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Joined 5 years ago

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I have a doubt

Hello, I have a question about this game. Can you add the option to earn real money from the game? Can the avatar receive it in its balance, even if it comes from another metaverse?

Buzzy Cnayl: If you want to do that then you would need to use one of the farm systems in Second Life. 3 years ago
I have another question.

Can you have workers on the farm?

Charlene AwesomeSauce: Yes they have NPC's that do work automatically or if you group your farm, You can have friends or visitors work your farm. I have a friend that uses the farm and he had friends and visitors that come ... 3 years ago

We need sales commercials for the City Life Virtual real estate company.To Juanmix Bravin responsible for the real estate.

Litarivera (@litarivera) https://opensimworld.com/user/1030678
Here I sit and without any lag

on our island for sale number 40 we have free scripts like this., are you coming for it?

Job offer

Singers and DJs are needed, by tip jar.,
interested send a message or go through my grid.

Do you want to rent houses? come., to our island 20., where it was modified., the commercial park for an adult residential complex., and quiet., with a dentral square for events.,
It can be customized to suit the client.

Job offer.,

Imobiliaria city life virtual., Requires commercials on commission., For each new island rented., You will take 1000 CY per month per user.

In construction the starting place has still missing many details, but you can come to offer your help. We will wait for you.

Virtual City Life with hypergrid., Visit my profile., And visit my grid without obligation.