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News!!! Group photo ... it's photo time, what better than a beautiful photo of friends, or family, or whoever you want
Everyone say 'Chesse' or 'Whiski' or 'Patata'!!!!
hop:// De Volcanes/149/287/3828

Phleur: Belle photo de groupe 3 months ago
Erlebe die Magie des Weihnachtsmarkts ?✨

Willkommen in einer Welt voller Besinnlichkeit, Freude und Liebe!
Tauche ein in den Zauber der Weihnachtszeit: Der Duft von Zimt und gebrannten Mandeln liegt in der Luft, sanfte Lichter glitzern wie Sterne, und liebevoll dekorierte Stände laden zum Verweilen ein.

MarcWatcher: Eine tolle Region. Sie lädt ein sich umzuschauen und wohl zu fühlen. Hast du wie immer toll gemacht Nasti. 3 months ago
Today we play a “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of them all?” ..... ME!!!
if you have the latest version of Firestorm and you want to see or get a mirror for your house, you already have one in Tierra de Volcanes, you don't need ultra graphics, or anything special, just in preferences check mirror, and in detail Reflection: real time.
with this you can see your reflection even if you are in medium graphics... like me :)

Anjolie: I love the mirror the only problem i have with it is that its huge and for some reason i can not shrink the mirror so when its in my home it looks odd, but what a genius idea!!! ty 3 months ago
Erlebe die Magie des Weihnachtsmarkts ?✨

Willkommen in einer Welt voller Besinnlichkeit, Freude und Liebe!
Tauche ein in den Zauber der Weihnachtszeit: Der Duft von Zimt und gebrannten Mandeln liegt in der Luft, sanfte Lichter glitzern wie Sterne, und liebevoll dekorierte Stände laden zum Verweilen ein.

Tainted Angel: Beautiful Region! Thank you! 3 months ago
Am 14.11.2024 um 19 Uhr starten wir wieder auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind wie immer herzlich willkommen. Musikalisch gehen wir natürlich wieder durch der Decke und gießen uns einen hinter der Schrankwand.
Streaming URL:

Another amazing place in the OS HyperGrid that I love to visit, if you haven't been there already! Amazing @Pilar 's Tierra de Volcanes!

Jerralyn Franzic: Her outfits are wonderful, and I love the playground nearby. 3 months ago
Something wonderful is coming. working on free homes for you with surrounding, just changing with just one click on a button in your own region. full perm and a "how to". free to grab in a box at our grid when i finished. :) the future will be awesome. multiscene-rezzer on it's way. the first tries were working fine. now we rock the scenes and need some finetuning. the scrips will be full perm by the way too, so you may try them out yourself :) Costs? nothing but a smile by you because sharing is caring!

Pete Huldczynski: i think it will be ready as beta for you this next sunday or monday to try it out at my grid. maybe earlier. and if i think it is ok and it is working, then you may feel free to take it with you where... 3 months ago

*** New on Camballa***
Elas Anita-Athena Black & white
Boots and Dress
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 3 months ago

One of the caves of 'The 11 caves Hunt'
The Hunt closes tonight, nov 3rd, at 23h59 SLT

Medival Party at Washago 3
Event begins: 2024-11-03 10:00 SLT
Live at Stage SaraMarie Philly 3

This is one of the caves of 'The 11 Caves Hunt'
By the way, tomorrow NOv. 3rd. is the last day of the hunt

Where you will find some of my Halloween creations
To go there : either use the TP board at Welcome tent or
select destination # 17 of TP Buoy menu

Another cave that is part of 'The 11 Caves Hunt'
She saves all her potion recipes on the cloud !

News! Costumes HALLOWEEN Night Party Friday,25th October

No trick, this is just my Halloween Persona !

The first cave of 'The 11 Caves Hunt' : The cimetery of the Spirits of Halloween

includes notably a collection of not 1, 3, 7 or 11...
but a collection of 13 Halloween Animesh Characters !!

Chelsea Louloudi: NOVALE ...always a must do and always fabulous! The hunt is well worth this collection!! 4 months ago

You are officially a Winner and teleported to the 'Spell Island'
Where you can claim the 'Royal Reward'

Where Zombies take care of their Health
This is one of the 11 caves of the hunt

This place is situated in one of the Caves of 'The 11 Cave Hunt'.
I was there with my duster and my little candy bucket

GREENHOUSE DABICI's FIORI (close to the Marina, destination 1 of TP Buoy)
We are proud to showcase our collection of Carnivorous Plants
Most of them are copiable! Just be cautious with them :)

Gentle Dragonheart: It took a bit of creativity to get there since the TP buoy near where I landed was not working. But Popeye's boat tour got me to a buoy that did work and from there, I TPd to the Marina and found the ... 4 months ago

News!!! Halloween Season hop://

Yinni Benelli: Very nice costumes ... Thanks !! =) 4 months ago
Lust auf eine Reise in vergangene Zeiten? 🌟

Erlebt eine unvergessliche Mittelalter-Party voller Magie und Mystik! DJ Draupnir heizt Euch mit einem Mix aus mittelalterlichen Klängen und modernen Beats ordentlich ein. 💃🕺 Taucht ein in eine andere Ära, feiert mit tollen Leuten und genießt die entspannte, herzliche Atmosphäre. 🏰✨

Egal, ob Ihr in Gewandung oder Alltagskleidung kommt – jeder ist willkommen! Lasst Euch von der Zeitreise mitreißen und seid Teil eines besonderen Abends. 🎶

📅 Wann: 19.Oktober/20 Uhr

Cosa: so wohltuende Klänge in meinem Ohr ..... schaut herbei Volk und tanzt mit uns 4 months ago

Oh Happy Halloween to you and for the season I have released 10 outfits for you to be the best dressed at the Halloween events. Find them in between Elegance and Swank


OUT NOW: Pack Scars v2 and Plastic Bandage add-ons for EvoX
Another two pack along with the vibe of the previous two.
A face scars pack for EvoX with 6 different variations
A plastic bandage pack compatible with BOM

Uber: hop://

Marpil Grafenwalder: con tanta cosa bella para chicos estoy pensando seriamente en cambiar mi avatar a hombre 4 months ago

Was für ein Megaevent. Nach all den unzähligen Trainingsstunden auf der Kart Bahn fand gestern das große Finale statt. 10 Fahrer aus 6 Grids sind an den Start gegangen und haben sich heiße Duelle geliefert. Auf den Tribünen wurden alle von den eigenen Fans in bunten Outfits angefeuert. Die Stimmung war einzigartig und zeigt, dass es auch gemeinsam Spaß machen kann. Die After-Show-Party im Anschluss sorgte für einen würdigen Abschluss dieses Events.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich ein ganz großes DANKE an das Pangea Grid aussprechen. Ich mag nicht wissen zu wollen, wie viele Stunden damit verbracht worden sind, nicht nur die Strecke, sondern auch das Drumherum so zum Laufen zu bringen. Karsten hat zusammen mit seinem Team Großartiges geleistet und das verdient meinen höchsten Respekt. Gemeinschaft und Erlebnis, Spaß und Freude so unter einen Hut zu bringen ist etwas Einzigartiges in Open Sim World. Danke Danke Danke
What a mega event. After all the countless hours of training on the kart track, the grand finale took place yesterday. 10 drivers from 6 grids started and had hot duels. In the stands, everyone was cheered on by their own fans in colorful outfits. The atmosphere was unique and shows that it can be fun together. The after-show party afterwards ensured a worthy end to this event.

At this point I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the Pangea Grid. I don't want to know how many hours were spent getting not only the track but also everything else running like this. Karsten and his team did a great job and that deserves my utmost respect. Bringing together community and experience, fun and joy is something unique in Open Sim World. Thank you, thank you, thank you
Last week's Safari tours, plus an in depth interview with Pangea Grid's Marlon Wayne
The thoughtful, profound and unmissable installation by Loru Destiny
Exploring Moonrose grid, with the very talented Chrissy Coage
Pangea Grid's birthday

Next event!!!

📝 Men's Ballet "About Bees & Flowers - Die Wahrheit über Bienen und Blumen"

Start the men's ballet inworld by yourself or watch it on YouTube *** Männerballett inworld selbst starten oder auf YouTube ansehen

Sunday 13 October
Pangea Go-Kart-Race 2024
9:30 AM SLT / 18:30 Uhr CET
12 PM SLT / 21:00 Uhr CET ....Live Putri Solo
Aftershowparty mit DJ Marlon Wayne

JasonFlux: An Tagen wie diesen....kann nur Adriana die Erste sein :-)))) 4 months ago
We are Ready to Race at Pangea Cup 2024

Pangea Go-Kart-Race 2024
10 AM SLT / 19 Uhr
Live Putri Solo
Aftershowparty mit DJ Marlon Wayne

JasonFlux: So sehn Sieger aus, schalalalalaaaaa :-))) 4 months ago
Pixey and Harmony (Jojo), owners of Pendle Hollow and Mermaid's Cove, send love and prayers to all of those affected by Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton. Pixey is in Florida and has been evacuated to safer ground. Stay safe everyone!
Welcome to the Annual Halloween Exhibition!
Prepare to be thrilled and chilled to the bone as we present our most heart-stopping exhibition yet! From the eerie entrance to the haunted Swamp Lake, the sinister Butcher’s Hut, and up to the hilltop Gift Shop, you’ll find unique and spine-tingling gifts.

The heart of our exhibition is the open-air Ramstein Event Area, where a variety of entertainment awaits you (details to be announced soon).

Teleport to Flores Seavibes Welcome to find your way to the exhibition. Enjoy every moment, with love from C&C.

Your Taxi Awaits You: SeaVibes

Don’t miss out on this unforgettable Halloween experience!

Willkommen zur jährlichen Halloween-Ausstellung!
Seit bereit, bis auf die Knochen begeistert und entspannt zu sein, wenn wir unsere bisher herzzerreißendste Ausstellung präsentieren! Vom unheimlichen Eingang zum verwunschenen Swamp Lake, der unheimlichen Metzgerhütte bis hin zum Geschenkeladen auf dem Hügel finden Sie einzigartige und gruselige Geschenke.

Das Herzstück unserer Ausstellung ist die Open-Air-Event-Area Rammstein, in der ihr vielfältige Unterhaltung erwartet (Details werden noch bekannt gegeben).

Teleport zu Flores Seavibes Willkommen, um den Weg zur Ausstellung zu finden, den Teleporter benutzen Genießt jeden Moment mit der Liebe von C&C.

Euer Taxi erwartet euch: SeaVibes

Lassen euch dieses unvergessliche Halloween-Erlebnis nicht entgehen !

Carmen Jewel: SeaVibes The Freaks await your visit haha 4 months ago
Hello everyone, we want to let you know that new Stuff arrived at our Mall!

* Easycool : *
- New T-shirt with 50 Colors (3 Huds included) fits on Gianni & Jake.

* Botanic : *
- New River System
- New Dirt Roads

* DecoQueen : *
- Lots of new Decoriation Stuff that fits in your Home

* Lovelyamy : *
- 5 New Complete Outfits for Lara X & Athena
- New Skirt for Lara X
- New Hoodies, Sweatshirts and Shoulder Crop Sweatshirt for Lara X

* Pureface: *
- New Skin "Noel" for Lelutka EvoX (6 Colors)

You can also grab the free E-Scooter at our Entrance. Every Vendor with new Stuff, will be signed with a "New" Button for 2 Weeks to be found faster.

Happy Shopping!
Amelia & Hertha

Mogan Chaplin: Great Mall. lots of new items. Thank you for sharing. 4 months ago
"Von süß bis schaurig – Hier findest du alles für dein perfektes Halloween !"
"From cute to scary - here you will find everything for the perfect Halloween !"


Sylvia-Koeln: Das Dirndl aufgebügelt und die Tanzschuhe geputzt In 1 Stunde geht es los..... The dirndl ironed and the dancing shoes polished It starts in 1 hour..... 5 months ago
=[OUT NOW] Llewellyn Tightback=
This PG sofa is part of the Llewellyn set (look for the armchairs and other items previously released!)
Comes with 148 animations, props, and a texture HUD with several options.

Uber: hop://