abraxas @abraxas

Rays Kingdom Online

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Taxi: hg.germanworldgrid.de:8002:Germanworldgrid

Sylvia-Koeln: So........ Uniform gebügelt für die Weltreise 9 months ago

Oldietime im Roadhouse
am: Mittwoch den 17.04.2024
Ab: 19Uhr --- 10 am
ankabi.de:8002:AnKaBi Bikers Heaven

abraxas: hoffendlich denke ich daran 2 months ago
Heute Abend gibt es in Pangea meine kleine "After-Birthday-Party" auf Koburk. Mottogerechte Kostümierung ist seeeeehr wünschenswert; wer so kurzfristig keinen schrumpeligen Avatar zur Hand hat, kann alternativ auch einen der nicht mehr ganz taufrischen NPCs über die Tanzfläche schieben...

Bink Draconia: Es war eine wirklich gelungene Geburtstagsparty - angefangen bei dentollen Verkleidungen der Gäste bis hin zu DJ Marlons perfektem Mix aus guter Musik und spaßigen Stimmungsmachern. DANKE!!!! *** It ... 11 months ago
No Sea Legs Required
Where: Welcome - Fire And Ice Grid
When: 4 years ago [16 Sep 2020 12:00 SLT]

Siren has left the Ocean and will be spinning tunes at Fire and Ice Welcome at noon - 2pm PDT (SLT) of various genres. All Welcome to attend.

Wonderful to have so many Hypergrid Friends and Residents at the Celebration! Thank you all for helping us Celebrate!

Marlis2: Danke Scarlett, wie immer geile Musik mit tollen Leuten und super Stimmung:) 3 months ago
SPEAKEASY DANCE CLUB will be devoting an entire evening of Depeche Mode dedicated to the life of Andy Fletcher who sadly passed May 26th 2022. You will certainly be missed by us all....
Saturday 05/28/2022 - 8pm Pacific Time

Always an experience with good music in the * Roadhouse *

Fun at the Reggae-Night in *Highlander Inn*


Rock-House (Special) am 29.03.2024.
Freitag 29.3.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Diesmal gibt es christliche Musik zum

Es herrscht kein Tanzverbot!

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid : dorenas-world.de:8002:Nihilon

Another nice evening with you, and you, and hey you too at the Crossroad!

Abstract Art photo contest at the Fire And Ice Opensim Grid. The winner will receive three months of free sim rental. This competition is open to everyone and runs from the 1st September to the 30th September 2020 inclusive. With an announcement of the winner and a party at 2 pm Grid time on the 30th.

LFGrid's annual Halloween Costume Party!!

Costume Party and Halloween Dance Halloween - Tuesday October 31st 2023 - 7pm PST.
Live DJ Walter Balazic, drinking, dancing, and Free Gifts!!

lfgrid.com:8002:Halloween Island

still a lot of time and a lot of room for you on the dance floor..

Where: CrossRoad
When: 3 years ago [12 Apr 2021 11:00 SLT]

Summerfeeling with Reggae-Music
Come in and enjoy........

Wonderful Party in the Roadhouse: great Music und great People