Zuzu Bahro @ZuzuBahro

Friends Grid Offline

Mature Mexican American female. I prefer to speak English.

Liked posts

Our back yard is a little different!

contact @ZuzuBahro for rental info

Some days we want some nice gentle peaceful music.....

and other days we want to ROCK!!!!!!!!!

We want the good pounding music we remember from years ago........Rolling Stones, AC- DC, Aerosmith and much more. We want to ROCK!!!!!!!

Classic Rock Fest

Saturday May 18 1 pm


DJ Lion King

come for the the awesome tunes, and leave with cash.....Casino cash! I will be giving away $500,000 casino cash during our Rock Trivia contest.

Find a bikini....or dress casual....and come out to the Party Mountain pool and party with friends!

PinDeluca: Oooo DJ ON FIRE ! 14 days ago
What is this little island?


This little island can help people live their virtual dreams:

yes...this island is Dreams

approx 1 sim in size,
water is connected to entire grid for amazing sailing
10,000 prim
rent free!

However, we are very selective about who we add at friends-grid. We do not want house collectors who get free land on every grid...then never use it. That is a waste of our time and resources.

If you want to make this your main home and be an active part of a growing community , then maybe we should talk.....

about this little island making YOUR dreams come true.


Contact @zuzubahro or @safinemahoe2 for details.

May the force be with you!

"2D Wall Texture, Window, Spaceship, https://www.flickr.com/photos/8873441@N06/page9" by CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts

our name says it all


.....some of our textures are Toxic!

Biohazard" by Sky Noir is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Textures Trees & Scripts

Holaaaaa Amigos

Ven de fiesta con nosotros!

4:00pm hoy (2-17-24)


Ellen: Fun people and amazing music!!! 4 months ago

its about the people.....

and a few beautiful horses!

for rental information on qualifying for your own free island, please contact @Zuzubahro

Sailing alone is fun.......
Sailing with friends is AWESOME!

Come explore friends-grid anytime and enjoy our waters.
Group Sail - every Sunday 12 noon

for rental information - @Zuzubahro

Sail with Friends
Sunday at 12 noon

I don't know port from starboard....I get real confused on the sailing talk, and the headwinds have made me say some really bad words at times. You see.....I am not a sailor.....but I have learned to love sailing
...........and I do know how to have fun!

We have a group of friends who sail every Sunday at noon.. Last Sunday we had 5 sailboats and we were escorted by two airboats!

We try to be courteous.to our fellow boaters.....but occasionally there might be a bump or scratch ...(some days we all need brakes on boats) ; ) If you bump boats, we dont get all mad......but, you just owe two bottles of rum and a bikini top ; )

This is not quite as structured as the Palm Beach Yacht Club, but I think we have a lot more fun! We take things a little less serious than some Yacht Clubs. In our group we have some expert sailors and some novices and some speedboat drivers......but that makes it perfect!

If you want to meet people, but don't sail, come on out and join us! You can ride with us or drive a speedboat. We don't have attitudes, but we do have fun!

Here's the important info

Waypoints - any place with rum to steal
final destination - who knows
SF Sail - ok (preferred)
winds - I use e 25, but don't care what you use.
trim - manual or auto
Bwind - ok
Speedboat - ok
Airboat - ok
Jetski - ok
bikini on - ok
bikini off - ok
Smiles are required!

* boats are available or you may rezz your own

photo by Serina Gee

Come out and join others for informal chat. Sometimes we just want to chill and hang out, and it would be soo cool if we could make a new friend or two.

Coffee & Chat
host - Zilog Darkcore

the new social experience designed for people who want to chat.

Sailing with friends
today at 12 noon

sail, jetski, speedboat

we dont care....just bring some rum for us to steal!

Head to Friends Marina to start

Taking an early morning shower in the rainforest waterfall is a rejuvenating experience. The sound of the water cascading down the rocks is mesmerizing, and the misty droplets create a peaceful ambiance. The cool water feels invigorating against the skin, energizing the body and awakening the senses. The natural surroundings add to the experience, with the lush greenery and wildlife adding to the beauty of the moment. This is not just a shower but a spiritual experience that cleanses the body, refreshes the mind, and renews the soul.

Serina Gee: The most refreshing shower I ever had.....although the water can feel a bit chilly at the start!! 12 months ago

Safinemahoe2: We've got the girls....and the rum....and DJ Anthony has the best rock from the 80's and 90's! come on out! 1 month ago


DJ Graywolf


Ellen: Beautiful party today, Safine! Thank you! 4 months ago
OverWatch Sentry! Back by popular demand. WITH height & age banning built into the menu system. Auto tamper alert included in case someone messes with your security orb, it will im you instantly. Available at Wizardry! Ban them by name, ID, IP, Grid, partial name, height & age! Also ban them by using too many scripts, or to much sim memory. :) Enjoy.

CyberGlo CyberStar: You should be able to get it now. I put it in wizardry in the magic shop. As soon as you walk through the front doors. Latest version is v. 42. 4 months ago
This is where the Party is.......Where are you?

Aviworlds 5,000 resident Party
Live music
rum to steal
lots of people

Rogue Galaxy
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴3:p - 5:p ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://login.aviworlds.com:8002/Aviworlds%20Club/94/191/26
Hello friends
I decided to make a change sooner than I had planned. I want to improve user experience….. so friends-grid now has dual servers.

I am also putting together a schedule of when I will be restarting every region on a weekly basis and I will post it here.

Good morning all,

This morning I want to share a little insight to try and help your virtual life. My friend Linda had a very rough time recently and that breaks my heart. I want Linda and others enjoying their virtual time…. Not dealing with crashes….so I am going to offer some tips. This will be a long note…. But it is designed to help you enjoy your virtual life.

1. Understand that your virtual experience is composed of many factors including: Opensim, grid server, grid setup, region settings, parcel settings, your computer, your graphic card, your internet connection, your avi grid, your viewer, your viewer preferences, your clothing and or attachments and much more.
2. When there is an issue, I will often ask questions to help determine which variable might be affecting. Am I being defensive…. Noooo…… I am trying to be scientific and look past my own thoughts and biases to improve your virtual experience. When I ask many questions, it may seem like I am “grilling” you….. I apologize for that….I am simply trying to get enough details so I can make your virtual life better. I never try to put all blame on individual….it is shared between myself and individual. I do my best to try to make sure my side of things is correct.
3. There are two different types of crashes: Regular Crash and bug splat.
Bug splat - you receive the infamous bug splat message afterwards. This crash is caused by viewer issue 95% of the time. Things that can cause this: Cache, distance, quality and much more. The higher your quality and distance, the greater the chance of crash. In addition, many times mesh objects can also cause this. The solution…….. thoroughly clean cache like this:

Regular Crashes- this last Sunday we experienced a region crash. These are fairly rare and I am working to get answers and provide a stable environment. In this situation, everyone in a region crashes at once and there is no bug splat. I am terribly sorry and embarrassed for the crash yesterday! We will make things better! Will things be perfect, nooooo, this is Opensim. But I am committed to providing an exceptional stable infrastructure .

It appears that the crash Sunday was caused by a corrupt object (sailboat) being rezzed in our rezz zone. Innocent intentions, but it shut down the region for a few minutes.

4. Cross Grid- I made a decision that people can live here regardless of whether or not they have a friends grid avi. I did that because I do not want to play dictator and order people to have friends grid avi….even though I know it would help some issues.

I want to share a recent story that will help you understand how crazy cross grid can be. Serina and I went shopping at Lunaria on Wolf territory. The experience was the worst experience ever in Opensim. We had trouble moving…. The lag was ungodly. This was not my first time with a bad experience at Wolf.

I sent my friend Luna Lunaria a note…. Letting her know I wanted to be a customer but could not get around her region. Luna was horrified…. But also very supportive of Wolf territory extremely high speed. She told me she has never had issues like I described.

To her credit, Luna made a friends-grid account and then tried to visit Wolf territories. She could not move because the lag was sooooo bad. Wolf territory and ourselves are presently working on this issue. So far it appears to be in Wolfs settings.

I share this story with you all so you understand the complexity of cross grid. In this situation, our Avis worked fine on many other grids…..but not on that.

Cross grid could possibly be making your virtual life more complicated. Realize that with Cross grid, all your data has to be processed through two totally separate systems every time you try to even come to friends-grid.

Am I blaming all your troubles on Cross grid…..Nooooooo. However, it is a variable that must be considered.

In the example I shared, technically I was able to go to lunaria at Wolf territory ….so it is not that I was banned. My experience was awful……but my friend Luna helped prove the situation by making a friends-grid avi. Wolf territories and friends-grid are simply not communicating as well as they should….making a negative experience if I visit there. This same issue can happen any day with any grid; just realize when your avi is not from our own grid; it is having to go through two systems….and some days there will be issues. I know our communication with osg is not perfect….but all I can do is fix my side. I have no control over what OSG does or does not do.

5. I ask you all to clean cache, consider system, look at avi, and preferences; but please realize I am trying to do a bit also. These things take time and money….but I am committed to providing the best virtual experience. I say this not to make anyone feel bad, but so you understand.
Friends-grid has always had a powerful dedicated server, but last month I added a second one . Our first server was much stronger than most in Opensim …and now we have the second in place. The speeds I have noticed on grid have been stupid fast since adding second server.

Friends-grid has a system of triple back ups in place….. and these backs are done every hour. This is an extremely detailed security system….but it is in place for you….and your virtual experience.

6. Haters - I am fully aware that there are people who hate me personally and want nothing else other than to see me fail and friends-grid fail. I try to not be over paranoid, but I also try to be aware. Sometimes the issues that you see or feel may be coming from others, intentionally or unintentionally. We will constantly monitor.

In closing, I could easily add 1,000 or 10,000 sims overnight like some others have; but my goal is on the quality of your virtual experience, not how many sims I own.

I want to make this an amazing experience for YOU!
Khiron Amatza
Where: Infinity Isle
When: 2 years ago [15 May 2022 11:45 SLT]