Thursday Starting at 2pm its DJ Hannah spinning a awesome Christmas set at Club Equinox! so come on down and hear some of the best music on the OS!!!!!! your cab awaits! Equinox

This Thursday its DJ Max rocking the house with his Hard Rock tunes! Then its DJ Hannah who will be Blowing the roof off with her Rock and Tunes! Only at Club Equinox every Thursday starting at 2pm grid time! So paste this in your map! Equinoxgrid:8002:Club Equinox and let the party begin!

Tuesdays Starting at 3pm its DJ Hannah spinning A special set i have Acquired the cover Music done by Latax Boy - Girl from OS this is a set you don't want to miss her singing is the best on the Open Sim if you doubt me come hear her sing!!!!! Again Only here at Club Equniox! so come on down and hear some of the best music on the OS!!!!!! your cab awaits! Equinox

Due to illness DJ Max will not be playing tonight. Instead the lineup is DJ Goebez from 2 to 4 and DJ Hannah from 4 to 6, hope to see you all!!!!