red passion regione brandal

ReD-pAsSiOn vi invita stasera ore 22.30 per un altra mega serata con il nostro dj dreampassion libero…/..................................... ReD-pAsSiOn invites you on Saturday evening 21/03/20 at 10.30 pm for another mega evening with our free DJ dreampassion https: //… / ...............
ReD-pAsSiOn vi invita sabato sera 21 /03/2020 ore 22.30 per un altra mega serata con il nostro dj dreampassion libero…/..................................... ReD-pAsSiOn invites you on Saturday evening 21/03/20 at 10.30 pm for another mega evening with our free DJ dreampassion https: //… / ............... ...................... ...

gran bella serata su rev world dai rangiungeteci su

vi aspettiamo fate un bel salto a trovarci in questo meraviglioso mondo chiamato rev world we are waiting for you to make a leap to find us in this wonderful world called rev world
Anche tu entri in un mondo meraviglioso fatto di magia e immaginazione, dove la magia diventa musica e la musica diventa infinita, un viaggio nell'immaginazione fantasy dove la tua realtà non ha più confini, cerca la tua anima, catturala, rendila tua e diventa mitica "re della mascherata", tutto ciò può accadere nel magico mondo delle tenebre.

Ti presenteremo un viaggio senza ritorno, accompagnato da musica che ti porterà oltre ogni emozione.

Ti stiamo aspettando al NOXSUS Club. Sabato 14/02/2020 ore 14,30 server, nella regione Rev-Noxsus - solo su Rev World
You too enter a wonderful world made of magic and imagination, where magic becomes music and music becomes infinite, a journey into the fantasy imagination where your reality has no more boundaries, search for your soul, capture it, make it yours and becomes the mythical "king of the masquerade", all this can happen in the magical world of darkness.

We will introduce you on a journey without return, accompanied by music that will take you beyond all emotion.

We are waiting for you at the NOXSUS Club. Saturday 14/02/2020 14,30 time server, at Rev- Noxsus region - only on Rev World

the square awaits you on rev world

You too enter a wonderful world made of magic and imagination, where magic becomes music and music becomes infinite, a journey into the fantasy imagination where your reality has no more boundaries, search for your soul, capture it, make it yours and becomes the mythical "king of the masquerade", all this can happen in the magical world of darkness.
We will introduce you on a journey without return, accompanied by music that will take you beyond all emotion.
We are waiting for you at the NOXSUS Club. Saturday 14/02/2020 14,30 time server, at Rev- Noxsus region - only on Rev World
You too enter a wonderful world made of magic and imagination, where magic becomes music and music becomes infinite, a journey into the fantasy imagination where your reality has no more boundaries, search for your soul, capture it, make it yours and becomes the mythical "king of the masquerade", all this can happen in the magical world of darkness.
We will introduce you on a journey without return, accompanied by music that will take you beyond all emotion.
We are waiting for you at the NOXSUS Club. Saturday 14/02/2020 14,30 time server, at Rev- Noxsus region - only on Rev World