself will gladly give you tp to the site ok?
Thank you, I will try again.
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Something is wrong. 2 days trying to reach region. No Regions Found With That Name is message received.