YumiYlva @YumiYlva

hop://nabila-world.de:8002/Nabila%20Shopping/80/77/54 Offline

Liked posts

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." 💪✨

Liebe OpenSim Gemeinde, mein erstes Set steht vor der Tür. Über euren Besuch würde ich mich sehr freuen. Lieben Gruß von Eurer Feeny❤️

ADULT_LIFE_GERMANY: Schon eine Ansage, gegen bestehende Events anzutreten... 2 days ago

Release Now
Lots of women's hair with different hairstyles and 46 different colors
Come and get them!

victorialogan: I loved the store, excellent place to visit 5 days ago

Valentine's Day 💘 #carnivalland #arkhamgrid

Valentine's Day #outfit #avatarfull #kingmancity

Howdy traveler!
You need a good weapon on your way west.
Are you expecting a fair trader for your new gun or a hat to protect you from the merciless sun?
You should visit Fort Sand. Here is the best gun shop
in the whole west.
You´re traveling by stagecoach? Then show the coachman this ticket:
Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map;
http://bridgemere.outworldz.net:8002:Paradise Lagoon

Hey Everyone 🙂
Come join us for our debut event!
Featuring Rogue Galaxy LIVE at Parsons Creek!
*When: 3:00pm OST
*Where: Parsons Creek Lodge
*Ride: lfgrid.com:8002:Parsons Creek

Hey Everyone 🙂
Come join us for our debut event!
Featuring MoonStar Lisa LIVE at Parsons Creek!
*When: 2:00pm OST
*Where: Parsons Creek Lodge
*Ride: lfgrid.com:8002:Parsons Creek

even today there are 6 more new heads

EllenOptinett: Thank you, very nice things you have 7 days ago
Happy Sunday everyone!

We added 58 new Eyes and Freckles & Moles as BoM and for EvoX Heads. It can be found in our Pureface shop on the 2nd Floor.

The Eyes :
- BoM Eyes that should fit for most of Heads
- Hud for each Pack for Sciattisi´s EvoX Heads ( You can toggle between Eyes or use both same color)
- Keymap Texture for each Package

Important : The Hud only works with Sciattisi´s Heads

Freckles and Moles :
All Layers are Tattoo Layers. The face layer should only fit on EvoX.

Next step is to add more Male stuff :)

Enjoy and have a great Sunday
Amelia & Hertha

Zoey Cutey: Thank you! Oh ya, are you bringing back the chest minimizer layers? :P 13 days ago
