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Yukiko @Yukiko


artist, adventurer, explorer, builder

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Wizardry Hud - The Most Powerful Hud of All!
[Teleport] - teleport to anyone in the sim
[Spying] - remotely view anyone in the sim
[Scrying] - find lost objects
[Invisible] - go invisible, click again to become visible
[Sanctuary] - rez a secret hideout perfect for a wizard
sub buttons...
[Bubble] - rez a bubble shield if you are in a rez area.
[Interceptor] - click this button for on/off. Repel bullets shot at you!
[Deflector] - wear a shield that reports collisions.
[Cluster] - rez a thick multi layer shield.
[Disruptor] - rez a star that will follow you and push everyone away.
[Megaceptor] - a giant shield.
sub buttons...
[Platform] - rez a green magic platform and be tp'd to it.
[SuperJump] - some cool thing here.
[Sim Razor] - rez a keyframe object that will bulldoze priscilla's prims away.
[Radar] - rez and attach a radar on screen.
[AFK Orb] - let others know you are afk. works in no rez areas.
[Air Walk] - rez metal magic disks in the air you can walk on. Click again 2 stop.
[Magnus Vox] - talk to everyone in the land and have them see what you type.
[Fix Cam] - fix your camera back to normal settings.
sub buttons...
[Bright Magic] - click yes to attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Dark Magic] - click yes t attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Follower] - Follow anyone in the sim very closely.
[Orbiter] - Send your friend or enemy into space.
[Clouder] - Put a cloud around your frenemy that follows him/her everywhere.
[Ban] - ban a person in the sim pestering you.
sub buttons...
[Attract 50] - in a sim with push allowed, pull everyone 2 u from 50 meters.
[Attract Sim] - pull everyone in the sim to you.
[Repel 20] - push people away 20 meters.
[Repel 50] - push people away 50 meters.
[Repel Sim] - push people away to the sim edge.
sub buttons...
[End Attacks] - end all attacks at once.
[End Utility] - end utility functions.
[End All] - stop everything at once.

Karma exists so you don't have to get your hands dirty.

Wyldwood Bayou Open Roleplay Market--Saturday, April 15 at Noon grid time
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub
Event begins: Noon Grid Time
Added by: Bonnie Stewart
WWB Roleplay Hub holds an Open Roleplay Market every Quarter--3rd Saturday--Noon Grid Time PDT. Open to all Hypergrid Roleplayers, novices or experienced! Be any character you desire. Wear appropriate attire for your character. Free Medi /Fantasy attire available at the WWB Roleplay Welcome Center. Check Roleplay Rules at the WWB Roleplay Hub Welcome Center or the Roleplay Market entrance dock.
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub