Jamie Wright @annawright

Neverworld Grid is my virtual home. Online

She/Her/Hers pronouns. Building what I want, when I can. No hurry, no big goals:) I have some regions on Neverworld but I don't always list them when they're being updated and not ready to showcase anything new yet. Stay tuned:) I have a bad habit of logging in, getting pulled away and forgetting I'm logged in. I make Classic Standard Avatars and clothing.


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Nay, I answered you in the chat as well. I put a box out on OSGrid Sandbox Plaza in the Northwest corner with a violin. It's the old AM Radio one from that build. hg.osgrid.org:80:Sandbox Plaza
Encontrei ...gratidao amei ♥
No que eu puder ajudo sempre ♥
Me desculpe, fui ate o local indicado e não encontrei :(
I just placed it again. The sandbox clears after 24-48 hours and my original reply was 19 days ago. So if you could try and get it again soon, it will still be there:)
Gratidão estou indo ... ♥
Eu te respondi no chat também. Coloquei uma caixa no OSGrid Sandbox Plaza, no canto noroeste, com um violino. É o antigo rádio AM daquela construção. hg.osgrid.org:80:Sandbox Plaza
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Individual region owners can probably get their content out in boxes. It's a huge pain but it can be done. I really hope people can have it a bit easier than that though.
I hope their sysadmin hasn't rewritten the entire CLI, so at least IAR and OAR exports can still be done without having to reverse-engineer the grid software.
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Your confidence is awesome:)
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How many regions are hosted on 3RG currently? Like if another grid or host company were to take it on. What is the capacity need? I'm not a host or a tech but that info might help folks make the decision whether or not they can offer.
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It all looks amazing:) Great work!
Thank you, a total fun project, when I found my rocks it took a bit of stacking to get it looking just right. With sims we fiddle and still fiddle to get things just right lol
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Thanks for the judgement with zero context on how folks actually feel about 3RG. It was in the early OpenSim Grids I joined (before the hypergrid we just had to join grids to see them:) and it's a lovely community of people, always has been. I hope they can make it work more than anything. Content is connection to people and communities. To experiences we've shared. 3RG hosts one of the most special regions in the OpenSim for me. Aacme City. Built by Duderz Lebowski who has sadly passed away. Sunbeam's partner. They were two of the first people I ever met in the OpenSim. And Aacme City was his and their absolute labour of love. It actually inspired how I've built towns and cities ever since and I always think of Duderz when I do.
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It's also about preserving someone's artistry though. Not every content creator is still out here doing it. For various reasons, some very sad.And caring about preserving content doesn't mean people care any less about the people. The people and community always come first.
Out of question, Jamie...but main interest / problem now is to help a grid and not discussing about clothes! This I find contra productive and egomaniac for
those who loose a long standing grid! Loosing some clothes here doesnt matter. Its the people we should care of right now. Its not new that Jupiter only bla blas with so many blogs about clothing only ( I think the one has nothing to do else in 24/7) . Here we have a real problem about hundreds who loos their home! edit: Jupiter is well known to throw stones to mainly at dorena gridtalk with assuming things he can never prove. Assuming and bringing people up against others. This one is a drama causer
Actually I only see you causing drama here. So people like clothes? They get to. And talking about preserving creations when a grid is in jeopardy is not irrelavant. It doesn't negate the love for the community or individuals within it. It honours it. It will be more than "just a few clothes" if folks can't get their content out. We build worlds. 3RG is one of the oldest ones. That's a lot of meaningful content to the folks who both created it and live within it everyday. And yes clothes and avatars can be part of that.
And it's also a huge relief that people have from now until May just in case there isn't another host or a big move but with no OARs and IARs. Most of us have been in a fair few grids that just went poof overnight and then you lose everything you've ever made, not just the place you called your virtual home. That's so much worse.
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Like I say, I hope they get the OARs and IARs. I for one like the old classic standard avatar stuff and fitmesh. LOL I've never been the newest hotness and that's ok with me. But more than anything I hope the good folks of 3RG are able to keep their community together in some form. It is an historic grid in the OpenSim.
Juno has all the Clutterfly clothes plus the underwear and the swimsuits, and she has god mode to "fix" the strange permission settings. But she has only got the folders with the loose items, and she'd rather not repackage everything.

And if that stuff isn't rezzed anywhere on any sim in any grid, chances are higher that it'll perish due to wonky asset servers.
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Resolved. Not sure why this is in here twice or where the comments went.
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Can anyone get the OARs and possibly iars out for folks? If you have the OARs and iars, you could rebuild the grid as much as possible on new servers with new hosting.
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Dude, can we have a copy of the scene? The morbid murder mystery lover in me loves any and all grave options...lol
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This is so cool! Thank you for offering this @IndigoQueenKing
Thank you so very much Jamie it's a labor of love. I remember rezzing in SL 17 years ago naked bald and afraid and excited hahahaha just wanted to over something to help the community that (I think high tailed it over here lol) helped me back in the day.
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Novale makes me look forward to every virtual season:) And I love that maple sugar shack!
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Sketchfab has some. You'll have to convert to dae and import them...and then script them. Which we know you have the talent to do:) https://sketchfab.com/search?features=downloadable&q=Mahjo...
Thank you Jamie. I am looking for the one that I had a few days ago before my grid crash. It is by skylor bassclef, and it works in opensim. I can't remember what sim I got it on. :)
I have one Cyber not sure if it iat creator you need & mine works
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Thank you so much! It looks wonderful!
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So cute. I love your egg textures:)
Thank you! :) Glad you like them!
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I have felt that way a fair few times sharing content. So I totally get it. I decided after awhile I that make stuff for me...stuff I like. If someone else benefits, great. But it helps me take critcism less personally. I mean it's all subjective so it baffles me when people need to tear someone's work apart. Especially when we're sharing freebies. Like my Grandma used to say "If you don't like it, then don't have any." She was talking about children and vegetables...lol but it applies to so many things:)
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Sent you a box of a bunch on OSGrid. Hopefully there's a dessert. R. Lion might be a good source of stuff like that too.
Thanks, Jamie, that was just what she needed
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Resolved through the chat for anyone tuning in late:)
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Hugabug, I'm not sure who specifically has one but a few folks I can think of that have the mad skills to do one are Kelso and Dabici from Novale and Hyacinth from Groovyverse. Maybe reach out to those folx and see what they might already have, could help with or could suggest as strategies to create it?
Thank you Jamie that helps Hugs