Kylie Brimmer @eaglewealth

Brisbane, Australia Offline


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i did landed there from my grid but get error saying cannot connect between region and grid. I tried tp there from osgrid and cannot get there either with same message say cannot connect between region and grid message. Sadly i cannot resolved that anyway but maybe other people may get there with no issues.
well it worked on Singularity viewer and got there no problem.
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i had a good time listening to edm tunes and had a blast :)))
I's so glad you enjoyed it! (Amara)
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It a way to remember her when i go visit there. it really good to keep this region in her memory.
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you should edit that opensim beacon and tick no copy for anyone in box.
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It have that at Mintor for Satyr Animal rezzer 5.9 version that can rez either animals to feed or non feed animals and hud animal converter.
Hope this help.
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I just visited this Avalon Reborn and it a pretty region :)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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Mmm i tested it now and it seems ok i got there. Maybe you need to clear cache and inventory cache in firestorm viewer and clear cache in singularity viewer.
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Well that good to hear you found web doctor and give you something. With Flu you need more rest and more fluids!! Hope you get well soon.
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I know it a pain when i had to tell any new guys that come to my grid to change shape to male. It a mystery why female default avatar comes first than male? lol
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Also i'm banned using legit firestorm viewer & now singularity viewer as well but it legit viewer too what the hell??? and singularity viewer is
I don't see on those screen shots any proof you tried to teleport to my shop.
I checked my logs and no one was rejected today.

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What the hell going on and banning legit firestorm viewer??? Am using Firestorm 6.5.3 and it not damn copybot viewer and i dont know about copybot viewers to be honest. Why the world come to with banning legit firestorm viewers??? Same thing as Arkam Grid.
I would be thankful if you control yourself and your language, I already answered you via message where you also sent me a copy of these messages.

Sadly I have been victim of a tsunami of real copybotters, so I had to filter viewers by the latest TPVs. If you're frustrated take it to whoever feels the need to copybot my stuff where I offer it for free, full perm.

I'm not forcing anyone to upgrade, but I'm tired to create things, give them and then taking advantage of. If you believe you or anyone else is entitled to access my sims, think again, what creators do is a courtesy, not a duty.

Finally you can always access my shop at Wright Plaza where I have a smaller selection but includes the latest PG release, but that's unnecessary as according to my logs you visited my sim today, about 5 hours ago and never got banned for using an old viewer.
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Why post about that SL lindens dollars in
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Sorry to hear and RIP Torben :(
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It may not be back yet.
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shame about adachi region down but i don't know if it will come back?
Ya, it will definitely come back, either with a repaired database or starting fresh. The question is which, and when.
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There is firestorm viewer 6.5.3 & 6.5.6 available for mac there in download page and have you tried that?
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i couldn't find that Gate??
It is at the Monentes Jewelry store out front you cannot miss it Kylie
oh ok i will have to check again :)
The front might be the back lol my landing is a tad messed up, thank you for stopping by Kylie
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Ausgrid will be back soon due to stupid electricity shortages.
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I like it and i got it but with add on horse then horse head not move or legs move :( and also i have rezzer so i tried click rezzer and click to sit to ride but why avatar sinking inside horse?? I love the animesh horse though. By the way your region is so pretty!!!
Kylie, I also have a new version of the horse rezzer available (version 1.925), with rider animations at a higher priority. This should in some degree minimize the "sinking into the horse" issue. But keep in mind that it sometimes takes a while for the animations to cick in. IF for some reason your avatar doesnt animate well then try this in men menu of your viewer: Avatar -> Avatar Health -> Stop Animations & Revoke Permissions
Hi I did turn off AO and am not the only one but my friend did the same lol. But when i click page up and it think it settle in a minute to sit right. ok where the new version and is it same spot where we got it there?
Yes, it's at the landing zone and in the shop at the port.
Hi Kylie, when the horse does not move yet, you simply have to wait a bit longer for the animations to load in. It's an "opensim thing" when it takes longer than normal, but they eventually load in and all should work fine.
i did click page up and it seems work ok i think.