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Joined 6 years ago

About Myself


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My Reviews

Haunted Halloween Isles

Absolutely stunning! I loved the zombies and the autumn area the best! I will revisit have more areas to explore!

Dyvalls Shopping Fun

I really enjoyed exploring your sim, There was some amazing freebies! Thankyou for your hard work!


I was absolutely in awe of this grid! The work that must have went into it! So many long and hard hours! It is beautiful, and so welcoming. You can spend hours and never see the same thing twice! Thank you for such a warm welcome to your Grid, I will be stopping in again soon!!!


This sim is gorgeous! Thankyou for sharing!


Awesome place, very friendly, I was welcomed and greeted warmly, i agree, its a terrible shame I do not speak German!

Cidade Seul

Thankyou for your sharing and hard work this is amazing!!!!


I totally am lookin forward to using this on my sim, Thankyou so much for your hard work!!! it was amazing and beautiful :) 100% will be give 5 stars on this.

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