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0 0 hg.osgrid.org:80:Autentica 0 Users
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1 0 hg.osgrid.org:80:Badlands2 0 Users
Get "in the mix" at this posh jazz club where the music swings and the crowd always looks their best. It's formal attire only so throw on your classiest threads and get ready to dance the night away with the hippest chicks and coolest cats.
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Grand Openening
Where: Badlands2
When: 7 years ago [6 Jan 2018 00:30 SLT]

Get "in the mix" at this posh jazz club where the music swings and the crowd always looks their best. It's formal attire only so throw on your classiest threads and get ready to dance the night away with the hippest chicks and coolest cats.