Jamie Wright @annawright

Neverworld Grid is my virtual home. Offline

She/Her/Hers pronouns. Building what I want, when I can. No hurry, no big goals:) I have some regions on Neverworld but I don't always list them when they're being updated and not ready to showcase anything new yet. Stay tuned:) I have a bad habit of logging in, getting pulled away and forgetting I'm logged in. I make Classic Standard Avatars and clothing.

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Indigo Blue Realm Welcome Center especially built with newbies in mind. Video & Walk through tutorials. Now have to translate them to other languages. Always something to add or tweak in virtual life. There is a learning house and learning store to practice rezzing items, buying items and decorating rooms etc.

Jamie Wright: This is so cool! Thank you for offering this @IndigoQueenKing 1 month ago