Zuzu Bahro @ZuzuBahro

Friends Grid Offline

Mature Mexican American female. I prefer to speak English.

Liked posts

Recently I have had a number of people requesting that I allow child avatars at friends-grid and I want to discuss this openly and honestly.

It is not my place to try and push my morals and values upon others....however, as a grid owner, it is my place to learn the laws of every country involved. In this situation, I need to understand the Child pornography laws of not only where our servers are located, but I also had to research and learn the laws of every country we have residents and guests from. We currently have residents from 30 countries and guests from another 35. People who say "laws dont apply " are incorrect on this subject. You may have servers in one country.....but all the laws of your resident's countries come into play also.

A good thing to remember is that because you have gotten away with something for 10 years does not make it legal. You may never get caught....and then again.....somebody with a grudge may turn you in.

I want to point out a recent post by Jerralyn Franzic . Jerralyn showed the cutest childs outfit ever! ....and she also made the wisest statement ...."I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem?" Personally I would love to see kids riding ponies at my farm....and having fun being mermaids. If everyone in child avi were to abide by Jerralyn's statement, there would not be an issue.

However, lets talk about reality. Not all child avis are simply riding ponies and playing in the water. The simple truth is that many (not all) of these child avis are having sex. Some grids use this to boost their traffic. In some countries, including US, the graphic illustration of a child online having sex is 100% illegal. You see, it does not matter if the person behind the computer is 12 or 52......the visual computer generated depiction of a child (child avatar) involved in sex is very illegal in a number of countries. 18 U.S.C. § 2252 Many people will say their countries are different....and this is stupid. I did not make laws........but I need to abide by them. Before people jump on this and criticize me ....I would suggest you read the laws of your country....your servers country...and the laws of all your residents or guests. There are many misinformed people on this subject. I am not saying the laws are right or wrong......but learn the laws.....then comment. You need to learn laws for your servers country...and all your guests countries. This post is not about morals......it is about laws....of all the countries involved.

I have spent over 200 hours reading international laws. Some countries allow things that others do not. However, you have to consider all the laws because of guests.

In closing....do I hate kids and kids avis......nooooooo. I would love to be able to allow them to come to friends grid. However, this is a less than perfect world in which we live, and I have to look at the potential liability of allowing those child avis. Because of that, Child avis are not allowed on friends-grid......no exceptions! I am sad....because there are some wonderful people in kids avis that I do not get to have visit.

Friends-grid is an Adult community and we are looking for adults, with adult avi's who want to make this their main opensim home.

Sodasullivan: I think this is the proper way to address this issue Safine. You are setting the rules YOU are comfortable with on YOUR region. I am fine having my region open to everyone as long as they agree to fol... 2 months ago

Available for FREE and FULLPERM at 3D MUSEUM SIM.. Enjoy :)

Kris Patrick: This is awesome, thanks, Jimmy. 2 years ago
I don't usually support mesh bodies that have got nothing to do with Ruth2 or Roth2. But I've come across an improvement trick for Athena 6 with BoM that nobody seems to know.

The major problem is that the skin on Athena 6's limbs may look weird under certain viewer settings, much like a lighting bug. Some skin areas look brighter or darker than they should.

A minor problem is that alpha masks don't work on Athena 6 although they technically should with BoM.

The reason is because Athena 6 has a chaotic hodge-podge of alpha settings all over it. Parts are set to alpha masking, more parts are set to alpha blending (it's them which may look weird to you or to others), most have alpha off (this is why alpha masks don't work on Athena 6 out of the box).

The solution:

Step 1: Edit your Athena 6 body. All of it, not just any piece. Select it in your inventory while wearing it.

Step 2: Go to the Texture tab.

Step 3: Set the alpha mode to alpha masking.

Now the different shades of skin colour are gone, but your hands and feet may turn partially white. Don't panic, this is supposed to happen and will be fixed in the next steps.

Step 4: Set the mask cutoff to 128. If it is already 128, set it to 127 and back to 128.

The white should disappear, and your body should look normal again. Or better than what you saw previously.

Step 5: Take the body off and put it back on to save the new settings.

Also, you can now wear alpha masks like you can on the system body which might save you from the hassles that come with the alpha cuts on the HUD, and which you can save with outfits. The only limitation is that the alpha masks still don't work on fingernails and toenails.

Should alpha masks stop wearing, just edit the body and set the mask cutoff to 127 and back to 128.

The same method should work on Adonis 4 if you want to use alpha masks with BoM.

Oh, and before anyone tries this on Ruth2 v4 or Roth2 v2: You don't have to, at least not with the "BoM" bodies and Ruth2 v4 "Business". They've got alpha mode controls on the HUD. The "" versions, on the other hand, are de-scripted and have no HUD, so they require this trick, too, if alpha masks don't work.

Pagane: Do you notice we are talking to ourselves? None of the drama queens pooped here? I thank them for blocking us and we can discuss without their hysterical attacks :) 4 months ago
Some people collect beautiful art

I collect bricks!

Not just normal bricks;
old worn out imperfect bricks.

These are the kind of bricks that help
tell a rich story about a buildings past.

but why.......WHY would I collect UGLY BRICKS?

Because I have a few friends who love to build!

Textures Trees & Scripts

The name says it all!

p.s. I also have a few ugly rocks and soft fabrics in my collection.

Jupiter Rowland: FYI: Outworldz has loads of brick textures waiting to be used. I haven't tested the normal maps that were probably generated from the textures yet, but they're there. A few brick textures even come w... 2 months ago
That's it for this year. I would like to thank all of my loyal visitors who brought the sim to life. I hope you had a nice time. Many things that you suggested last year had been implemented and have brought a breath of fresh air into the sim.
Unfortunately, there were a few black sheep who didn't know how to behave. That's why I couldn't keep my promise to keep the sim open to everyone and everything this year.
Thanks also to the visitors who actually r e a l l y visited various Halloween Sims and then gave their great reviews.
I would like to thank you again for the many great encounters. It was an honor to be the host again this year.Hopefully we see you all back next year. Until then, have a good time.
Your Thomas

SheaButter: I actually visited many Halloween builds, and left reviews on most. Your still on the top 10 for me Thomas. Great collection you have there, enjoyed visiting, and thanks for sharing. 7 months ago
This week a resident commented to me:

"I cannot believe people here actually talk to eachother...these are real people!
This is not like where I used to live......the people there were not real people"

friends-grid......we are a collection of real people and cultures.

*friends-grid does use animesh for atmosphere, but does not and will not use bots to alter traffic counts. I applaud the grids and regions who refuse to use fake traffic!

Mistressdalgato: I applaud you as well 1 month ago
I have often considered my underwater worlds
to be my best build ever. It took 6 months to find things, build
destroy, build, adjust and redo. Much of the time was spent searching.

This week I realized.....the best thing I can do for Opensim
is help all of you build underwater worlds if you wish.

Textures Trees & Scripts

now offers a massive Underwater section!

Hundreds of fish, coral, 5 types of rays, sharks, octopus, anemones, kelp and much more!

Enjoy making your dreams come alive!

Safinemahoe2: Just a quick note here.....The response to the Underwater building has been Crazy.....so I decided to Double the size and add ruins for you! Shout out to Misty Falls for custom creating 5 animes... 2 months ago
The Closet.
This amazing new product lets you drop in an item of clothing, and a picture of that clothing (or shoes, or hair) and click through the items in your closet. Then you can choose to have the item GIVEn to you, or to AUTOMATICALLY WEAR the item. Note: Please use copy items. If you find any bugs, please contact me and let me know. I'm leaving it at my welcome center for you to buy for 0$. cyberdatastorm.com:8002:SandBox (yes the doors open and close...) Note 2: The automatic WEAR only works if you are on dreamgrid, or if you own your own grid your on and have OSSL functions enabled. :) Note 3: This was Arielle's idea. So I think she should have the first one. But anybody can get one. Enjoy!

Arielle: Thanking you CyberGlo, this is perfect! I been dreaming of something like for quite a while but didn't think it was actually possible. 29 days ago
I am a little confused because I see people complaining when they go to regions and try to copy stuff and get upset when it comes up "no copy" or there is a sign posted to the region that says, "Items here are not copiable". Some may not like what I have to say and some may agree with it, either way I don't care. The most of the things on my residential or educational regions are built by me. Not that I don't get furniture and plants which I can't build yet, but I do my own building and my builds are unique to my regions, made specifically for them, so you'll excuse me if I don't feel like sharing that with everybody and anybody who comes along. I did the work, I made the effort, I designed it and I did so to make it unique so why should I have to share it? Can you not come up with your own ideas and use your own creative juices to make your own unique things? Yes Open Sim is free, but that doesn't mean that just because someone is using it, they have to "give" everybody else their stuff that they've created and built. I've seen nowhere in the literature about Open Sim that it says you have to share your stuff. What it does do is give you a platform in which to create, develop and design for other people to enjoy.
Now I can understand if it's stuff that people know full well has been pirated from Second Life, which a large percentage of stuff in Open Sim is, however there are some outstanding creators, programmers, scripters, developers and designers who make their own original materials and if they chose to charge for that stuff that's their right, though I know most of them do not, they give it away freely out of the goodness of their heart. That said, I do give my stuff away, but it is located in our Masala Al Kohav region which is a whole region of nothing but freebies which includes original content and those things I've picked up from around Open Sim. The one thing I try to do is make sure that the original creator's name is on it and I can tell you that if it's pirated from Second Life the creator's name that you will see is NOT the original creator. So, here's the deal, if you visit any of my regions in grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002 that are open to the public to visit, and you see something you like, just go to our Masala Al Kohav region and you'll probably find the very same item there all boxed up and ready to go for you. If you see something you like in one of my regions, and it's not in our Mall Region, just shoot me a message and ask me nicely, you'll probably get the item in a couple of days depending on how often I'm on.
If you don't like how I do things, just remember this....You don't pay my grid costs.

Racci: I can respect people's opinions either way. Some people don't like copybotting, and sharing freely, then fine.. that is their choice, probably best for them to stay out of Opensim. I can also respect ... 1 years ago


Destiny257Seranade: Oh those are co cute. I am heading there now...lol! 10 months ago
Merry Christmas everyone! :) I have made a terraformer that you click that has a menu system built in. It uses Keyframe motion. You can use it on your land to smooth out terrain, or make roads. It's sort of a Christmas present to everyone from me to you. Hope you enjoy it. (Now at cyberdatastorm.com:8002/Wizardry).

Spax Orion: Thanks, I would like to see a terraformer which is larger than the LSL size restrictions. I suppose more than one prim can be linked together with the same script inside with caveats. 1 years ago
Pictured above......typical product from Friends mall

I have tried to tell people that our mall is a little different; but tonight I want to show you one of our best selling products - the amazing horses from my friend Roland Francis.

Most of you know about Roland and his horses....but I am going to brag anyways. I used to raise horses in SL. You dont even want to know how much I spent on food.....and then the horses were not naturally grazing. If you found ones that were...you could not ride them. I have tried every horse I found in Second Life and Opensim, and I honestly believe Roland's horses offer the best ride and most realistic animations.

So....you might ask...what does this have to do with a mall? We are honored to be able to offer Rolands horses to you here at Friends Mall and I have built a special path to let you try them. Ride over the mountains...past the pond...and the long oceanside trail....and I am sure you will fall in love with these horses.

Go to the Equitacion Store at Friends Mall.

Then walk out the back of the store to take a horse for a ride. When you arrive back at the building, you can get your own horse rezzer......it is called HHorse rezzer v2.0 and is inside the stable building at the Mall.

These horses are wonderful! Thank you Roland!

Lillysparks: Awesome. Love it!! Can't wait to see these! 16 days ago
I'm reading a lot of whining about "banning" oh how dare they?? ::gasp:: Listen, sweetheart, people have the right to ban whomever they wish for whatever reason they wish whether we like it or not - their grid or region, their rules their choice. I think it's a bit extreme, however, I have on occasions for personal reasons banned certain individuals because they have done their best to destroy my work or reputation, and we all know that people are generally inclined to believe the bad stories about someone rather than the good. I do not, as a rule, ban anybody who doesn't truly have it coming or who has not "requested" that I ban them, which has happened because I would not run my grid they way they wanted me to. I'd like to believe that everyone in open sim is adult, however that's a little like believing ice won't melt over a fire. I have met very few people in open sim that I dislike and then it is not the person I dislike so much as what they have done or said, but they are not banned nor will they be unless they earn it. I'm not going to name names and point fingers as that is "high school kid" stuff done by immature tattle tales who will go out of their way to make other's look bad...now days, I think they call them "Karens". So why don't we all just put on our "grown up" pants and panties and act like adults? Build, roleplay, dance, sing, create, design and develop and quit bitching about stuff that doesn't mean a hill of beans in the long run because the truth is, nobody cares if you've been banned. I do my best not to give anyone a reason to ban me but if you feel it's necessary for your own sanity, then by all means...have at it, I assure you it will not diminish me to the people who matter. You see the people who matter won't mind and the people who mind.....don't matter. Have a lovely day.

CyberGlo CyberStar: "never feed the pigs in the middle of a lightning storm..." - wise cowboy sayings 10 months ago

Some of our most awesome residents are noobies!

PinDeluca: Awww I love him !!!!! Where can i get one ? 8 months ago
it is a beautiful morning to tour friends-grid

1. Stop by my friend Nico's Oh Hello store on the Xinashi region. you gotta be styling while you tour!
2. head to the Friend's Marina and do some sailing
3.Take an upclose look at the 17 waterfalls pictured here
4.head over to Aquamica to see an amazing underwater world....you could spend hours in this huge build!
5. go to Friends Stables and ride a horse to the satyr farm , and on to the rain forest jungle
6. Take out frustrations at roleplay sim Annihilation.....smashing buildings and shooting zombies
7. Surf and wind surf at Aquamica
8. Explore the Darwin Eco Project
9. try the Yoga at Xinashi

and most importantly.......make a few new friends!

if we are out, come back again, we would love to meet you!

pic & landscape by Pin DeLuca
Muck What They Think
A new and quality assured 100% cool outfit at oh HELLO. Proper pigtails. Puddle boots. Overalls with a "muck what they think" patch. (Takes a closer look) Oh my! Somebody mucked up that patch! But there is also a way cool skull patch and a skull design on the puddle boots. Why? I don't know. But it's way cool! As always, you get all fat pack items and a preset body alpha hud.

A reminder. Outfits without the "quality assured" label may be missing items due to asset loss following a grid attack. I'm working to fix the missing asset issue, and you can help. Each outfit vendor has an "oh HELLO Outfit Status Report" note card. DELETE the sentence on the note card that does NOT apply:
* OK (All assets found and all textures present)
* NOT OK (Assets and/or textures missing)
Then drop the report note card into the mailbox next to the oh HELLO shop sign.


Rogue Galaxy: cute outfit! 2 years ago
Teleporting Issues?

I just became aware of a major flaw with firestorm and the solution that is on the Firestorm download page. I have been unable to TP unless I relog for last 3 days. After much research I realized this was a Firestorm SLURL issue.

Go to the firestorm download page and you will see the above information.

I have not changed my viewer settings or added any new viewers; but it appears some upgrade (probably windows) caused the SLURL function in Firestorm to no longer work properly.

As I follow up....I am teleporting perfectly now after installing this.

I am encosing the notes from firestorm :

What is this ?
SLURL Proxy is an application that will handle SLURLs on your Windows system. Clicking a SLURL on the web,
will open SLURL proxy, which will forward the SLURL to the viewer you have chosen.

Why is that interesting ?
Various Second Life viewers you might, or may already have installed, modify the way SLURLs are handled on your system,
and often cause problems when you uninstall certain viewers.

SLURL Proxy provides a user friendly way to correct this.

Upon start up, SLURL Proxy will check to see if it's the default SLURL handler.
If it is not, it will inform you about that, and ask you if you'd like to use SLURL Proxy as default instead.

When you have set SLURL Proxy as default,(or even before that) you can simply drag one or more viewer shortcuts onto the application window,
and they should be listed with viewer name, and icon.

SLURL Proxy allows you to add several viewers, and one always needs to be the default viewer to use.
The default viewer is the one where the checkbox is checked.
If you would like to change the default viewer, simply click the viewer of your choice in the list.

That's it.

If you wish to set a viewer as default SLURL handler instead of SLURL proxy, then you simply need to click
Set other SLURL handler in the menu, and drag the shortcut of your favourite viewer onto the window.

Requires .NET 3.5 and only runs on Windows

KrisTina: Thats realllllllll old. blinks 28 days ago

The beauty of Opaque

come see the 17 new glass textures at

Textures Trees & Scripts

"Opaque Glass Texture" by rjg329 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

“Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Woodrow Wilson

Opening June 15


Nico Kaliani: In OS, people are more important than land. Come visit the friendly people on Friends-Grid. (I don't have to visit. I live there). 12 months ago

Some of our products are more fun than others!

Textures Trees & Scripts

(yes, we do sell dolphins, whales, octopus, spotted stingray, manta ray and hundred of fish)

More New Outfits for Women all sizes

At friends-grid

We speak many different languages

But we all speak a common language,

The language of friendship!

DINI25: HOLA HOLA BESOSS 12 months ago
"Quota of Cuteness" or "From the Vaults of My Alts"?
This outfit had its origin in a grid long ago and far away. It is from the vault of an alt. And cute? Pigtails. Pink polka-dot scarf. Puddle boots (Fatpack!). Black cat earrings. And...a PAC-MAN necklace!

Quiz time. Before the Pac-Man arcade game was released internationally, it's name was what? Extra-credit bonus point question: Why was the name changed?

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: No one has gone for the extra-credit bonus points and explained why the name was changed from Puck-Man. I guess its pucking obvious... 2 years ago
Rebelworld is currently dead. My Workstation is no longer currently able to run my server. I simply do not have the funds to fix it. This means no shared worlds, and no Johnny Rebel avatar either for awhile. I am so very sorry everyone. I just wanted to be able to share free, older content that is fast dissapearing, and Johnny Rebel's home, as well as many large worlds that old friends have there. It is simply financially beyond my control at present. Prayers, love, hugs, and high 5's everyone. :/

sharanncousine: awww so sorry. 2 years ago
Leather has long been associated with luxury and sophistication. Its rich texture, distinct smell, and timeless appeal evoke a sense of opulence and prestige. Throughout history, leather has been used to craft items for the elite, symbolizing wealth, status, and refinement.

"leather textures" by bm.iphone is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Come see the Leather collection of textures that are waiting for your next project!

Textures Trees & Scripts

Lizzy: Oh....mmmmm......Leather....whips, corsets, floggers, gags, bindings.......the list is endless, but sooooooooooooo erotic ;-) 1 month ago
Amidst the darkened skies, the crackling energy of black magic surged through the air, a palpable force weaving its way through the ether. Lightning bolts danced wildly, illuminating the night with their jagged brilliance, while thunder rumbled ominously, shaking the very foundations of the earth. The power of the arcane surged, a tempest of magic and might, its presence undeniable and its influence profound

Textures Trees & Scripts is proud to partner with our friend Cyberglo and offer a Wizardry shop inside our script building. However.....The best magic is kept hidden behind a wall.......

Remember when going to the mall was more than just shopping?

Socializing, hanging out, relaxing, walking, skating....
Malls were more than just a place to buy things.

Friends Mall was created with that in mind. Sure it is a place to buy things....but it is so much more!

From the amazing skatepark in the courtyard to the gorgeous surrounding harbor with boats to enjoy....friends mall is an experience! You may not be ready for the half pipe....but maybe you have always wanted to learn how to sail. Come enjoy the artwork ranging from Michelangelo to Banksy to street artists....and expand your definition on what art is.
Stop by Friends Bistro and enjoy a snack before you head to the shops.

The shops at Friends mall are as diverse as the residents who run them. You will find totally unique hand crafted items as well as our favorites from around the Hyper Grid.

The specialty shops at Friends Mall include:
Skateboards Shop. Friends-grid rentals, Bits n Bobs-noobie avi and clothing, Substance - for subs, Curiosity Shop - unique items, Fractal Designs - art, Sunset Market - animated art, Toy Shop - cars, boats and planes, Corazon de melon - petite clothes and accessories, Michiko CreatioN - oriental art, Joy Love Free Store- clothing and accessories, El Rincon Arturiano - Medieval furnishings, Sailing School, Bahro Fine Art, Photo Booths, Threadz Boutique - fashion, Threadz Beach - bikinis & swimwear, Threadz Barely there - Lingerie, Threadz Sole - shoes, boots and tennis shoes

If any items appear in our shops incorrectly and you are the original creator of the product, please contact me and I will gladly remove.
ELVEN HUD version 20 released!!!
If you are an elf you need this hud! :) Recently updated, and many bug fixes.
The hud collapses to a small trifoil button which when clicked expands the buttons of the hud. What the buttons do:
1) Teleport - presents a menu to tp you to anyone in a sim.
2) Spy - presents you menu to zoom in on anyone on your sim.
3) Scrying - rezzes a green ball that you click. This ball has several menus. It is used for finding things. You click the ball and select the type of items you are looking for, such as agents, active, scripted prims, passive prims. Then it shows you a list of all such items near you. Then you click select and click an item in the menu. The ball shoots out a greenish stream of light to point to the item. Great for finding lost tiny things that you can't see.
4) Invisible - Turn off your ao and click invisible and you sink below the ground, seemingly disappearing from view. To return to view just click the round TRI-Foil button. Note clicking the round trifoil button ends most spells.
5) Sanctuary - This rezzes a lovely fantasy elven pavillion created by cat of alternate metaverse grid. Then... It tp's you to the top of your own ivory tower, giving you a view of the lands. To get rid of it when you're done, just click the trifoil button and the entire tower vanishes magically. You can also invite friends to sit at the top of the tower with you and contemplate the meaning of the forest. :)
6) Shield - This just rezzes a simple shield that will ask if it can attach to your avatar. To end this shield simply click the trifoil button. :)
7) Speed - This increases your walking, running, and flying speed by 3x the normal values. So you can zoom across your land at the speed of a wood elf. :) To stop and return to normal speed just click the speed button again. It will tell you in local chat your speed is returned to normal.
8) Attack - If you are on a land where you can rez, this will present a menu of people nearby. If you select a name, blue light will shoot from your hand and zoom to that person. The person will be caught up in a whirlwind of bluefire, and as they try to walk they will be lifted higher and higher off the sim. To end this magic effect just click the trifoil button.
~ Note ~ This is the only magic hud that is currently working due to recent changes in the scripting engine. I will go through the other huds eventually and update them to work again. Starting with the ones people request. Those huds are: wizard hud, witch hud, fairy hud, vampire hud.
Note: The radar hud and the multisim status reporter hud have been updated as of today to work with the current sim changes. All 3 huds ( elven hud, radar hud, and multisim status report hud ), are all available at wizardry.
Please enjoy and have fun.

Some people love to sail

Some people live to sail

at friends-grid, we do both!

photo by Serina Gee

Safinemahoe2: Welcome Home Dini! 12 months ago
There is a person. We will call him 'devarious'. This person has literally thousands of alts. He uses them to change into a man or woman, then go have random sex with some unsuspecting person on their sim. He looks for sims with one person, tp's in there, sees who is on it, reads their profile, learns about him/her as a person. Then using the vpn, comes back as a totally different avatar, one who likes what you do, and depending on your sexuality one who fits your tastes. Then he/she becomes good friends and slowly tricks you into having sex with them, and after it's done disappears for months. Only to come back at some future point and try it all over again. But if that doesn't work - IT - will come back as yet another avatar with a whole different IP, country, look, and etc, already knowing a lot about you to get into your pants again. So take my advice. You will know him/her/it by his/her/its fruit. In other words, if this above has happened to you over and over, now you know why. The dude is a total fruitcake/nutjob. My advice, ban him. ban him on site. Kick him so far from your sim that he can never get back on, and when he comes back doing it again, you ban him again. This will put a stop to these extremely weirdo nutjobs that keep LITERAL books on the players in the game, their likes, dislikes, age, birth, city, and so on from continuuing to harm you both mentally and spiritually. Good luck.

Pagane: Lier! She always come in my grid with ugly female avatar! No man or at least transgender. 2 years ago
Let's Get Thirsty First.
There is the well-known question, "Is the glass half full or half empty?" Which makes me wonder. Would you say these jeans are half on or half off? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? I say we leave the question about the glass until later. Let's get thirsty first.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Ellen: I love your clever advertisements here! 2 years ago

Perfect Imperfections

"Webtreats Seamless Stone, Pavement, and Marble Textures 5" by webtreats is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts

the name says it all

Psicotronic: Perfect ! 2 months ago

What do we have at this new region?

the answer is simple.....



and Scripts!

Plus a few really cool scripted items from Wizardry.

The rainforest is a lush, green paradise filled with an incredible diversity of flora and fauna. As you ride your horse through the dense foliage, you'll be surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. You might spot colorful birds flying overhead, hear the calls of howler monkeys, and catch glimpses of exotic plants and flowers.

As you venture deeper into the rainforest, you might encounter light showers or drizzles. This is common in tropical rainforests, and the rain adds to the magical ambiance of the environment. The canopy of trees will provide some shelter from the rain, but you may also appreciate the refreshing sensation of riding through the gentle rainfall.

After a thrilling ride, you'll eventually reach the cool waterfall. The sound of rushing water will grow louder as you approach, and the anticipation will build. Once you arrive, you'll be greeted by a breathtaking sight: a majestic waterfall cascading down from above into a sparkling pool below. The area around the waterfall might be lush and green, creating a peaceful oasis. It is a perfect day!

“Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Woodrow Wilson

for information on friends-grid, please contact @ZuzuBahro
Feeling the gentle sway of the horse beneath you as it navigates the winding path between towering trees and lush foliage. The sound of the rain tapping against the leaves overhead is soothing, and you feel invigorated by the fresh, tropical air.

As you ride deeper into the forest, you spot vibrant flowers in every color of the rainbow. Some are cascading down from tree trunks, while others are perched high above your head on vines. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms and the buzz of hummingbirds flitting from one flower to the next.

Monkey calls echo through the trees, and you catch glimpses of chimpanzees swinging from branch to branch. You marvel at the natural beauty all around you, feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such wonder.

As the rain begins to taper off, you come upon a clearing where a group of macaws are preening in a tree. Their magnificent colors are a feast for your eyes, and you sit quietly on your horse, just taking it all in.

As the sun begins to peak through the trees, you dismount your horse and take a moment to thank it for the amazing experience. You leave the rainforest feeling refreshed, and in awe of the stunningly beautiful place we call home.

Carmen Jewel: You describe Paradise so beautifully. :) 12 months ago
The Outfit Officially Banned From Bouncy Houses
The American Association For Bouncy Houses makes every effort to make sure bouncy houses are durable, safe, and fun. They took one look at this outfit and said "Hell no." The outfit has spiked pants and spiked heels. No way and no how. No bouncy houses for you Missy.

oh HELLO. Outfits With Options and, occasionally, danger pants.

Hugabug: great outfit thank you ! 2 years ago
Feeling empty today. Monkey sits still and quietly and looks worried. Not a normal morning in Caribou.

My partnership ended last night. I want to tell openly about it as it brings some changes to Caribougrid. And I hope that it can help others who have gone through the same.

I am so happy that Andron remains in Caribou. He will be less here because of other obligations and responsibilities. And yes, we will stay close friends. Andron will continue to help me with the difficult tech issues. We share our home here and I see that there are always fresh flowers and something to eat in the kitchen.

But our partnership? It did not get a real chance, for many reasons. And the future? We see what it brings.

There are some changes in Caribou. Three 2x2 large regions are now away or empty. Monkey and me are starting to repair them and we hope to have Caribou back in shape soon.

Friends are welcome to help of course.

Caribou will remain open for all 18+ Avatars from all regions and grids. There will be no changes.

I hope that you will all continue to respect this so that we can serve as a meeting point for everyone, outside any grid conflicts.

My younger sister Christina Lion is 19+ and will help me in Caribou. Yanny who is a wee bit older likes to be a fairy so better that Christina takes the responsibility.

'Little Lion' Christina cried, but was happy that Andron and her cousins will stay, even if they can come more seldom.

So, at the end it did not turn out to be as bad a day as I had expected. But yes, an empty and lonely feeling came over me, which Monkey understood.

I still suffer from the exclusion that I wrote about earlier, and am always here to lend a listening ear if someone wants to talk about these things.

Looking at Monkey, I smile. I love you and need you.



AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.

Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Others Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.

TOS: www.caribougrid.com

Lilly Pond: Dear Jeanne I just can give you a hug! “Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.” 3 months ago
I have a crazy idea! I want to share a few names of places/services I have found to be AWESOME.

Maybe others can reply on this thread and we can all learn some new places to visit.

Ok. Here is my start

Camballa- home decor section. Love it!

Alternate meta verse - amazing freebies for fantasy landscaping

Flora - I love landscaping and this place is well organized

Houses - on AMV region. Massive selection of houses, tree houses, castles

Neiferleaf - this medieval region comes to life with detailed landscaping and Roland’s beautiful horses.

Agora - I need a semi truck for all the awesome clothing I find there

Safinemahoe2: Ok, I need some help from you all. I love new shopping places….and new places to explore. Please add some of the places you consider AWESOME! Lunaria - this is not a freebies region, but the ... 10 months ago
Mi nombre es Safine y soy el dueño de la red de amigos. Aunque no hablo bien el idioma español, el pueblo hispano siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón. Tengo que usar un traductor, y probablemente cometer muchos errores, pero tengo un gran corazón.

He decidido hacer algo muy diferente. En la red de amigos, voy a desarrollar una villa hispana sim de 36 muy especial.

Si alguien está haciendo esto, no quiero ofender ni copiar de ninguna manera. Esto es algo que he querido hacer desde hace mucho tiempo.

Al principio, este pueblo albergará a unos 14 residentes hispanos, cada uno con un gran paquete de 1 sim isla en nuestras aguas marinas. Además, quiero trabajar con alguien que elija vivir aquí para ayudarme a desarrollar un centro de aldea de 9 sim. Este centro podría incluir compras, recursos, entretenimiento y cultura. Estoy dispuesto a expandirme, pero primero quiero llenar esto.

Estoy buscando gente que quiera vivir en la red de amigos y estar involucrada. No quiero coleccionistas que raramente aparecen.

El centro del pueblo tomará tiempo para construir, pero tengo algunas islas que están disponibles inmediatamente para los residentes.

Si usted está interesado en ser parte de esta especial Villa Hispana, por favor contacte con safinemahoe2 en el mundo abierto sim. Trabajo y a menudo me cuesta llegar debido a las zonas horarias, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo en Osw.

Por favor, comprenda que acogemos con beneplácito todas las nacionalidades en la red de amigos…. y tengo espacios disponibles para otros.

Este proyecto es algo de mi corazón para mis amigos hispanos.

Una vez más……. por favor, envíeme un mensaje directo sobre la OSW si está interesado en ser parte de esta aldea hispana en la red de amigos.

victorialogan: desde que te conozco ,y ya hace varios años, jajajaj, siempre demostraste ser una persona solidaria y desinteresada. Esas actitudes son realmente admirables. Un abrazo muy fuerte. since I've known y... 11 months ago
Celebrating Jails Everywhere?
I joke around a lot, but, as unbelievable as it may seem, this not a joke. According a business blog, the "National Play Monopoly Day" is a time for families to gather together to play the game that celebrates "Park Place, Boardwalk, and the jails located anywhere in the world". WTF? Celebrating jails?

This new outfit at oh HELLO only celebrates fun, fashion, and, ironically, anti-capitalism. (It's free). Smash the State and Storm the Bastille in style with this Monopoly themed skirt, graffiti top and "wild heart" platform boots.

Oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

rayne: love your outfits and your sense of humor :) 2 years ago