Zoe @ZoeBurke

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New items now in the Fantasy Store. A set of 18 Basalt Crystal Columns in various arrangements and singles. They are very large when you rez them out however can be resized if necessary.

Mike & Zoey ♥

Announcing the opening of a new little pet store at Raven's Peak - Cinders Bay - Raven's Pets. A collection of companion pets that will be growing over time. Pop on over to check out this little gem of a store!

Mike & Zoey ♥

thedeeferry: Such sweet animesh companions. Thank you so much for your time and effort. ( ๑>ᴗ 4 months ago
Two beautiful fat packs for you newly released at the Knick Knack Shop. For those who enjoy a little rustic mess around the home or kitchen, I have the perfect flower pack. You can put out the whole thing with a rug, or just bits of it here and there. The other set is a garden lantern set. You can put them out with the post or just hang the lantern on your porch. This will add a lovely warm glow to any home or garden.

Mike & Zoey ♥
Plenty of new releases coming right at you this weekend from Nysa! We're starting with our landscaping store with some new release bush sets WITH TEXTURE HUD's!! Yes, I'm very excited because I've just learned how to do them. Bring on a new colourful world!! xD

Mike & Zoey ♥

Hellfire Bay is one of the regions at the Raven’s Peak grid. The theme for the entire grid is Ancient vs Sci-Fi. As the story goes, there was once an ancient civilization that lived here, however they are long gone. Raven’s Peak has since been rediscovered by a new modern civilization, who are preserving the memories of the ancients. Old artifacts, statues, remnants of buildings can be found everywhere. Raven’s peak itself has been mostly preserved with thriving beaches, forests, and jungles.

So far, we have the shopping district of Nysa, main marina & residential area of Cinders Beach and Hellfire Bay.

Hellfire Bay is a place to relax and have fun as you can see in the pictures above. We welcome visitors and residents alike to go sailing, exploring, flying, and dancing at the beach club. Hellfire Bay offers many private cuddle areas, public use bungalows, a beach club, main surf beach and a hidden airport. If you explore far enough, you might just find it! It’s well worth taking some time to sail & stroll around the many islands to fully appreciate what has been offered.

If a holiday destination is what you are seeking, then come and spend a few hours or a few days with us at Hellfire Bay. Bungalows can be used for overnight stays!

**Please note that the various texture issues many of you have experienced have now been fixed.

Mike & Zoey ♥

Jupiter Rowland: Always nice to see sims whose builders don't shy away from building believable and usable beaches the natural way. The only thing I can think of that's missing here is swim rezzers. I think I should ... 4 months ago
We have some brand new items in the Fantasy Landscaping store now for those building fantasy or cyber sims. I think these would look amazing because they are lit up, glowy and one is even scripted for a little movement. Pop on over, everyone is welcome and if you like what we're doing, keep coming back because the shops are being added to every week!

Mike & Zoey
Announcing the opening of our Knick Knack Shop!

This will be a growing collection of all sorts of treasures to have in your home to help give it your special touch. We will be adding to this collection weekly so if you like what we're doing, keep popping in for more!

Mike & Zoey ♥
Announcing the opening of the Raven's Peak Grid (ex Resurgence).

We managed to find an old backup from a month ago and have loaded it up. Not ideal, however we are all encouraged that not all is lost!

We have decided on a separate landing area to the main regions. You will now land on an island where you can TP to the region of your choice using the region teleporter.

The shops are open along with Hellfire Bay and Cinders Beach & Residential. We are all working hard to re-upload all our lost items and more! This means everything else has been put on hold so we can bring you quality items once again. So pop on over regularly because there will be new items in the stores daily.

If you were living at Cinders Beach prior to the hack, please contact Mike or Zoey. Either your island is still standing and needs to be handed back to you or it was lost. Either way, we can certainly assist.

We do have whole regions available and payable monthly POA:
1x1 - 30,000 prims
2x2 - 60,000 prims
4x4 - 90,000 prims

If you wish to live at Raven's Peak or have a store here you will need to make an account. You can make an account at Raven's Peak on this link: http://ravenspeak.outworldz.net:8002/wifi/user/account/

There are shops available for rent in the main shopping area. If you are interested in having a store here please contact either Mike or Zoey. Store owners are provided with a free 1x1 region with full admin rights.

As we get back on our feet again, we will be reverting back to our original plans to bring you a grid that you can live at, play at, shop at and more. The regions currently allow you to sail and fly around, we will be bringing back our Friday and Saturday night events and there will be lots more coming!

Everyone from Raven's Peak would like to thank you all for your support and look forward to welcoming you back.

Mike, Zoey and the team at Raven's Peak ♥

Mistressdalgato: Welcome back! any backup is better then no backup, i will come shop soon. 5 months ago

bonjour le groupe
bonne année et
s'il y a personne faut dire bonjour aux meubles
ils seront contents

kikou,il y a une petite sauterie d'ouverture de la sim de NOEL sur mon serveur, animer par Nadir, Samedi prochaint a 21 heure. Y viendra tu ? Bisous Bisous

Tonight, Wyldwood Bayou Grid opens our Grid's 3rd Anniversary and Halloween weekend!! DJ Macy and host Pixey do the honors starting at 6:00!! DJ Rosie and host Jillian follow up at 7:30!! Both DJs have spectacular sets of blues and spooky tunes lined up for you....or is it spooky blues?? Whatever it is, we invite you to come to our new and very special Haunted Maze and Castle for a super fun beginning to this fabulous weekend!! Watch the events calendar and your notices for events Saturday and Sunday, and of course, our big Halloween Bash on Monday night! You are gonna love these events!! The hearse will pick you up at Rockin' the Blues if you have the LM or take the hop to arrive in pieces! I mean...safely!! Costumes are strongly encouraged, or you can come as you are!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Open Heart Art

Kith Whitehawk: It's looking spppoooookyyyyyy!!!! :) 7 months ago
This corner is inspired by the Parisian tradition of "The Lock Bridge", by which for many generations thousands of lovers leave their locks on a bridge over the Seine and throw the keys into the river, manifesting with this gesture that their love is eternal. Putting locks is illegal nowadays in RL, but in iEchoes you still can put yours.
Come request it today and let's fill Opensim with love.
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ HALLOWEEN – 360 Grad Party ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂▁
mit 360 Grad rundum Visual Horror Show / with 360 degrees visual Horror show

seit bereit, das Beste haben wir uns für zuletzt aufgehoben
Since ready, we saved the best for last

Saturday / Samstag 28. October 2023
starts ◕11:00 OS time / 20:00 Uhr europ.
▶▷▶ at our Halloween Event
Bei unserem Halloween Event

Wir sind stolz zu präsentieren:
Tommy White`s 360 Grad Media visual Show
We ar proudly presents a Tommy White`s 360 degrees Media visual Show

Halloween Club Design und 3 D Kunst von Crazy and Carmen Ever
Halloween Party Location 3 D art and setup by Crazy and Carmen Ever

DJ`s :
▶▷▶ DJ Tommy White
Oldschool Rock and Live
▶▷▶ DJ Crazy Ever

Kleiderordnung: kommt wie ihr wollt / in costume too
Dresscode: come as you are / oder Kostümiert

TAXI : hg.osgrid.org:80:CC CLUBREGION 2
░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION 2 ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Carmen Jewel: We have planned a great music and venue treat for you tonight, don't miss it 7 months ago
Foto © http://Von Grywnn – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=44482140

Eventankündigung: Blue Monday im KlaJaKlu

Liebe Musikliebhaber und Nachtschwärmer,

Wir laden euch herzlich zum „Blue Monday im KlaJaKlu“ ein, einem aufregenden musikalischen Abend, der am 30. Oktober 2023 um 19:30 Uhr im KlaJaKlu stattfinden wird. Der KlaJaKlu ist der Ort, an dem die besten Klänge auf euch warten, also verpasst es nicht!

Details des Events:

Datum: 30. Oktober 2023
Uhrzeit: Einlass ab 19:30 Uhr, Hauptevent startet um 19:30 Uhr
Ort: KlaJaKlu (Taxi: hg.osgrid.org:80:Xenotown)


Xenos (20:00 – 21:30 Uhr)

Thema: „Ein Mix aus Hard Rock, Crank Wave, Punk Rock, Metal, bis hin zu Progressive Thrash.“ Xenos wird eure Seele mit einer atemberaubenden Auswahl an Rock- und Metal-Sounds verwöhnen.

Klara (21:30 – 23:00 Uhr)

Thema: „Klara entführt uns auf den Balkan, lassen wir uns überraschen.“ Klara wird euch auf eine musikalische Reise mitnehmen und euch mit Balkan-Klängen verzaubern.

Vorprogramm (ab 19:30 Uhr):

Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs – Full Performance (Live on KEXP). Erlebt eine mitreißende Live-Performance dieser einzigartigen Band und lasst euch von ihrer Energie mitreißen.

Egal, ob ihr Rock, Metal oder exotische Klänge mögt, dieser Abend hat für jeden Musikgeschmack etwas zu bieten. Kommt vorbei und genießt eine unvergessliche Nacht voller großartiger Musik und guter Gesellschaft.

Markiert euch den 30. Oktober 2023 in eurem Kalender und seid dabei, wenn der „Blue Monday im KlaJaKlu“ die Bühne rockt. Wir freuen uns auf eure Anwesenheit und auf eine unvergessliche Nacht!
Talks in French and talks in Spanish, and art shows by Tosha Tyran and Rage Darkstone... if you missed the Sunday part of the Hypergrid International Expo,
you can watch it here https://www.youtube.com/@hieexpo
and you can read about it here https://hieopensim.blogspot.com/
Want to take part in the next one, like LadyKa and Minord Loup, pictured here? Join the HIExpo group here in opensimworld, and leave a message.

Tosha Tyran

Cherry Manga finale photos!

Cherry Manga finale photos!

Cherry Manga finale photos!

Kat's guide to happiness!

Always ensure something fits before inserting it!


Esti Moondust: i don't know if it would be appropriate to just shake my head or just laugh 8 months ago

here is the house of barbie-malibu ,inside there are some gift items,I'll put them on sale soon

Come live in Caribbean Shores, and enjoy your own little Island! 500 prims allowed, choose a tiki home or an island, and rent. Rental boxes for Islands always on the top of the cone. Then message MK Scott In World for the Residents tag.

Paradise has its own restaurant and Club!
Early Winter Present, 2x2 Var region .oar with snow terrain, and ice lake, falling particle snow, and terraformed terrain with snowy pine trees, all ready for you to build your perfect winter sim.

This is a file for you to use, not a sim to visit.


KatKakoola: Looks wonderful thank you so much! Going for my winter coat :) 8 months ago

Need Rescue or Fire vehicles? Look no further, drivable and beautifully textured! Working lights!

At the Matrix Vault region!


Summer may be over but camping and swimming are still a thing, if you have the right goodies!

Come check out the selection at the Matrix :)

Xinashi Is Taking a New Direction.
I've stopped work on Xinashi and have taken all the builds back into my inventory. The CopyKat Collective hub region has also been packed up.

Here's the deal. I've been working on 20 Xinashi sims for about 3 years now. In addition, I've assembled 160 outfits for the oh HELLO shop in the past year alone. I'm finding it is all too much work. The fact is that less than half of the Xinashi sims have been fully set-up in all of this time. And, since the CopyKat grid closed and the loss of my inventory, I have been unable to assemble new outfits for the shop.

So, I'm sharpening my focus. Xinashi as a whole will be on hold for now. My work in OS will be devoted to assembling new outfits for oh HELLO and working with the CopyKat Collective team on a new project. You might want to join our discussion about the Collective's new project on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/FsnpsWFy

The 2nd Winter sim, the 2nd year!! A lot to explore and to find. More structured than Xanten . Some of the highlights are the Rendeer wash station (Kimm Star productions) and the prehistoric cave, where Neandertaler preparing dinner...Please use shared windlight for best performance.

A nice 3 D Halloween background was added (behind graveyard). A cool add on to present your halloween items.. 3 versions ..long and short ones

New: npc playground. You want to play, but there is nobody around? Npc's are now an option, especially if they are gorgeous like these ones. It is by far not quite done yet, but i wanted to open it anyway. Have fun!
The Matrix is a Work in Progress Shopping Center, with the Shopping Vault as its heart. Many thanks for the release of the Vault and to the creator of this incredible shopping place!

We can't wait to see other takes on this fabulous region! Thanks again for the release, all credit for the Vault contents and arrangement and all the hard work goes to the Creator!

There will be dining and a whole other experience down on the ground as well.

Stop by when you can!

Milly Money: Looks like some items may need reset when you get them home. Resetting is often a good idea. 8 months ago

New Items in ZZ-Shop;
The marble column can be changed, there's a box with 20+ textures
The windvane responds to changes of wind; script must be set active
Enjoy! :)

Santas slasher family and a lot other new items arrived..Have fun!

I gotta get out of here ... Halloween is coming ... opensim is scary enough!


Jupiter Rowland: To paraphrase what I've said elsewhere: I dare Meta Horizons, Decentraland & Co. to try and look like this. 8 months ago

What the devil is that out there! ??

Nosferatu, a symphony of horror.. inside Castle

Hey all. I've recently had quite major invasive surgery and as unable to do any physical exertion for 6 weeks thought what the F can I do to kill bordom and make a positive contribution. So, thought I'll write new scripts and post in the tutorial section. It's positive, keeps mind active, it's free.
This is the first script for anyone interested. It contains a lot of // notes and may help you to understand some of the many ways to be creative combing old and many of the new efficient ways of coding.
This is the link for my current project. NOTE, all of my codes are tested and fully functional without errors.
I think that link will work :P

CyberGlo CyberStar: Ouch! I hope you get well soon. Best wishes to you, I know about pain, being diagnosted with psoriatic arthritis (which can be as bad as cancer if untreated). It's no fun. Couple that with my schi... 9 months ago

The deadly 3 arrived to support Freddy

Bebe: My Wicca Market @ Wonder Hurry up and grab everything you can because it is a pop-up Market :)) hop://login.osgrid.org/Wonder/918/640/22 9 months ago