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Zoe Synclair @ZoeSynclair

uzurivirtual.zapto.org:8002 Offline

I discovered Opensim around 2013 and have loved it ever since because it really encourages personal creativity. Owner of UzuriVirtual: uzurivirtual.zapto.org:8002

I've migrated the region to SSD and would appreciate it if visitors would let me know here about your experience when visiting Bernicia. If you have visited before and can remember your experience, it would be good to know if it has improved or got worse since you last visited.

In particular, It would be helpful if you could let me know about any difficulties in teleporting to the grid and any rez problems you have whilst there. Be aware, though, that the region is quite large and is run on a PC, not a dedicated server, so initial rez times will be slower - up to 5 minutes. Other than that, please let me know if you have difficulties in moving around, copying items etc., it would be a great help.

Our core times vary depending on my workload but will hopefully be between 11am and 8pm BST (UK Time).

Thanks, and stay sa.
New Store Opening Soon - here's a small sample that's available in Synclair Designs at Bernicia now. All original Textures and Authorized imported Mesh.
This is one of our first collection - The seaside collection. More to come, but I wanted to get these out whilst it's still summer in the North (LOL)

Oh, and did I mention - they're free!
After a couple of months "offline", I decided that today is a good time to open up again. It's my RL wedding anniversary, and since no-one is allowed to go out of their RL homes here, going out on Opensim is the next-best thing.